Which sport is suitable for hyperactive children. Which sports section to send the child to: choose sports sections for children

Impulsive and mobile children are often called hyperactive. However, children's activity, which is the norm, should not be confused with hyperactivity, which is a neurological problem. The latter is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). And today it is a fairly common diagnosis.
Both simply active and hyperactive children can show impatience, restlessness and strong excitement. Make noise, act up, run and jump - in a word, "stand on your ears." But still, there are several signs that will help distinguish a child's character trait from a serious neurological problem.

active child

1. Spins like a clockwork, cannot sit in one place, prefers active games. However, if he is interested, he can do something calm.

2. Shows interest and curiosity, talks incessantly, comments on everything, asks many questions.

3. Despite daily activity, sleeps well at night.

4. Adapts to the situation, not everywhere is equally active (for example, at home - this is a person with a "motor", and in the kindergarten a completely calm child).

5. Does not show aggression, but at the same time it can defend its interests.

hyperactive child

1. Constantly in motion, active in all situations equally. He will jump and make noise both at home and in the store, away or at school. Moreover, he cannot stop, even if he is very tired. Practically uncontrollable - no arguments work, it is impossible to agree with him.

2. Talks a lot, emotionally, jumps from thought to thought, “swallows” endings or skips words. Can't listen to others.

3. Difficulty falling asleep, sleeping badly.

4. May be aggressive or provoke other children. If he experiences strong emotions, he cannot control himself.

Of course, these are only external signs by which ADHD can be distinguished from simple activity. Specialists - child neuropsychologists and psychoneurologists - have more detailed assessment criteria. Only a doctor can make this diagnosis, and after a thorough examination, which includes testing, an encephalogram of the brain and a long-term (at least six months) observation of a psychoneurologist.

Regardless of whether it is increased activity a child with a confirmed diagnosis or just a feature of it, it is the parents who can help the baby cope with behavioral problems. The life of excitable (both active and hyperactive) children must obey certain rules.

7 rules for active and hyperactive children

1. Be sure to set clear “boundaries” that must not be violated under any circumstances (prohibitions, time limits, rules of behavior at home and on the street, etc.). This will allow the child to feel the ground under his feet, which means to become more collected and calmer.

2. Organize a regular daily routine. Life on schedule due to its predictability will also soothe the baby. It is extremely important for excitable and active children to have a good rest: night sleep should last at least 10-12 hours, and daytime rest should not be neglected for preschoolers and younger students. And to make it easier to remember the sequence of events of the day, hang the schedule in a prominent place.

3. Avoid foods that stimulate the nervous system (chocolate, drinks containing caffeine).

4. Dose the load and impressions. Do not abuse noisy games and communication. Be sure to alternate active activities with calm ones.

5. Satisfy the child's need for physical activity - write him down in the sports section or in the pool so that he can throw out excess energy.

6. Be sure to train attention with special exercises. Contact a pediatric neuropsychologist - he will recommend a complex for homework that is suitable for your baby.

7. Limit watching cartoons and games on your computer, tablet, phone. A preschooler can watch TV without harm or be at a computer for no more than 30-40 minutes a day, and it is better with breaks, for a younger student - no more than an hour.

IMPORTANT: only a doctor can diagnose a child with ADHD! Do not take the word of caregivers or educators who tell you that the child is hyperactive. Moreover, you should not self-medicate - so you can only do harm. For example, in a child with ADHD, sedatives are often not only useless, but contraindicated. By exerting an inhibitory effect on the speed of nervous reactions, they impede the development of memory and attention.

If you have any doubts and you suspect hyperactivity in your baby, start with a visit to a child neuropsychologist - using special techniques, he will help confirm or refute the suspicion of ADHD, if necessary, refer him to a doctor, and also offer a system of activities that will help the child develop perseverance and attention.
Korkunova Maria, d child neuropsychologist

In order for your child's energy to be spent for peaceful purposes, enroll him in the sports section. Choose the one that will benefit him.

I would be happy to communicate with Ira at least every day, if ... not for her son. The boy is completely uncontrollable, he does not sit still for a minute. He knocks over flower pots with the same passion, feeds stray dogs and scares his mother by waving a two-meter stick. This year, Kirill went to the first grade, and his parents are called to school almost every day: in the classroom he constantly spins, interferes with the rest of the students, during breaks he runs like a clockwork along the corridor, demolishing everything in his path ... Nobody argues, child must be noisy and restless - after all, it is irrepressible curiosity and mobility that help him comprehend the world. But some "flowers of life" can drive you crazy with their activity: they run, scream, dance, sing - and all this almost simultaneously! And continuously: from morning to night. If your child is one of those hyperactive ones, try to captivate
his sports. In addition to the undoubted health benefits, the sports section will help to instill in him such qualities that are useful for life, such as endurance, determination, composure, the ability to adequately lose and learn from his defeats. It would be nice if the child tried himself in several sports, and then settled on the one he liked best. Just be sure to take into account the features of your naughty - so that classes really bring good!

Active fidget

Active children are eternal optimists, indefatigable explorers and dreamers. By nature, they are given a choleric temperament. Such a baby most spends the day in motion, preferring active games to passive ones. But if he is seriously interested in checkers or puzzles, he will calmly sit for half an hour or an hour. An active child speaks a lot and quickly, asks a huge number of questions, demanding an answer to each. It is almost impossible to catch him in a bad mood: he just whimpered over a broken knee, but when he saw a new car, he immediately forgot about the trouble! Such a child knows how to control his behavior.

Let's say he is restless at home, but at school he is quiet and docile. He is rarely the first to start a quarrel with peers, but if he is hooked, he can pour the offender on
first number! Sports activities are suitable for such a baby, in which he will be able to splash out excess energy and, most importantly, that he likes them. Football, swimming, acrobatics, martial arts - any kind of physical activity develops coordination of movements and speed of reaction. When choosing a sports club for your hurricane, pay close attention to the personality of the coach. Even the most popular sport can be harmful if your child does not find a common language with the teacher. By the way, scientists have deduced a pattern: the more a child develops the ability to control his body, the faster and better he learns knowledge at school. So playing sports will benefit not only his muscles, but also his mind!

Hyperactive Zipper

It is much more difficult to choose a section for an overactive child. Due to violations nervous system it is difficult for him to control himself: he is in constant motion, and even when he gets tired, he cannot stop the game himself. Egoza always speaks quickly and a lot, swallowing words, interrupting himself and his interlocutor. He asks a million questions, but rarely listens to the answers.

By and large, he doesn’t care what to do: scatter things in his room or put things in perfect order in it - the main thing is not to sit idly by. It is not easy to captivate such children with team sports, because it is difficult for them to negotiate with their comrades. But those types of physical activity, where the competitive moment is important, they are very suitable! When choosing a section, pay attention to cycling, swimming, athletics, skiing. For the formation of the personality of a hyperactive child, both victories in competitions and defeats are equally important: he begins to understand that in life it is not always possible to be a winner. Tennis, rowing, sailing help keep a stormy temperament in check. Chess and checkers develop logic and teach you to plan your actions.

Little aggressor

Aggressive behavior in a child can be caused by a variety of reasons, ranging from genetic failure, difficult childbirth, and ending with an unhealthy climate in the family. Sometimes in the most prosperous family, loving parents grow a domestic despot who enjoys breaking parental prohibitions, fights and quarrels with classmates, torn books and broken toys. Dealing with aggressive children is difficult, especially for the mother. Do not neglect the advice of specialists - child psychologists and neuropathologists, because it can be difficult to cope with little sluts without professional help. Such children should not be given to engage in contact sports: wrestling, boxing, and so on. Tennis is more suitable for them when there is no direct physical contact with the opponent, but there is an opportunity to throw out their aggression. In acrobatics, gymnastics, weightlifting (at an older age), you can show good sports anger, and the object of this emotion is not an opponent, but a sports equipment. Being engaged in biathlon, skiing, snowboarding, the child realizes his fighting qualities. It is important for violent children to be taught to be sensitive and compassionate. In this sense, equestrian sports are good.

Get ready for surprises!

The last word in choosing a sports club should be for the child.

Do not realize your childhood dreams at the expense of the child. For example, if you dreamed of being a gymnast as a child, then your daughter does not necessarily want the same.

Does he refuse to continue visiting the section for no apparent reason? Maybe there was a conflict that the son or daughter does not want to talk about.

Do you suspect he's just being lazy? If the child’s health does not fail, he does not want to go only to this section, and attends other circles with pleasure, - apparently, the point is the lack of interest in this species sports. And hence the laziness and unwillingness to engage.

If your child has changed a number of sports clubs in a few years, do not worry: the more he visits the sections, the more developed he will be physically.

Does he need a psychologist?

Not all parents know which sports sections are suitable for hyperactive children. After all, if in preschool age somehow managed to lose excess energy on the street, then for a schoolchild with ADHD only active walks and games are indispensable. So in which section should a hyperactive child of 6-7 years old be given?

Sports in the fight against ADHD

Children with uncontrolled motor activity, but not particularly aggressive, are best identified in the section according to basketball, football, tennis. Such games help to develop coordination of movements, develop correct posture, stretch the spine, harmoniously develop all muscle groups. And also such games develop analytical skills in the crumbs and perfectly deal with an excess of energy.

From the age of 6-7, in order to relieve excess energy, it is advisable to give the baby to some kind of wrestling or enroll in a martial art circle. It can be judo, wushu, freestyle wrestling, karate, etc. Such martial arts they will teach the baby to control himself, use power correctly, distribute the load, control emotions and movements. But on boxing or kickboxing guys younger age better not to give. A child with ADHD will be ready for such serious and possibly traumatic sports only by the age of 13-14. By the way, it is better to give a fidget with a clear manifestation of aggressiveness and conflict to a power struggle.

If the child is hyperactive and you have not yet decided on which circle you can give the fidget, and at the same time be afraid for his safety (especially if it is a girl), select swimming.

Swimming is less traumatic than, for example, wrestling or football. In addition, it will strengthen the cardiovascular system, teach balancing and self-control, and develop proper breathing.

In general, no matter what sports direction you choose, the main thing is that it completely suits your fidget. And he can throw out excess energy in any of the proposed sports clubs.

We choose which section is better to send a hyperactive child to?

So, in which section can a hyperactive child be given? It would seem that hyperactive guys are already in endless motion. In fact, the strength and indefatigable energy of mischievous people is wasted uselessly, and with the help of sports, you can direct it in the right direction, so to speak, to achieve a result. Therefore, if you have hyperactive children, you should consult with the baby and find out which section to give, what he (she) would like to do.

Should kids with ADHD be involved in sports?

In addition to the undeniable health benefits, sports teach children with ADHD: composure, attentiveness, discipline, endurance. In addition, at any training session, you must follow the rules and principles, learn to play in a team, be responsible not only for yourself, but also for your friend.

Choosing a sports direction

Swimming. Suitable for all toddlers, regardless of age and health status. The benefits of swimming procedures have a positive effect on both psycho-emotional and general condition organism. It trains the muscles and at the same time relaxes and soothes the little one.

Martial arts and wrestling. martial arts such as karate, aikido, wushu or capuero help to get rid of excessive activity and relieve stress. Martial arts also strengthen and develop the muscular system, teach you to concentrate, teach self-control and self-control.

Dance and athletics. It is in these areas that "nimble" children can achieve good results. There is everything that the doctor ordered here: accuracy and weathering of movements, consistency and observance of tact, control over all muscle groups.

Tennis, rowing. These sports directions are designed for older children, they can be recorded for fidgets from about 11-2 years old. Both tennis and rowing are helping the younger generation to curb their explosive temperament and direct motor activity to achieve a result.

We select a sports direction in accordance with the age of the fidget

6-7 years: Aqua aerobics, figure skating, swimming, tennis, aerobics, dancing, aikido, basketball, ski touring.

8-9 years: Athletics, football, hockey, volleyball, handball, freestyle wrestling.

10-11 years old: Rowing, shooting, wushu, mountaineering, weightlifting.

As you can see, many sports sections are suitable for hyperactive children. Just make sure that the direction in which the son (daughter) will move, he chooses himself, do not force or impose your preferences. Be a reliable rear and support for your special baby.

Some advice for parents

  • Do not force to go to a circle that the child is not interested in. Nothing good will come of such an occupation. Let him choose the direction in which he wants to move.
  • But what mom and dad should think about is choosing a good coach. After all, a proven method of education, combined with the skillful hands of a teacher, will certainly bring “good” results. When the circle is selected, it is necessary to communicate with the coach. A person dealing with a difficult child must have some experience working with special children. The coach must be an understanding and tolerant person who knows how to pick up the keys to any kid.
  • Don't worry if your fidget jumps from circle to circle. Think back to your age. Where we just didn’t record and who we just didn’t dream of becoming. And for an indigo baby, it’s even more difficult to decide. Be patient with your athlete.

Sports and hyperactive children

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with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


1. Maintain a positive attitude in your relationship with your child. Praise him whenever he deserves it, highlight his successes. This helps to strengthen the child's self-confidence.

2. Avoid repeating the words "no" and "can't."

3. Speak with restraint, calmly, softly. (Screams excite the child)

4. Give the child only one task for a certain period of time so that he can complete it.

5. Use visual stimulation to reinforce verbal instructions.

6. Reward your child for all activities that require concentration (for example, work with blocks, designer, board games, coloring, reading).

7. Maintain a clear daily routine at home. The time of eating, doing homework and sleeping every day should correspond to this routine.

8. Avoid crowds whenever possible. Staying in large stores, markets, etc. has a stimulating effect on the child.

9. When playing, limit your child to only one partner. Avoid restless, noisy buddies.

10. Protect your child from fatigue, as it leads to a decrease in self-control and an increase in hyperactivity.

11. Give your child the opportunity to expend excess energy. Daily physical activity in the fresh air is useful - walking, running, sports activities (gymnastics, swimming, tennis, but not wrestling or boxing, because these sports are traumatic).

12. Be aware that the hyperactivity inherent in children with attention deficit disorder, although inevitable, can be kept under reasonable control using the above measures.


Admission Tips for Parents of Hyperactive Children

in sections and circles:

    You should not send a child under 4.5-5 years old to a group where education is based on the “school” type, that is, children during class should sit at their desks or tables, raise their hands, answer in turn, write in notebooks, complete assignments, requiring a lot of perseverance and concentration.

    Find a group where learning takes place in a playful way, where during the lessons the children can move freely around the room, stand, sit, jump, respond at will, etc.

    If the manifestations of the hyperdynamic syndrome are very strong (the child is a “catastrophe”), up to 5-6 years old you can do without additional training sessions, limiting yourself to what they do in the kindergarten.

    If you see that in a group of children the child is uncomfortable, hard, do not hope that he will get used to it over time. Return to classes next year when the child is older.

    If a child is given homework, and the kid resolutely refuses to do it, do not force him! Let the child go to class with an unfinished assignment. If he is reproached there for an unfulfilled task, it will only benefit him.

    Clubs and sections are best suited for hyperactive children, where the child will have the opportunity to run and jump more, the structure of which includes movement to a greater extent. Checked: folk dance club, theater studio, gymnastics, running or swimming are great for children.