Are gods and aliens the same thing? Ancient Olympian gods aliens from other planets Who created us God or aliens.

Hypotheses about the creation of mankind by some highly developed civilization are put forward quite often. But for the first time official science started talking about it. According to Vladimir Shcherbak from the Al-Farabi National University of Kazakhstan and Maxim Makukov from the VG Fesenkov Institute of Astrophysics, our DNA contains information about "manufacturers".

Scientists believe that our genetic code contains a "message" that cannot be deciphered within the framework of Darwin's theory of evolution. Therefore, we are talking about an extraterrestrial civilization. If the information is nevertheless deciphered, then it is possible that we will find out where and how exactly we should look for brothers in mind ... This theory has already been dubbed the biological program for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence ("biological SETI").

After analyzing the human genome in detail and mapping it, the researchers drew attention to

a clear order of nucleotides and amino acids, which suggested some kind of informational code. Vladimir Shcherbak and Maxim Makukov saw the decimal system in it,

logical modifications, as well as the abstract designation of zero ... Only intelligent entities could create all this, the scientists decided. After doing a series of calculations, they came to the conclusion that the code was "written" many billions of years ago, far beyond the solar system.

"This code was once installed and may not change for very many years. This is the most long-term information we know," the researchers write in their paper, published in the journal Icarus. - And it is the stigma of an alien civilization in our genetic code that confirms the existence of intelligent life besides us. If you rewrite the genome, then the information will remain fixed until subsequent changes and can travel in time and space."

This, of course, is far from the first proof of the panspermia hypothesis, according to which life on our planet has a cosmic origin. So, a few years ago, a meteorite with a unique composition fell in Canada. The fact is that it consisted of a substance that is about five billion years old, that is, existing from the very foundation of the solar system! Tagish Lake (so he was dubbed) - the only meteorite on Earth, whose temperature did not exceed zero degrees. It did not collapse when heated, so that its chemical composition remained unchanged. Researchers believe that the organic elements included in it can tell us a lot about the origin of the solar system and even confirm the hypothesis of the origin of life in space.

In the wreckage of a large meteorite that fell in 2010 in the northern part of Sudan, traces of organic substances were found, inexplicably preserved at ultrahigh temperatures. Scientists from the NASA laboratory examined samples of meteorite material taken from a crater formed at the site of the impact of a cosmic body. It turned out that they contain amino acids - the building blocks necessary to create a living protein!

However, there is another curious hypothesis - the so-called "matrix" hypothesis. We are talking about the fact that our entire Universe is nothing but a virtual reality created by the carriers of some higher mind. But in this case, who created these "carriers" themselves?

A few years ago, an American space probe, designed to measure the temperature of radiation from different parts of galaxies, discovered a strange linear region in space, penetrating the Universe through and through. It turned out that it is this line that forms the spatial model of the universe. This called into question all the hitherto existing ideas about the evolution of the universe.

So, according to the theory of relativity, the Universe after the Big Bang developed chaotically. However, measurements of the temperature of relict radiation indicate that a certain systematic order is visible in its structure. In this case, the entire structure of the universe is formed around a mysterious line, which has already been dubbed the "axis of evil."

Astrophysicist Steven Hsu from the University of Oregon and Anthony Zee from the University of California believe that the "map" of the cosmic microwave background radiation is a kind of "message from the Creator" intended for decoding by a highly developed civilization. They calculated that a "ciphergram" could contain about ten kilobytes of information. Unfortunately, it is not yet readable...

Star. Which then become great creators and commanders. Outwardly, such aliens are allegedly indistinguishable from ordinary people. How to calculate them? And why do they fly to us? According to Yevgeny Litvinov, hundreds or even thousands of aliens come to Earth every year. Here we have, it turns out, a popular planet. Where does such attention come from? The scientist in this respect has developed a whole system of justifications.

1. The earth serves them as a resort.

There are only a few planets like ours in the entire Galaxy, - says Yevgeny Litvinov. - There are few places where there are so many natural resources, species of flora and fauna. At home, aliens are forced to survive in terrible conditions. In contacts with people, they repeatedly said that we do not even imagine what wealth we got. Aliens equip places of rest under water, in hard-to-reach places or anomalous zones. The very ones that people bypass, but are not at all afraid of the aliens themselves.

2. Site for experiments.

And the aliens are watching their experiment unfold. Billions of intelligent civilizations on other planets live under the strict control of the creators. Step right, step left - and complete destruction. And we were lucky. Our creators have allowed earthlings to develop as they please, watching what will come of it.

3. We will soon disappear. Aliens collect copies for memory.

According to the laws of space, humanity is just in the cycle of changing civilizations, says Litvinov. - Only unlike the past (the Flood, the ice age), the current change will take place gradually. We are waiting for more floods, fires, earthquakes... According to scientists, this will last for about 200 years. As a result, 90 percent of the inhabitants should die. And those chosen ones who remain will continue the further human race. The aliens know about this and come to capture the disappearing specimens.

4. We have a transshipment point.

Stories about parallel worlds are not fairy tales at all, Litvinov assures. - The Earth is located at the intersection of various spatial systems. We have many portals used by aliens. Through us they fly to visit other worlds and galaxies. Through the same portals appear completely unfamiliar to us extragalactic inhabitants. When we accidentally see them, we cross ourselves and call them poltergeists. However, aliens are unlikely to be offended. Often they do not pay attention to us at all. After all, the Earth for them is just a transit point.

From whom are we descended?

Actually, there is nothing surprising in the interest of aliens in earthlings, says Litvinov. - They created us, were the first gods, and now they just observe the course of development, making adjustments along the way.

According to the scientist, several civilizations participated in our emergence.

For example, the Sirians from the constellation Canis Major founded the Egyptian nation. It is enough to compare the first Egyptians with an elongated skull and a slender figure with the aliens themselves. One to one! No wonder the gods of the Egyptian people are often depicted with the head of a dog.

According to Litvinov's theory, the Pleiadians from the constellation Taurus and the Dessites from the constellation Cygnus worked on the European nation. These aliens are outwardly almost indistinguishable from modern people. The Lyrans from the constellation Lyra also had a hand in the population of our planet. They brought robot-like hairy creatures to Earth. Probably, thanks to this, we got monkeys.

The Bible, the Koran, esoteric sciences, ancient legends and epics - in each of these sources there are certain references to alien gods. - Here, for example, the Chinese god Huang Di. A spitting alien! The Chinese empire generally appeared thanks to aliens from the constellation Ursa Major 5. And the Sumerians? These were representatives of an underwater civilization, which still occasionally flies to Earth. Once upon a time, alien gods appeared from the seas and lakes, teaching people urban planning and cattle breeding. And the priests and demigods were actually their offspring.

If you are not interested in UFOs, then you can not read further. There is an opinion (and I tend to support it) that the ancient gods were more advanced races of humanoid and non-humanoid beings from other planets, which people idolized without understanding their technology, methods of its work, and also, probably, because of the appearance of aliens.

Most of the races were from other planetary systems, but one race was from our solar system. According to some reports, she lives on the 12th planet of our system, described by the Sumerians 6000 years ago (here - 12th - including the Sun and Moon, in fact - 10th).

So when did UFOs first appear above the Earth? And who came first - us or them? During the passage of Alexander the Great across the Tigris and Euphrates, a record was made of observing a flying object, and Aristotle even gave a name to such objects - flying discs. And Pliny in "Natural History" talks about the "shield of fire" that crossed the sky in 85 BC. The Romans called them "Ancilla" and were terribly afraid.

Finally, one of the most ancient and complete records of UFOs, which is now kept in the Vatican Museum in Rome, in the department of Egypt, was made during the time of Pharaoh Thutmose III - the pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. The pharaoh appears to have been a courageous man. He managed to calm his warriors when several UFOs hovered over them, then he dictated what he had seen to the chronicler. Finally, "fiery wheels" flying across the sky, mentioned in ancient books, "a wheel in a wheel", a "pillar of fire" - what is it? Myth? An invention out of thin air? Come on, remember, how much have you invented in your life without relying on specific facts or stories? The papyrus says: "In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the scribes of the House of Life saw a moving circle of fire in the sky ... Its dimensions were a cubit in length and a cubit in width ... They fell on their faces and reported to the pharaoh, and he thought about this event... After a few days, these objects in the sky became numerous and shone brighter than the sun... And the pharaoh, together with the army, looked at them. By evening, the fiery circles rose higher and moved towards the south... From the sky a volatile substance fell ... This has not happened since the very foundation of the Earth ... And the pharaoh burned incense to the gods and ordered that what happened be recorded in the annals of the House of Life.

The alien life form known as the gods of Olympus, residing on the giant comet - the 12th Planet, is not unique as visitors to Earth in 3rd Density*. In the past, they were allowed to visit Earth, even though they were also in 3rd Density, on the same level as the inhabitants of Earth. Were they the only 3rd Density group to visit Earth in this way? There were a few, but these visits were very rare and, with this exception, were always favorable. An example of a 3rd Density visitation is what is known in the US as the Pascagoula episode, when a stiff-legged alien floated through the air to communicate with a combat veteran. This veteran responded to the request, essentially gave the Call in response to the call for this encounter with a 3rd Density entity that had evolved from a species of sentient tree. During evolution and previous incarnations, these entities, lacking the ability to maneuver, never had to fight. They wanted to learn from others what combat was like. This entity traveled the earth as a guest of 4th Density entities. What makes the alien life form known as the gods of Mount Olympus unique is that they themselves have evolved to the level of space travel. This achievement is higher than what Earthlings now enjoy, since even if the flight was within our solar system, cruising between the Earth and the 12th Planet during one or another periodic swing past the Sun, nevertheless, the conditions of the flight required, so that the aliens were in a state of hibernation (hibernation) for several years. They had that ability, in conjunction with their spaceflight technology, that made this flight possible in the first place. Hence, since this was an achievement they could repeat, they dug in, so to speak, and made the Earth their home. This began to undermine the development of free will on Earth, and was stopped.

These aliens, however, live elsewhere in the solar system, continuing their mining operations similar to those they did on Earth.

*Density - the spiritual stage of the existence of civilization according to the classification of the Council of Worlds (really exists according to contactees). There are at least 6 densities. The lowest is the first. We are in the third. There is life on the 12th Planet - that giant comet that causes periodic pole shifts. The main race is a humanoid race that the people of Earth will (and have in the past) regarded as giants. Many excellent books have been written on this subject, and all of them contain an element of truth. But all this is irrelevant in terms of the problems facing humanity today. The secondary population of the 12th Planet is a reptilian race of a non-humanoid species. This non-humanoid reptilian race functions in 4th Density, spiritually in the Service of Self, but there is no interaction between this group and the 3rd Density humanoid group. In fact, the humanoid group is only rumored to know about the other group. The reptilian group is quarantined from the humanoid group, just as your Big Foot is quarantined from interacting with you.

The giant humanoids on the 12th Planet dress up to this day in outfits reminiscent of ancient Roman soldiers. In fact, it was Rome imitating their manner, and not these humanoids imitating the Romans. Males find comfortable attire that maintains a macho image. To get a glimpse of their way of life, you can take a look at the societies of ancient Greece and ancient Rome, since these societies bore a very intense influence of these visitors. They have a hierarchical structure. It can be said that they do not have any real democracy, as we understand it. However, among them there are intellectuals who have great compassion for their fellows and fellow citizens, have great influence and enjoy great respect.

It is no coincidence that the humanoid inhabitants of the 12th Planet look and dress like the ancient Greek gods, the gods of Mount Olympus, as they are. The mythological tales of lightning bolts and cloud streaks were based on the technological tricks of these 3rd density visitors from the 12th Planet, who had devices equivalent to modern lasers and individual back-mounted rocket engines. For primitive people, barely reaching the waist of hefty handsome giants, they were gods. According to legend, the Greek gods were jealous and angry, on the one hand, but also kind educators, on the other hand, quite similar to people. Of course, they were no gods, no more than today's people, but their very human deeds are still spoken of with reverence.

As the largest and most powerful race on Earth at the time, these giant humanoids from the 12th Planet understandably thought highly of the effects their genetics had on the humans they bred with. There were two lines of humanoids left to mine between the passages of the 12th Planet - royalty and soldiers.

Members of the royal family interbred with each other, maintaining the purity of their genetics, because without such purity, their hereditary line would be forcibly completed upon return to their home planet. Soldiers had lower class women from the 12th Planet available to them as sexual partners, but they often preferred to create and maintain harems of human sex slaves, of all ages and both sexes. In the most common cases, the offspring died at birth due to the very large size of the baby, but those who survived carried the father's genetics, which is where the legends came from, that these humanoids created the human race, and this is simply not true.

These giant humanoids from the 12th Planet did not genetically engineer humans. They played with genetics, hence the rumor. These gigantic humanoids experimented with genetics in the same way that humans are vigorously pursuing this kind of activity today, since they were only slightly ahead of modern humans on the evolutionary scale. So when they toyed with the idea of ​​applying genetics, sketching possible human-animal hybrids, those things were taken literally by the people discovering those sketches today. People also make sketches, depicting eagles with lightning bolts in their paws. Does this mean that future generations, having discovered these drawings, should take them literally? The sketches of the giants were a reflection of their fascination with the possibilities that genetic manipulation could bring forth. Mankind was not created by these humanoids, but by others who were genetically engineered, and this erroneous myth should be put to rest.

Like any group of beings, everyone has their own program. Over millions of years, literally thousands of types of aliens have visited Earth, with agendas of one kind or another. Some of the programs are conquest, although they are in the minority. The vast majority of programs are curiosities and never seem to be harmful. Some of the programs are beneficial, but they should never interfere with the free will of the resident, i.e. natural intelligent life forms. Because both we and the humanoids that inhabit the 12th Planet function together in 3rd Density, they have mastered space travel enough to fly from the 12th Planet to Earth on occasional visits. This time they cannot fly to Earth, as the Council of Worlds considered that this is an interference with our free will, since the initial motive for their interaction with people was plans for conquest. In past times, there were other rules and interactions.

The legends of many human cultures regarding the exploits of the giant humanoids from the 12th Planet owe in no small part to the strict rules that those visitors had regarding interbreeding with humans, whom they used almost as slaves. By keeping their distance from humans in this way, they retained their advantage, as they were by far the largest, most technologically advanced, and most intelligent humanoid race in the region. As any species evolves in 3rd Density, intelligence increases gradually through genetic selection, with the smartest individuals passing on their genetics through their ability to avoid danger and manipulate their environment. So the differences between humans and visitors from the 12th Planet were numerous and significant.

The stories spawned by these tall, majestic giants are almost endless in human mythology, but can be recognized and separated from those of the common people by a few distinguishing features: The gods were humanoid in appearance. Ordinary people were not exalted by other people to the status of gods, despite cultures in which the ruling king (or leader) - a person was temporarily called a god. These humanoids were cruel and picky in their treatment of their human slaves, executing them for trivial offenses as an example and not forgiving anything, not the slightest insult, not a warm apology. They had technology that seemed like a miracle in that era, like the ability to throw what looked like lightning, or hover above the ground, or fly away in rocket ships, or perform surgery, leaving a person alive. They lived away from humans, in isolated dwellings or settlements, yet visited their human slaves often enough that the slaves considered themselves unable to escape, chained without physical fetters. The gods of the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Babylonians, the Germanic Visigoths, the gods of the ancient Maya and Incas are, almost down to the individual, royalty from the 12th Planet stationed on Earth to oversee the development of mines. Stories of ancient rebels, notable for their stature and bravery in battle, are also very often based on the legacy of these visitors, as such a rebel most often carried the genetics of a raped slave who somehow managed to escape and carry her huge child alive. This heredity is today distributed throughout the Middle Eastern countries, the German countries and the South Seas, and is recognizable in those people who are at the same time tall, violent in temperament and powerfully muscled. Instead of taking them for gods, [today] they are often considered bandits.

There are traces of an ancient civilization on Mars that at one time also colonized the Earth. Those who study this issue from academic positions are not far from the truth, finding similarities between these structures and the structures of ancient Egypt. It is not human imagination that some structures on Earth, such as the great Pyramid and the Sphinx, resemble structures on Mars in appearance. Same group, same job. They love to leave statements, and have left them. There have been speculations that the Face on Mars and the pyramids in its vicinity were used as astronomical markers, and this indeed was their main purpose. They wished there was an unmistakable marker that would be visible when approaching the planet, since the surface of Mars has few prominent features.

It is not our imagination that we see Tetrahedral Forms on the Moon, and vague contours of the same kind on the weathered surface of Mars. Yes, they are there, and yes, they had a purpose in the past. They are not [temporarily] dormant structures, and their use is not expected to resume in the foreseeable future. What were they used for, and is there magic in this form? Form is essential because it is functional. Large crystals were used to support communication by many alien races in Earth's past. The tetrahedral shape simply provided the best focused radiation when energy was applied to surfaces around the perimeter and collected at the center. It was one of those things that shocked astronauts noticed when they landed on the moon. This topic received a lot of press and a lot of speculation, since the rumors could only be supported by blurry pictures in amateur telescopes. What other races used this method, and who did they contact? Here we speak mainly of the inhabitants of the 12th Planet, whose humanoid form we speak of as the form of the Olympian Gods. This race was expelled from Earth by the administrative power of the Council of Worlds. They were isolated from Earth by quarantine so that the human race could develop without undue influence. They created a communication post on the Moon even before the quarantine period, and they were engaged in the development of mines on Mars long before they settled on Earth.

So, what conclusions can be drawn from this in relation to the xenaverse?

1. Ares, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hades and all the other Olympian gods were aliens from other planets. People simply considered them to be gods due to their higher level of development.

2. Titans really existed in antiquity, and they used people as slaves.

3. All kinds of throwing fire, ball and linear lightning and the use of other electromagnetic influences were simply ordinary weapons of the electromagnetic principle of operation.

4. Xena's child may have been a hybrid or with altered genetics, which could pose a threat to the existence of a race of aliens on Earth. Therefore, Zeus was afraid of him.

5. Your conclusions.

For the preparation of this article, materials from the books of S. Shulman "Aliens over Russia", A. Pryima "UFO! Eyewitnesses of the Unknown" and materials from the site, posing as made by aliens, were used.

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The ancients called them "those who descended from heaven", "celestial teachers" or simply gods.
The Abrahamic religions called them angels.
Modern ufologists call aliens.

Let's rewind history and see where they came from.


When American troops entered Baghdad and took up position near the National Museum, the museum was immediately looted. It was not the Americans who robbed, but some strangely trained guys who skillfully opened any doors and were well acquainted with the plan even of underground storerooms. The American soldiers standing nearby watched this without much interest.

There were many sources for this information. For example "News". But today, when you click on links, most of all you will stumble upon pages with the following text that is familiar to everyone: “Connection timed out”

It is interesting that some of the robbers took away the exhibits, while others at that time simply destroyed no less valuable exhibits. For example, the bronze head of an Akkadian king (4,300 years old) had his eyes gouged out, his nose broken, and his ears cut off. As if he was being avenged. They took a lot. Including such a handsome man.

“Similar”, because the one in the picture from the Louvre. I could not find pictures of exhibits plundered from the museum today on the net. But they certainly were. I myself read about this looting and there (in the article) there was a link to a list of stolen goods. Pazuzu was also on the list. And now there are no such links and pictures.

The museum was looted as soon as the Americans occupied the city. It is worth considering what, in fact, was the cause of this war? Saddam did not have WMD and the Americans were well aware of this. Oil prices did not go down, but on the contrary - rose three times. Really all this rigmarole started for the sake of some figurine? To cast Sumerian spells to send disasters on competitors and with the help of magic to somewhat prolong their existence?

Who needs him, and who is this Pazuzu?

Pazuzu. Demon of the stormy southwest wind that brings death and pestilence. They are sometimes depicted with the body of a scorpion, the head of a dragon, a lion or a snake, the wings of a locust, it has horns on its head, a crest, a tail, paws of an eagle, and often depicts a snake around its leg. The right hand-paw is raised, the left is to the side.

This is not a "Roman salute". They say that the gesture means life and death, creation and destruction. Although who knows what this "Roman" gesture means?))

He was worshiped as a god in Sumer and Babylon. He and his brothers were known as Sebettu (or Issiru in Babylonian) - a group of beings that the god Nergal brought into battle after the end of the war to spread disease and famine, as the "final solution". In the hierarchy of Mesopotamian demons, Pazuzu was one of the strongest, easily moving both from the underworld to the earth, and in parallel worlds, as we would now say - dimensions.

The picture below is clearer. It shows that Pazuzu not only can look from one world to another, but also has a high degree of hierarchy. For example, at a lower level, it is present in the creation of racially diverse creatures designed for specific purposes. At the second level, the creators are busy sort of refining.

Among his "feats" are the destroyed cities of Ur and Uruk, from which memories remain. Those images in the form of numerous gargoyles, on Christian churches, most likely depict this type. However, there are undeniable similarities with other characters.

Pazuzu's relatives

The origin of the name Baphomet is unknown. Some suggest that this is a combination of the Greek words "bafe" and "metis", and is translated as "absorbing knowledge." In general, it was used as a symbol of witchcraft.

They write that Pazuzu was one of the 14 angels who fought on the side of Lucifer in his war against God. When Lucifer was banished to Hell, 14 former angels became demons.

There are still analogues, even on other continents.

Quetzalcoatl - Feathered or Winged Serpent

It is also drawn like this:

Not much has been written about Pazuzu, but there is.

The figure of Pazuzu was often a form of amulets, against the powers of the demoness Lamashtu, who harmed children and mothers during childbirth, or harmed by the wind with the plague.

She is Inanna - a direct analogue of Lilith (the first wife of Adam in Jewish mythology), who was responsible for infertility in women and impotence in people.

King James Bible
The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

american standard version
And the wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wolves, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; yea, the night-monster shall settle there, and shall find her a place of rest.

Bible In Basic English
And the beasts of the waste places will come together with the jackals, and the evil spirits will be crying to one another, even the night-spirit will come and make her resting-place there.

Douay-Rheims Bible
And demons and monsters shall meet, and the hairy ones shall cry out one to another, there hath the lamia lain down, and found rest for herself.

This is how Lilith (Lamashtu) was portrayed by medieval artists:

Not a very pretty person. Clearly noticeable relationship with reptiles. But it is very similar to the drawing made 3 thousand years before.

By the way, it is also written about Adam in some places that Eve was generated by the Creator not at all from a rib, but from Adam's tail. And, like, in memory of this, Adam had a stump on his tailbone. It's called Rudiment. And also that Adam was created in the image and likeness of the Creator himself. Although the details are not specified. I will assume that the first Adam was not quite what was intended, and therefore upgraded.

But ... people are used to “humanizing” everything, and even animals. So the image of Lilith has changed over time. Became like this:

fish people

Such a terrible poster today scares people in Europe. "Stop climate change before it stops you"

Looking at this type on the poster, I would like to ask, “What does climate change have to do with it?” Change to such an extent can only genetic experiments. In general, they are scary, but not particularly scary. Just think, the lips are huge, there is no nose, fish eyes, the brain is small - today it’s even fashionable in Hollywood.

In short, it's entirely possible that the purpose of the poster is to educate people about the threat of climate change. But on the other hand, perhaps in this way people are accustomed to the fact that suddenly a person somewhere will encounter a similar type, which is on the poster. And along the way, they unobtrusively suggest that they say the changes can affect you personally. Scary?))

But whether this is a fantasy of the creators of the poster or not, you can find out if you rewind the story.

1. This is how the Dogon imagined Nommo. According to them, Nommo is the deity of water, but their homeland was the star Sirius.

Or like this:

2. Similar can be found among the Sumerians. The Sumerians called them the Gagsis race, and the same Sirius as their homeland. They called the "newcomers" themselves Abgal, which translates as "wise man".

These creatures lived under water, or more precisely - in the underground seas. Sitchin, for example, has an assumption that their reservoirs are artificial structures, and they go out of there only for a while, putting on spacesuits.

If you believe the myths, then these same creatures took part in the genetic upgrade of people.

Here are some more similar characters.

Oannes - gave knowledge to the peoples of the Persian Gulf. People in those days lived like animals in the fields. Outwardly, Oannes looked like a fish. Was very wise. He taught people to write, read, various sciences, construction methods, etc. When the sun went down, Oannes returned under the water

The California Indians have a myth that a "supreme founder of time" came to them, who "came out of the water and turned himself into a man"

In ancient Greece, intelligent beings emerging from the sea were painted like this:

And now for the Indians:

The Egyptians also did not bypass this topic. They called them Oe. Oe also lived somewhere in the Persian Gulf, Oe came out of the world, then “out of the egg” and taught people all sorts of wisdom:

By the way, they ate fish in Egypt, but it was forbidden to serve the pharaoh on the table. And yet, in Egypt, the star Sirius is the birthplace of Isis and Osiris.

And here's something else:

This is the most ancient Christian symbol of Jesus Christ. This symbol is found on seals found in Roman temples. They explain it this way: the word ICHTHYS ("fish" - other Greek) is an acronym for the expression "Jesus Christ, God, Son, Savior." But this is the explanation of the Christians themselves. And so ... the reason for choosing this sign may be different.

When comparing ancient texts, it becomes clear that the characters in all sources are the same. And the story that is being told is the same. Marduk hunts Tiamat, Set pursues Apophis, Zeus kills Typhon, Michael chases Lucifer away.

There are few details of events before this battle. The story begins with the “creation” of a person, and has already been written down by people on anything, but thanks that at least something has come down to us. If these sources are to be believed, then the creatures that were "deported" to Earth after the defeat came to Earth BEFORE the creation of man. These creatures were somehow anthropomorphic, and some did not look like people at all. People were created as slaves who were supposed to serve the interests of higher races, that is, in ancient times - the gods.

According to the Sumerians, the Anunnaki race created people based on "clay" to use them as "helpers" in the mines of Africa to extract gold. Why the gods needed gold remains a mystery. But you can't erase the words from the myth.

Clay tablets say that the first people were black. The same tablets say that the habitat of "black people" is ABZU. Researchers believe that this place is located in West Africa. This version is confirmed by the myths of African peoples, such as the Zulus, etc. Strangely, this is also confirmed by official science. It is in this place that humanity was born.

In Sumerian mythology, the Anunnaki ("those who descended from heaven") had 23 gods, including Enlil, the lord of the air, and Enki, the master of the earth. Other gods did not belong to this race. They were spoken of as "SIR" or "Dragons" by the Babylonians.

The word "SER" is translated as "big snake". And in Sanskrit there is the word "Sarpa", which was called the great "dragon gods" who controlled people and created the Dravidian culture.

These figurines are found in Ur. On their left is Amasutum. Feminine creatures of the Ginaabul race. The Sumerians have "life planners". In modern language - genetics. If you believe the myths, then when they are deprived of the opportunity to breed with Sutum (this is their husband), then Amasutum can easily multiply the population with the help of genetics. They have the ability to clone indefinitely.

Not only the Sumerians have descriptions of tools and types of incubators for growing. There are even pictures:

The "priestess" watches three artificial wombs. Each top section contains an egg fertilized by spermatozoa.

This picture shows one artificial uterus. The Akkadian word for "womb" is translated as matrix. A woman emerges from the "matrix". Eva type. Next to Sami. That is, this is the Sumerian version of the creation of man. Sami was the seventh model in a row. Models before him were destroyed. The Sami would also have been destroyed if the Chief had not recognized him as perfect.

These skulls resemble those of the statuettes from Ur (above). The official version: this is a consequence of some kind of illness. However, similar skulls were dug up in abundance, and not only in Africa.

The "Designers of Life" are the guardians of key places in the universe. Their goal: to normalize the form and content, originally emanating from the "Source", which can be compared with the modern concept of God. Perhaps they are the "angels of God"

This is the symbol of Kadishtu. The same "Latin" caduceus. The entwined spiral snake is very similar to DNA. Isn't this the best symbol of genetic manipulation. Here's another sample:

This is a fragment of a vase from Gudea. What are these teapots on the heads of serpents? Very similar to crowns. The figure shows that the snake is one, not two, as in the late Latin "caduceus". The snake is supported by two winged reptiles.

The Anunnaki Sumer are also reptilian. Through genetic engineering, the Anunnaki controlled the development of humans as a race of slaves for thousands of years.

Similar descriptions are not only among the Sumerians, Akkadians and Babylonians. If we discard some details, then other peoples have the same picture.

In ancient Indian mythology, reptoids are Nagas. These are humanoid lizards or snakes. In the earliest sources, they were equated with gods, but later became demons. They were not initially considered hostile. At that time, mortals could pass between "heaven" and Earth. But when the gods withdrew from the affairs of man, the Nagas retreated to the great underground cities, where they maintain a conspiracy.

A fire-maned lion will meet you there
And a blue ox full of eyes.
With them the golden eagle of heaven
Whose eyes are so bright and unforgettable

In fact, not everything is as lyrical as in Grebenshchikov's song, and, perhaps for someone, a meeting with such animals will not look like in that song, under blue skies in a golden city with transparent gates. Perhaps for someone there will be no sky at all, and completely different “animals” will meet

For example, the prophet Ezekiel in the Bible describes his impressions as follows:
And each one had four faces, and each one of them had four wings, and their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot, and shone like shining copper.
And human hands were under their wings, on their four sides; and their faces and their wings are all four; their wings touched one another; during their procession, they did not turn around, but walked each in the direction of their faces.
The likeness of their faces is the face of a man and the face of a lion on the right side of all four of them; and on the left side the face of a calf in all four and the face of an eagle in all four. And their faces and their wings were separated from above, but each had two wings that touched one another, and two covered their bodies.
And the appearance of these animals was like the appearance of burning coals, like the appearance of lamps; fire went among the animals, and radiance from the fire, and lightning came from the fire.

So, they had four wings, which, apparently, in the course of evolution turned into two. And then, from 1772, by decree of the Synod, it was generally forbidden to depict evangelists in the form of animals. The symbols of the evangelists could only accompany images of people. Images of those "animals" remained only on old icons, but also with two wings. And it's the same in Catholicism.

The symbols of those "animals" became the "heavenly" patrons of many cities and peoples. By the way, in Grebenshchikov's song, the angel next to these animals is not mentioned. Probably forgot Borya. However, Ezekiel also did not speak of an angel. Later, these four-winged creatures with human faces were called angels. And he had only two wings left - later.

In short, there is a lot of confusion. Even the Old Believers did not really understand:
“In the ancient church books of printed saints, the four evangelists imagine Matthew with a human face, Marko with an orlim face, Luke with telechim, John with a lion ... This ancient church custom has changed, they imagine John with the face of an eagle, and Mark with a lion ... The Romans write John with the face of an eagle, and not a lion; but Mark has a lion's face, not an eagle ... "

On the one hand, the Old Believers point out a mistake, on the other, the synod and the church fathers correct the ancients and cut off a pair of wings.

I don't know where the truth is and where it isn't, but I think the church had reasons for it. But those described by Ezekiel clearly had four wings.

Symbols of the four Evangelists, according to the Book of Armagh
(Dated 807-809 A.D.) Trinity, Ireland.

By the way, did anyone notice the snake that the Angel is trampling on in the picture just above? If someone thinks this is just a poetic allegory, look here:

Byzantine mosaic, Constantinople, 5th century.

Then it was not yet forbidden to depict the "signs of the Evangelists" in a "pure form." The plot, which is known all over the world and is depicted on many coats of arms:

It can be added that the birthplace of these creatures who arrived on Earth as the "Anunnaki" is the constellation Draco. Simple and uncomplicated, right?
You can also remember the ichthyoids from Sirius, who supposedly lived at the beginning of time before the flood. Or, for example, Kadistu - Life Designers. In general, Mother Hubur created 11 races.

In addition to those listed above, there was also Shedu - the "Bull of Heaven", created in the constellation Taurus, as a powerful protective creature. Huge sculptures of these creatures guarded the doors of Assyrian palaces. They were supposed to scare away the forces of chaos. This is what Lamassus looked like, only with the body of a lion.

So, we have considered four "animals". This is a lion, an angel, an eagle and an ox.

The division of the races was as follows - the Anunnaki and the Igigi. These are the two groups into which the Babylonian gods were divided. By what criteria they were separated is not clear, because these races often acted together, and the Igigi were even sent to Earth (during the time BEFORE the creation of man) to help the Anunnaki. But later, the Anunnaki joined the "underworld", and the Igigi to the sky. Igigi is in Akkadian, and so ... these are the same “sons of God” - Elohim (in the Bible). Among the Arabs, this word has become "Ilahi".

In the Enuma Elish, the Kingu were created as a warrior race. They had full authority to wage wars for Tiamat. The main warrior received a unique device - tables of Destiny. King lost the war. The main warrior was killed. After the destruction of the planet and the death of Tiamat, the Kingu were deported to Earth.

The Kingu, along with the Anunnaki, control some areas of the Earth.
All Kingu are very similar to people, but not people. They are mortal, but their life expectancy is 4000 times longer than that of humans. Most Kingu had a mark on their forehead, like a third eye.

Emblem of Kingu - EAGLE. Three types:
1. Kingu-Babbar. White. Initially, they were the main ones in the constellation Draco. As a result of the Great War, they ended up in the constellation Lyra. Some of them are still in our solar system. They are in conflict with the Anunnaki and their descendants. And this has been expressed since ancient times by the battle between the eagle and the snake. Kingu-Babbar occupy a special, solitary position and do not mix with others. They are the largest of this race. Some have wings, others don't.

2. Those. Red. Cleaners. Lower in rank and level than Kingu-Babbar. They had something like wings, or rather, what people thought were wings. When the Kingu-Babbar left the land, the Reds remained in control of their territories.

3. Usu. Greens. Soldiers and workers. Their skin is much lighter than that of the Anunnaki.

Sukkal is a subgroup of Kadishtu. They are shaped like birds.
The Sumerian word "sukkal" means "messenger". These are humanoids with the body of a bird. They have big wings.
Incidentally, the Greek term anggelos also means messenger and refers to beings with functions similar to biblical angels. Their homeland, allegedly, according to the Sumerians, is the constellation Lyra.

An angel is a serious being, often depicted with a shining sword.
Where did chubby and frivolous angels with wings come from in Catholicism is a question.

Urma - "Army of the Elohim". Soldiers, Life Planners. (UR-MAH, "great warrior", also "lion"). Emblem: LION.
Always described with claws. Natural or artificial - it is not clear. Homeland - the constellation of Orion. Their symbolic images are the same among the ancient peoples:

Kerub - A winged creature with a lion's body, opposes a winged sword-wielding creature while protecting the "Sacred Tree". Perhaps this motif underlies the Tree of Life, which some Jewish traditions identify as a palm tree. However, the Babylonians also depicted a palm tree like this:

This is the reconstructed interior of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem:

In the room where the Ark is located, you can see huge golden Cherubim.

Here is a summary of all the main "races" of the Universe, except for the amorphous ones, who participated in that Great War, as a result of which some of them were deported to Earth, or except for those who occasionally visited the Earth, or except for those who created Man.

All, except for the Ukubi, specially created by Mother Khibur, such as our cattle, for food and food, or creatures genetically modified by the Planners of Life, like Imdugud (Anzu). More about Imdugud.

They have white skin, blond hair, and are tall. The voice is unpleasant, barking type and abrupt. Created to monitor the consumption of earthly resources, to serve, and to resolve conflicts. Something like the police. But, unlike the police, Imdugud has a peaceful reputation. They don't look for "trouble" and are always depicted in the background of the Life Planners' work.

And the last. Mimin. These are the ones who are now called "greys". They like to draw them as aliens. They are wingless, with a large head, big eyes, smooth gray skin, and thin limbs. Among the Dogon, such creatures were called "ants". They are workers, or rather just slaves of the Anunnaki and Igigi. For this they were created. Orders are followed exactly. Although, perhaps, their functions have changed over time, and they are now more independent.

Conceived on the basis of the genetics of Musgir (a bright representative of this race - Pazuzu), later, in order to improve them, Kingu genes were added.
The man also once received the "blood" of Kingu. And not just a representative of the "race", namely the Chief Warrior.

A person weighing 70 kg, if disassembled into the "material" from which he was made, consists of:
7 kg of hydrogen, 45.5 kg of oxygen, 12.5 kg of carbon, 2.1 kg of nitrogen, 1 kg of calcium, 700 gr. phosphate, 2 grams of zinc, 0.15 grams of copper, and quite a trifle - nickel, cobalt, lead and molybdenum.

Cheap and available everywhere (on Earth and in space) components.

It is curious that the chemical analysis of stellar dust coincides one to one with the "recipe" of modern man. Man is created from dust, dust and clay. Science is a little offended, but in this it has already agreed with the Scriptures and myths. (Nezavisimaya Gazeta,

How much of this dust is in space? Lot. Infinitely many. And every part of your body passed through space, burned in the stars, exploded, creating new ones, so that now you can look around and appreciate the greatness of the world around you. Appreciate and move on...

It turns out that the "clay" of the Scriptures is "blood" or genes, not figuratively. Clay also consisted of tables on which ancient ancestors wrote down their chronicles and beliefs thousands of years ago. Today they are called religions. This information, for the most part from Mesopotamia, has become the basis for almost all passages of today's Scriptures that talk about the creation of man.

According to the Sumerians, NAM-LU-U (Immeasurable Human Being) is the first man. NAM-LU-U was created "all at once" by the life planners of Kadishtu in order to keep an eye on the animals in the garden. According to the idea of ​​the creators, the Earth was supposed to be a garden. The one called Eden. Later, the term NAM-LU-U is used by the Sumerians to refer to the first people in Mesopotamia. These are the same people who were in contact with the "gods" who are called "Elohim" in the Bible.

NAM-LU-U had special abilities. They were 4 meters tall, possessed telepathy and the ability to move in space with the help of the Merkaba. The word "merkaba" was widely used in the ancient world. For example, in Egypt it meant "connection of Spirit and Soul"

In general, they did it in some way - moving "in dimensions". The Egyptians generally have a lot of strange images. Here are for example these:

What does this mean and what kind of tool do they use?
One could take this image as a joke of the Egyptian artist, if not for the large number of such images.

Pay attention to the details: the cable, the "snake" inside the flask and the stand "with hands"

These guys in the drawings had "immortality". Just like the first people in Eden before the "Fall". In the Bible, such giants are called Rephaim. But at the time of the expulsion of the Jews from Egypt, the Rephaim had already died out. Perhaps Goliath was their descendant. And most likely the Rephaims have something to do with Namluu.

Evidence of their activities, which they are credited with, is, for example, the Circles of Rephaim in the center of the "Golan Heights" in Israel - these are megalithic structures that were built before the Egyptian pyramids and Babylonian temples. Only a few people are excavating there. Of course, there is no need to talk about any disclosure of secrets, since strangers are not allowed there. And in general, they don’t advertise much, like the Chinese pyramids. And no one remembers about megaliths in Zimbabwe. It's not fashionable.

In short, having fulfilled his mission, or perhaps because of the influx of the Anunnaki deported to earth, the "true man" left this planet. Perhaps he moved to the higher realms, where he lives to this day. There are no traces of his stay on Earth, except for a few strange bones, which from time to time are dug up from somewhere and immediately declared a fake.

Be that as it may, by the time the first person “moved”, the “seeds of life” had sprouted, the animal and plant world was already at the final evolutionary completion. And with the arrival of the Anunnaki with their reptilian lads on Earth (or in the language of today's Scriptures, with the appearance of the "Serpent" in the Garden of Eden), the activity of the "true man" created in the "image and likeness" ended.

The new inhabitants deported to Earth did not bother themselves too much: "When the gods, like people, worked and worked hard, the work of the gods was exhausting, the work was hard, they were exhausted." The Atrahasis tells how the "gods" rebelled against their leader Enlil and it was decided to call the father of the gods Anu from heaven to resolve their dispute at the council of the gods (Council of Twelve). Reminds me of the movie Twelve. Does anyone know why there are 12 jurors too?

At the council then, the god Enki proposed this solution: “As long as the Goddess of Birth is present, Let her create a simple worker. Let him plow the land, let him take the burden of labor from the gods!”

Enki, together with Kadishtu, create a "man" from clay, mixing in "snake" genes. And on the right, some guy is brandishing two tridents. The trident is an ancient symbol of the leader of the Earth, the "Territorial Administrator" of the Anunnaki. That is - in this case, it is Enlil ("Lord of the Earth"), the enemy of Enki ("Lords of the Air")

The Sumerians loved symbolism. And so we see a cat under the feet of the Lord of the Earth. A cat, (in Sumerian - Gullum) is a destructive animal. And if you expand the word gullum - "GUL" - "destroy", "LUM" - abundance, fertility. That is, it can be interpreted as "Enlil's goal is to destroy the "abundance" of a perfect specimen." The last part of Atrahasis, where Enlil orders Enki to reduce the life of a person and "program" infertility in some women, can serve as evidence of such an interpretation.

The result was a "black slave", a human being without gender. Apparently, cloning turned out to be a troublesome process, so this man was later completed, and plus, a woman was created, giving the ability to reproduce itself.

The man was used for hard work: he dug canals, dug ore. It may very well be that he looked like this type:

This is a reconstruction of a skull found in a cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia. Primitive tools were found next to the skeleton. The skull is 97 thousand years old, if they don't lie. The network even called him a hobbit. You can google: "hobbit from the island of Flores". The creature is recognized as a man, despite the very small stature and volume of the skull. This branch turned out to be a dead end - there are no analogues in modern races.

That “black slave” has nothing in common with modern “blacks”. But, perhaps such "people" worked in the mines that were found in Swaziland. I repeat: this line is considered a dead end, it has no continuation, just like the line of the "intermediate" Neanderthal.

Apparently Enki didn't like the result, and so several groups of "designers" began to work on improving this version. Some of them modified the "black man", others created a white one, like, in the image and likeness, but in their own way, mixing with their own genes. The reptilians also did not sit still.

As a result, we see people the way we see them. Not very similar to each other, and not very racially compatible. With a different mentality. Some are serpentine, others are warlike, and others ... hmm. But at the same time similar. Having two arms, two legs, with flat (as Socrates noted), unlike chicken nails. Some even have a head capable of thinking.

And it would seem, live for yourself, man, and rejoice. But ... what we see today - the diversity of paganism and religions, with a common deep essence, has clearly different "gods", who are more like not wise teachers, but like curators, or shepherds of the flock ... who cares.

Another couple of interesting analogies.
The gods who arrived on Earth had a habit of assimilating and mixing races, seeking obedience. Just like people who get the same thing from livestock. For example, in ancient Egypt, sheep were called Undu, and people Undut. The Sumerians have the same words: UN-DU - horned crowd; UN-DU-UT - population.

There is something to think about...

Where did the connection of the Serpent with wisdom and knowledge come from? After all, there are absolutely no prerequisites for this. There are many better candidates for this role in the animal kingdom.

This is the stone face of an idol from Pristina. 18 cm in height. Dated to the fifth century BC. Large size and excellent quality. It is one of the most important artefacts of the Stone Age.

Little is known about the Vinca Culture. Once it occupied the territory of the former Yugoslavia, Moldova, Bulgaria and Southern Ukraine. It is much older than other European stone age cultures, but despite this it was more civilized, and therefore it can be classified as a "Bronze Age" culture. This people was very different from their contemporaries neighbors. For example, archaeologists were very surprised by a metallurgical workshop dug out in Serbia with a melting furnace and tools. This is the oldest metallurgical production in Europe. And further. These people had writing. In the sixth century BC!!! Unbelievable but true. And this is another "record" - the most ancient writing system in Europe. That is, almost 1-2 centuries before the Sumerians and 3-4 before the Greeks.

Now imagine: people in skins roam back and forth, dig up tops-roots, on occasion they catch animals in traps or fish in rivers. In general, do not starve. And suddenly - for no apparent reason - they settled down. They burned forests for fields, began to sow grain, plow, reap, sew clothes, melt metal, build roads, take out garbage to the trash heap to the delight of historians and archaeologists, etc. That is, they began to live in a civilized way. What does civilized mean? Many people think that civilization is TV, freedom and democracy. I believe civilization is a sewer. That is, as soon as people stop pooping in pits near the house, or digging in the sand with a spatula, and start deleting a special latrine, it is already on the path of evolution. But civilization is clearly a sewer. As soon as the population organizes itself to such an extent that it makes sewage pipes, it can be called civilized.

Here are some examples. Mohenjo-Daro, the Hindu people, who arranged for themselves both plumbing and facilities for water procedures with wastewater discharged into sumps. The houses had separate bathrooms and toilets. The same was true a little to the east. The Sumerians. They settled down well, apparently they wanted to stay for a long time. And it turned out as always. In one day, everything was destroyed, turned into rubble and even melted down. But that's another story.

Briefly speaking. Bang! And the one who yesterday somehow coped with the modern everyday life, began to melt the metal. And without any preliminary steps. And there was no reason for this. And nearby, at the same time, the neighbors continued to sit on palm trees and spit date stones.

Archaeological data and myths testify to such a “sudden” emergence of some developed ancient civilizations, which these ancient peoples themselves said about themselves, that they say the “gods” came and established norms and rules of life among people, and taught them all kinds of wisdom.

The transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture and civilization, with all the technologies that go with it, of course, was brought from outside. And the ancients did not hide it. They did not say that they say look at us, the smartest, we all came up with it. They honestly admitted that the gods came and taught them this. Moreover, there was no talk of any worship of these gods. The Sumerians, for example, do not mention any humanistic goals of the gods. The gods just shifted their work to people, using people as slaves.

To summarize what we read, those who descended to Earth were material, had physical bodies, had to feed themselves, because they had to stay on Earth for a long time. To do this, we had to adapt to local conditions, which means adapting the conditions for ourselves.

There is an interesting version, and I have my own thoughts about this version.

So, the version where in the introductory is taken as an axiom:

Since the "gods" are reptilians, the conditions on Earth were different from the conditions on the planet of the "gods". But not too much. Because they did quite well without spacesuits.

The biochemistry of the "gods" quite normally perceived the products of our planet. That is, it did not differ much from the biochemistry of a person, whom they also corrected.

Here is how the Sumerians saw these creatures:

Doesn't it look like the Pristina find that I exhibited in the previous chapter? And what is curious - the same time of creation. By the way, this is the character of the Sumerian chronicles SA-AMA, which was obtained by cloning with the participation of ABGAL and KADISHTU, which in profile looked like this:

There are several races of reptilians. One of them is well known from the yellow press and from Hollywood films about aliens. This is MIMINU. Or grays (gray)

There are clearly similarities. I do not want to repeat myself, everyone has already seen pictures from other parts of the Earth, for example, the Indian Quetzelcoatl and the Hindu Krishna.

Do you know what they all have in common? Color of the skin. Krishnu is grey-blue. Quetzelcoatl - gray-blue. And grays - they are grays and they are - gray. The title of these beings in many languages ​​was Sir or Sir. And what kind of blood flows in the veins of noble beings? Correctly. Blue.

There are many creatures on Earth that have blue blood, not red. One of the main functions of blood is transport. That is, the transfer of oxygen to the tissues and the removal of carbon dioxide from them. For this, there are respiratory pigments containing metal ions, which bind oxygen molecules. In human blood, it is hemoglobin, which contains iron. By and large, human blood is also not red. It turns red as it is saturated with oxygen.

But oxygen transfer can be carried out by pigments containing ions of other metals. For example - copper. In the blood of octopuses, a pigment such as hemocyanin works. It is based on copper, which makes the blood of these creatures blue, and the skin color from gray-blue to green, or other gray-cold shades. Most likely it has to do with the environment. Although related creatures like mollusks can have both red, blue and even greenish blood.

No matter how inventive nature is, most earthly creatures have red blood.

This is due to the fact that there is a lot of iron on Earth. It is the second most common metal. It's on Earth. And if there is less iron on another planet, and much more copper? Then for human-like creatures, "evolution" uses copper to transport gases and nutrients. So the blood will be blue. Or green, like the type that was shown in the movie "Predator"

There is a lot of iron on Earth. Lots of. It is contained in almost all products that a person consumes. But it is especially abundant in legumes, vegetables, herbs, berries. Least of all ... in cereals. There is a lot of ... copper in cereals and bread products.

Furthermore. Cereals contain substances that form sparingly soluble salts that settle in the body and reduce digestibility.

Doesn't the choice of ancestors seem strange? They gave preference to troublesome and labor-intensive crops, plus they chose the most difficult way to process the crop. The grain is cleaned, ground, and products are prepared from the resulting flour, while it is much easier and more useful to cook, for example, porridge from unrefined grain. Healthier, because refined grains contain a lot of copper, but less vitamins than unrefined ones.

- The "gods" ended up on a planet that had a lot of iron, but little madi. They had to somehow adapt to these conditions. Moreover, iron is chemically more active than copper. Getting into the blood of the "gods", it will displace copper from it. That is, excess iron is harmful to them and this excess should be avoided.

- Either inject copper-containing preparations or follow a diet high in copper and low in iron. It turns out that the blue blood of the "gods" explains the "grain choice" of people.
- There is another factor in favor of this version. You can not make constant injections, but use copper through the skin, surrounding yourself with copper objects. Or, for example, drinking water from copper vessels.

Another curious coincidence. The age of bronze, or rather copper, coincides with the beginning of the cultivation of cereals. Iron appeared in people later - in the second century BC.

But. Copper-based blood has serious disadvantages in terrestrial conditions. First of all, it is not oxygen that is transported, but carbon dioxide. And with an excess of carbon dioxide, acidity increases, the acid-base balance changes, viscosity increases, blood vessels clog. There is one good remedy for neutralizing the acidity of the blood. This is Spiritus Vini, or Ethanol. The easiest and cheapest way to get ethanol is from grains and grapes. By the way, grapes are also a culture that requires enormous labor.

Another curious remark. Our ancestors scared away devils with tobacco smoke. Devils do not like smoke, people say.

All this suggests that all this today's "struggle" with smoking and drinking alcohol is very necessary for someone.

Became very fashionable lately paleocontact theory. The theory of paleocontact implies direct contacts of our distant ancestors with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations or aliens. Here a huge amount of evidence is put forward, ranging from rock paintings, mysterious mechanisms that are thousands of years old and ending with literary works, evidence in the form of epics, fairy tales, legends of the peoples of the world. Proponents of paleocontact find traces of the presence of aliens in everything, and in part this can really be believed, or at least pay attention to these facts. Many of them are very difficult to refute, as various sources do describe and present something very similar to flying ships, super-powerful weapons, intelligent super-civilizations that have contacted people and had a direct influence on them, and much more. I am not at all against this theory and, most likely, something like this really happened in the past, and to deny this means to reject many facts ... The problem that I want to discuss in this article is different.

Aliens or representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations recently more and more often are called gods. The gods, who are heavenly fathers and mothers to us, who are in charge of the whole world, are presented as ordinary beings who were able to reach such a stage of technological development that they could easily overcome interstellar space. Is such a judgment correct? Proponents of this theory argue that once upon a time aliens appeared from heaven to our ancestors, who possessed such abilities and went so far in their development that people had no choice but to recognize the Gods themselves for these “magical creatures”. For this reason, Gods do not exist, since this concept refers to human error itself. Here I would like to stop you from unreasonable decisions and give figurative arguments.

So, do gods exist if aliens were taken for gods? It is quite possible that people, having seen the ships of extraordinary power and the capabilities of their owners, began to call them Gods, and there are mysterious evidence of this in the same epics and religious writings - the Mahabharata, the Old Testament, the traditions of ancient peoples and others. But does one necessarily exclude the other? For example, remember Christopher Columbus, who landed on a continent uninhabited by white people. Before Columbus, Indians lived here for many millennia. They had and still have their own Gods, deities, spirits, heavenly heroes, mythical creatures, ideas about another world, and so on. No doubt, when they saw amazing creatures with white skin, in uniform, who sailed on giant floating birds that can make thunder from sticks and ride horses on outlandish creatures, they took them for Gods. After some time, the Indians, of course, learned that Christopher Columbus was not God at all, but rather a “devil” who brought pain and death to their world, but did the Indians stop believing in the Gods after this discovery, because according to their personal unknowingly they took people for them? Of course not! The gods have existed throughout the millennia of Indian culture, and continue to live to this day. So what, one wonders, is the difference between the history of Columbus and the history of paleocontact? In my opinion, there is no difference, and the fact that people once called the Gods of aliens does not at all reject the fact that real Gods exist.

None of the earthlings, as far as it is known, knows how far alien civilizations have stepped forward in technological development. It is possible that their technologies are not technologies at all, but something completely different. That's not the point. Neither we nor the aliens, despite their development, have approached the Gods a single step, because this is simply not given to beings from the material world. The world is much more versatile than paleocontact supporters think. The world is much more complex and multifaceted, it has a place for people and aliens and Gods, parallel spaces and the afterlife and such things that we cannot even think about.

Finally, I would like to say that life in space still, with a high probability, exists. It is unlikely that we are the only ones in the universe. In fact, it would be too convenient - to be the only conquerors of space, not to meet any resistance, restrictions and other people's possessions on your way, to feel full-fledged, full-fledged and sole masters in space. Why, you might ask, are aliens not making contact? Why can't they give us their knowledge, so to speak, take us under their wing and donate their technology? There are many explanations for this, ranging from the fact that contact can lead to the complete degradation of developing humanity, and ending with the fact that there can be thousands, or maybe hundreds of thousands, of worlds like ours in the universe, and not a single civilization, even the most powerful , it is beyond the power to take “on the hump” all those who want patronage from above.