The role of higher education in the modern world. The role of higher education in modern civilization

Today, one of the most important needs of people is the need for higher education. This does not necessarily mean a desire to become President, but always implies a desire to be educated, respected and admired by the people around. In the modern world, higher education is becoming the main sphere of human activity, decisively determining other aspects and aspects of the life of society, the face of civilization. Role higher education- this is the essence of education for each person, its values, views, interests, and the most massive form modern activities people who are employed at the same time a large number of of people.

Human capital, especially its intellectual resource, has a decisive influence on the rate of economic growth and the level of national wealth. In these theories, the real driving force of progress is man, and growth is primarily a function of the development of the possibilities inherent and revealed in man. The role of higher education at the present stage of Russia's development is determined by the tasks of its transition to a democratic and legal state, to market economy, the need to overcome the danger of the country lagging behind world trends in economic and social development. In the modern world, the importance of education as the most important factor in the formation of a new quality of the economy and society is increasing along with the growing influence of human capital. The domestic education system is an important factor in maintaining Russia's place among the leading countries of the world, its international prestige as a country with high level culture, science, education.

AT last years Is the role of higher education changing? it becomes more accessible to a wide range of people, and the number of holders of diplomas is constantly growing. An increase in the supply of skilled labor and its surplus enable the employer to choose from a huge mass of specialists, and, therefore, raise claims to the level of employee training. Education is an important part of the reproduction of the labor force.

There is an increasing proportion of the active population employed in services, education, research, communication, social work and other activities where the percentage of university graduates is higher than, for example, in agriculture and in traditional industries. Therefore, the role of higher education is increasing because the demand has become greater. Higher education is designed to transfer knowledge, skills and develop qualities that will enable graduates to explore various professional situations and adapt to unexpected turns in the course of changes in technological processes, in the organization of work and the structure of the profession. Higher education plays an important role in any university faculty, as it performs an important social task: it is one of the means of implementing social justice in society. Obtaining higher education on the job opens the way to knowledge, professional and cultural growth of a large number of people who do not have the opportunity to learn full-time education. These reasons are very different, often they do not depend on the personal characteristics of a person ( marital status, material conditions, remoteness of the teacher training university from the place of residence, etc.).

The formation and effective functioning of the system of higher education of Russian citizens plays an important role, since it fulfills the most important condition for the socio-economic development of the country, the comprehensive development of the individual, and this is one of the main areas of higher education. Higher education plays a big role, and especially university education, acts both as an innovator, contributing to the process of increasing knowledge as a result of ongoing research activities, and as a conservative in terms of educational activities.


1. The essence of higher education and its functions.
2. The crisis of modern higher education.
3. The main directions of development of higher education in Ukraine.

– Fundamentalization of higher education
– Humanization of the pedagogical process
– Humanitarianization of higher education
– Interdisciplinary approach.

4. Philosophy of education.


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Higher education is understood as "... the level of education that a person acquires in a higher educational institution as a result of a consistent, systematic and purposeful process of mastering the content of education, is based on complete general secondary education and ends with obtaining a certain qualification based on the results of state certification."

In modern society, education has become one of the most extensive areas of human activity. It employs over a billion students and almost 50 million teachers. Education, especially higher education, is seen as the main driving factor in social and economic progress. The reason for this attention lies in the understanding that the most important value and fixed capital modern society is a person capable of searching for and mastering new knowledge and making innovative decisions.

In the mid 60s. the advanced countries came to the conclusion that scientific and technological progress is not capable of solving the most acute problems of society and the individual, and a deep contradiction is revealed between them.

In recent years, the limitations and dangers of further development humanity through purely economic growth and increased technical power, and the fact that future development is increasingly determined by the level of culture and wisdom of man.

All this makes it quite obvious that in overcoming the crisis of civilization, in solving the most acute global problems education should play a huge role in humanity. “It is now generally accepted,” says one of the documents of UNESCO (Report on the state of world education for 1991 Paris, 1991), “that policies aimed at combating poverty, reducing child mortality and improving the health of society, protect environment, the strengthening of human rights, the improvement of international understanding and the enrichment of national culture will not work without an appropriate educational strategy. Efforts to ensure and maintain competitiveness in the development of advanced technology will be futile."

The fundamental mission of higher education, as noted in the documents of the World Conference on Higher Education (October 5-9, 1998, Paris), is service to the individual and society. Given this, we can say that the main goal of education is to prepare students for active participation in social life by means of various forms and methods of training and education; create conditions for the development of a person who is able not only to practically assess the situation and adapt to social changes, but also to think in an original way, generate and implement ideas, produce their own, outline the paths of positive transformations, take initiative and creativity. The main functions of higher education are humanistic, axiological, sociocultural, socially adaptive, socially mobile, innovative, socially integrative, prognostic. Higher education promotes development, self-realization (humanistic function); is a value of world and national cultures (axiological function); helps a person to master the culture of his people on the basis of taking into account connections with the national cultures of other peoples and world culture as a whole (sociocultural function); contributes to the adaptation of a person to a dynamic society, as well as to professional activity(social adaptive function); changes the status-role forms of interaction between people (social-mobile function); updates the arsenal of knowledge and methods of human activity, forms the basis of its research activities (innovation function); draws people into integrative educational, scientific and industrial activities, provides experience in integrating educational, scientific, practical knowledge and skills, opens up significant potential opportunities for this process (social-integrative function); reveals the essence of the future profession, stabilizes the person's need for obtaining it, contributes to the manifestation of the prospects for professional development and personal growth of a person (prognostic function).

But at the same time, the existing educational systems do not fulfill their function - to form the creative forces of society. In 1968, the American scientist and educator F. G. Coombs, perhaps for the first time, gave an analysis of the unresolved problems of different form, stronger or weaker. But its internal springs show through to the same extent in all countries - developed, rich and poor, which have long been famous for their educational institutions or create them now with great difficulty.

The modern development of society requires a new system of education - "innovative education", which would form in students the ability to projectively determine the future, responsibility for it, faith in themselves and their professional abilities to influence this future. In our country, the education crisis has a dual nature:

1. It is a manifestation of the global education crisis.

2. It takes place in an environment and under the powerful influence of the crisis of the state, the entire socio-economic and socio-political system.

Positive "developments" of the national higher school:

It is capable of training personnel in almost all areas of science, technology and production;

In terms of the scale of training of specialists and the availability of personnel, it occupies one of the leading places in the world;

Differs in a high level of fundamental training, in particular in the natural sciences;

Traditionally focused on professional activities and has a close relationship with practice.

Disadvantages of domestic higher education:

In modern conditions, the country needs such specialists who not only are not "graduating" today, but for the training of which our educational system has not yet created a scientific and methodological basis;

Free training of specialists and incredibly low pay for their work have devalued the value of higher education, its elitism;

Excessive enthusiasm for vocational training went to the detriment of the general spiritual and cultural development of the individual;

The average approach to the individual, the gross output of "engineering products", the lack of demand for decades of intellect, talent, morality, and professionalism have led to the degradation of moral values, to the de-intellectualization of society, and the decline in the prestige of a highly educated person;

Totalitarian management of education, over-centralization, unification of requirements suppressed the initiative and responsibility of the teaching corps;

As a result of the militarization of society, the economy and education, a technocratic idea of social role specialists, disrespect for nature and man;

Isolation from the world community, on the one hand, and the work of many industries based on foreign models, import purchases of entire plants and technologies, on the other, distorted main function engineer - creative development fundamentally new technology and technology;

The economic stagnation, the crisis of the transitional period led to a sharp decline in both financial and material support education, higher education in particular.

Difficulties, according to V. Andrushchenko, T. Levchenko and other scientists, are due to the insufficient level of social attention to education; its low funding; weak social protection of participants in the educational process; dissatisfaction of the basic needs of young people in normal material conditions of life, in education, self-assertion; slow development of socio-professional orientation; focus on narrow professional knowledge. In recent years, there have been certain positive developments in improving the national education system, including higher education. The process of streamlining the network of higher educational institutions at the central and regional levels of government was effective. According to scientists, a significant part of the program for optimizing the network of higher educational institutions of I-II levels of accreditation has been completed, small and unpromising technical schools, colleges, enlarged one-profile educational institutions have been liquidated, some of them have become structural divisions institutions of higher levels of accreditation - institutes, academies, universities.

There has been an increase in the public sector higher institutions education III - IV levels of accreditation: for 1995-1998. growth was 22%, and during 1998-1999. ten more were added to them. During this period, the student body of universities, academies and institutes expanded by more than a third. Today, more than 1 million students study at higher educational institutions. The scientific origins of the new educational policy should be sought in three areas: the philosophy of education, the sciences of man and society, and the "theory of practice." The philosophy of education should give a new idea about the place of a person in the modern world, about the meaning of his being, about the social role of education in solving the key problems of mankind. The sciences about man and society (psychology of education, sociology, etc.) are needed to have a modern scientific understanding of the patterns of human behavior and development, as well as a model of interaction between people within the educational system and the education system itself with society. The "theory of practice", including modern pedagogy, social design, management of the education system, etc., will provide an opportunity to present a new education system in the aggregate: to determine the goals, structures of the system, the principles of its organization and management. It will also be a tool for reforming and adapting the education system to the changing conditions of life.

Directions for the development of the proposed paradigm of education:

1. Humanism, since it is at the center of it a person, his spiritual development, a system of values. In addition, the new methodology underlying educational process, sets the task of forming moral and volitional qualities, creative freedom of the individual.

The humanization of the activities of professionals provides for:

Firstly, the revision of the content of the concept of fundamentalization of education, putting a new meaning into it and including the science of man and society in the main knowledge base;

Secondly, the formation of systemic thinking, a unified vision of the world without division into "physicists" and "lyricists" will require a counter movement and rapprochement of the parties. Technical activity needs to be humanized. But the humanities should also take steps towards mastering the universal values ​​accumulated in the scientific and technical sphere. The well-known psychologist V. Zinchenko defined the devastating impact of technocratic thinking on human culture as follows: "For technocratic thinking, there are no categories of morality, conscience, human experience and dignity." Usually, when talking about the humanization of engineering education, they mean only an increase in the share of humanitarian disciplines in the curricula of universities. At the same time, students are offered various art history and other humanitarian disciplines, which is rarely directly related to the future activity of an engineer. But this is the so-called "external humanitarization".

Recall once again that the essence of the humanitarization of education is seen primarily in the formation of a culture of thinking, creativity student based on a deep understanding of the history of culture and civilization, the entire cultural heritage. As the past two decades show, the main features of the post-industrial development of the world community and the new technological mode of production are:

Humanization of technology, manifested both in the structure and in the nature of its application; the production of equipment that satisfies human needs is increasing, labor is given a more creative character;

Increasing the knowledge intensity of production, the priority of high-tech technical systems using the achievements of fundamental science;

Miniaturization of technology, deconcentration of production, programmed for a quick response due to changing technologies and demand for products;

Ecologization of production, strict environmental standards, the use of waste-free and low-waste technologies, the integrated use of natural raw materials and their replacement with synthetic ones;

Simultaneous localization and internationalization of production based on local technical systems, exchange of finished products; strengthening integration ties between regions and countries focused on meeting demand, which in turn increases the mobility of the population and the opportunities for specialists to work in different regions and countries.

All this taken together dictates new requirements for the education system, including the strengthening of its humanitarian and fundamental components, the share of the processes of fundamentalization and humanization of higher professional education increases, the need for the integration of fundamental, humanitarian, special knowledge increases, providing a comprehensive vision of the specialist of his professional activity. in the context of upcoming technological and social changes. The main task of higher education can no longer be fulfilled without the fundamentalization of education. This is explained by the fact that scientific and technological progress has turned the fundamental sciences into a direct, permanent and most efficient driving force of production, which applies not only to the latest high technology, but also to any modern production.

1. Results fundamental research provide a high rate of development of production, the emergence of completely new branches of technology, the saturation of production with means of measurement, research, control, modeling and automation.

2. They are increasingly involved in production, which was once considered very far from the practice of achieving such areas of knowledge as relativistic physics, quantum mechanics, biology, laser and plasma physics, elementary particle physics, etc.

3. The competitiveness of the most prosperous firms is largely ensured by fundamental developments in research laboratories at firms, at universities, and in various scientific and technical centers.

4. Fundamentalization of education effectively contributes to the formation of creative engineering thinking, a clear idea of ​​the place of one's profession in the system of universal knowledge and practice.

Therefore, in a modern technical university, from the very first year, the desire of students for a deep mastery of fundamental knowledge should be cultivated.

The initial theoretical provisions of the fundamentalization of education:

1. The idea of ​​the unity of the world, manifested in the general relationship in the sphere of the inanimate, living, spiritual. The unity of the world is manifested in the unity of the cultural, scientific and practical spheres of civilization and, as a result, in the organic connections of natural sciences, the humanities, and technical sciences. These connections must inevitably be reflected in the models of specialists, curricula, programs, textbooks and the organization of the educational process.

2. Fundamental sciences are natural sciences (that is, sciences about nature in all its manifestations) - physics, chemistry, biology, sciences about space, earth, man, etc., as well as mathematics, computer science and philosophy, without which it is impossible to deeply comprehend the knowledge of nature. In the educational process, each fundamental science has its own discipline, which is called fundamental.

3. Fundamental knowledge is the knowledge about nature contained in the fundamental sciences (and fundamental disciplines). Fundamentalization of higher education - systemic and comprehensive enrichment of the educational process with fundamental knowledge and methods creative thinking developed by the fundamental sciences.

Almost all disciplines studied by a student during their studies at the university should be involved in the process of fundamentalization. A similar thought is true for humanitarization.

5. The fundamentalization of higher education presupposes its constant enrichment with the achievements of the fundamental sciences. The fact that applied Science arise and develop on the basis of the constant use of the fundamental laws of nature, makes general professional and special disciplines also carriers of fundamental knowledge. Consequently, in the process of fundamentalization of higher education, along with natural, general professional and special disciplines should be involved.

This approach will ensure the fundamentalization of student learning at all stages from the first to the fifth year.

The humanization of education is understood as the process of creating conditions for self-realization, self-determination of the student's personality in the space of modern culture, the creation of a humanitarian sphere at the university that contributes to the disclosure of the creative potential of the individual, the formation of noospheric thinking, value orientations and moral qualities, followed by their actualization in professional and social activities

The humanization of education, especially technical education, involves expanding the list of humanitarian disciplines, deepening the integration of their content in order to obtain systemic knowledge. Both of these processes are identical, complement each other and should be considered in conjunction, integrating with the processes of fundamentalization of education. The main provisions of the concept of humanization and humanitarization:

An integrated approach to the problems of humanization of education, which involves a turn towards a holistic person and a holistic human being;

Humane technologies for teaching and educating students;

Education at the border of humanitarian and technical spheres (on the border of living and non-living, material and spiritual, biology and technology, technology and ecology, technology and living organisms, technology and society, etc.);

Interdisciplinarity in education; the functioning of the cycle of social and humanitarian disciplines in the university as a fundamental, initial educational and system training;

Overcoming of stereotypes of thinking, establishment of humanitarian culture.

Criteria for the humanization of education:

1. Mastering universal human values ​​and methods of activity contained in humanitarian knowledge and culture.

2. Mandatory availability of in-depth language training, while the linguistic module becomes an integral part of the entire complex of humanization.

3. Humanitarian disciplines in the total volume of disciplines studied should be at least 15-20% for non-humanitarian educational institutions, and their percentage should increase.

4. Elimination of interdisciplinary gaps both vertically and horizontally.

The main focus in the organization of the educational process at universities should be interdisciplinarity in teaching, which is based on the interdisciplinary nature of modern knowledge. There are two main directions here:

1) intensive introduction of humanitarian disciplines into purely technical universities;

2) enrichment of humanitarian specialties and disciplines with the basics of technical and natural science knowledge and vice versa.

This way of learning through an interdisciplinary approach contributes to the formation of globalization and non-standard thinking in students, the ability to solve complex problems that arise at the intersection of various fields, to see the relationship between fundamental research, technologies and the needs of production and society, to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular innovation, to organize its practical implementation. .

The positive transformations taking place in higher education in our country should not be limited to quantitative and qualitative changes in the network of educational institutions or the student body. Attitudes towards education must change, in particular in the following areas:

· from dehumanization to humanistic-personal orientation of education;

From knowledge to their personal significance;

from passive assimilation of information provided to its active production;

· from the cognitive-informative approach to the socio-cultural one;

· from total unification and standardization of the educational process to its flexible modeling, taking into account the individuality of the subject of education;

· from disintegration to integration into the global educational space.

Unfortunately, these processes have not yet reached the level at which they would have a significant impact on the situation as a whole. Therefore, the changes that are taking place do not completely solve the problem of overcoming the crisis.

The philosophy of education should give a new idea about the place of a person in the modern world, about the meaning of his being, about the social role of education in solving the key problems of mankind. The sciences of man and society (psychology of education, sociology, etc.) are needed to have a modern scientific understanding of the patterns of human behavior and development, as well as a model of interactions between people within the educational system and the education system itself with society. The "theory of practice", including modern pedagogy, social design, management of the education system, etc., will provide an opportunity to present a new education system in the aggregate: to determine the goals, structures of the system, the principles of its organization and management. It will also be a tool for reforming and adapting the education system to the changing conditions of life.

So, the fundamental foundations of the development of education are indicated. What are the directions of development of the proposed paradigm of education? The proposed methodology can be called humanistic, since it is centered on a person, his spiritual development, and a system of values. In addition, the new methodology, established as the basis of the educational process, sets the task of forming moral and volitional qualities, creative freedom of the individual.

In this regard, the problem of humanization and humanitarization of education is quite clearly realized, which, with the new methodology, acquires a much deeper meaning than simply introducing a person to humanitarian culture. The significance is that it is necessary to humanize the activities of professionals. And for this you need:

First, to reconsider the meaning of the concept of "fundamentalization of education", giving it a new meaning and including the science of man and society in the main knowledge base. In Russia, this is far from an easy problem;

Secondly, the formation of systemic thinking, a unified vision of the world without division into "physicists" and "lyricists" will require a counter movement and rapprochement of the parties.

Technical activity needs to be humanized. But the humanities should also take steps towards mastering the universal values ​​accumulated in the scientific and technical sphere. It was the gap in technical and humanitarian training that led to the impoverishment of the humanitarian content of the educational process, the decrease in the creative and cultural level of a specialist, economic and legal nihilism, and ultimately to a decrease in the potential of science and production.

Recall once again that the essence of the humanization of education is seen primarily in the formation of a culture of thinking, the creative abilities of a student based on a deep understanding of the history of culture and civilization, the entire cultural heritage. The university is designed to prepare a specialist capable of constant self-development, self-improvement, and the richer his nature, the brighter it will manifest itself in professional activities.

Vladivostok State University economy and service

Krivoshapova Svetlana Valerievna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Business and Finance, Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service


This article discusses the issue of the impact of higher education on the country's economy, as well as the changes and improvements necessary for the higher education system.

This article examines the impact of higher education on the national economy, and the need for the higher education system changes and improvements.


human development index; competitiveness of the economy; higher education; professional standards; human resources; analysis; observation; self-realization of the individual.

human development index; competitiveness of the economy; higher education; professional standards; human resources; analysis; surveillance; personal fulfillment.

One of the key indicators for assessing the development of a country is currently the human development index, which, in addition to the standard of living and longevity, also takes into account the level of literacy and education of the population of the country under study. These indicators are certainly influenced by the system of higher education in the country, the normal development of which determines the level of development of society. More recently, education was seen as the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired as a result of studying in educational institutions and less often - independently. Today, education is a branch of the economy, the country's economy, which includes organizations, institutions, enterprises that provide training, knowledge transfer, educational literature. So how valuable is the education system today for our country?

The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that higher education has a direct impact on the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole through the training of qualified personnel, as well as the development of a holistic, creative personality, which is one of the main factors for the normal functioning of the country's economy. At the moment, the assessment of the level of development of the country is also determined by the education of its citizens. Improving the system of higher education is a direct path to positive changes in society, as well as to its normal functioning.

The purpose of the work is to prove the need for higher education in modern Russia, to show the tasks that the Russian education system faces and to determine the vector of development of the influence of Russian education on the modern economic situation.

The study sets the following objectives: firstly, to study the impact of higher education on the country's economy; secondly, to determine the degree of influence of higher education on the social sphere and various branches of people's activities; thirdly, to find the main ways of transformations needed in the system of national education.

Research methods that were used in the work - analysis, observation.

To ensure the competitiveness of the country, it is necessary to form a strong competitive education system for the production of qualified personnel. Indeed, at present, the determining factor for the successful functioning of the economy is nothing more than the human factor. The more a country has active, creatively developed and educated specialists, bachelors, masters, the higher the country's ability to compete in the international arena with the economies of other countries. Undoubtedly, the importance of education for the country is increasing. As of 2014, Russia ranks 57th in the Human Development Index (hereinafter, HDI) and is among the countries with a high HDI level. Russia ranks 36th in the HDI education index. Russia also has a rather high proportion of people with a higher education diploma, which is over 50%. This suggests that education has a significant impact on the economy of the country.

In recent years, the role and value of higher education has changed significantly, it has become more accessible, in particular due to the development of paid education, as well as universal education. At the same time, there is no real connection between the needs of the Russian economy and the most popular specialties among students. In order to achieve the goals of providing the country's economy with specialists who meet the current needs of the country, correspond to the time, universities need to have contact and establish cooperation with the country's leading employers. Today, universities and businesses are striving to increase integration through the participation of the employer in determining the competencies of the graduate, organizing practice and internships for students. Therefore, this relationship is useful in terms of ensuring the effectiveness of higher education.

The social role of higher education is that, in general, the direction of human development depends on the direction of its development, therefore, education is the engine of social progress. Higher education helps the individual to satisfy his natural needs in obtaining new knowledge and information. higher education helps the individual: firstly, in obtaining a profession. Higher education helps the graduate to realize himself in the field of management. Also, education in general makes it possible to use knowledge for intellectual work. Secondly, higher education assists in the intellectual development of the individual, which is expressed in the self-realization of a person, improving the ability to analyze and synthesize what is happening in the world around him. Thirdly, also in the change of social status, in particular, raising the social status and improving the financial situation, which is a consequence of the first two directions of the impact of education on the individual.

Modernity does not stand still: technologies are developing, the speed of information processing and decision-making is changing. Under the influence of these factors, there are real changes in the economy. Higher education should contribute to the preparedness of a person for the changing conditions of the economy. To do this, a person needs to be capable of self-learning, have faster and better adaptation based on the base of academic knowledge laid down by higher education.

The basis of transformations in the field of higher education is the orientation towards the needs of the real sector of the economy with a perspective of 10-15 years. To do this, it is necessary to build a system for predicting the needs of business in certain types of work, specialties, the basis for which can be such fundamental documents as the Concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation in the period up to 2020. According to the amendments proposed by the government of the Russian Federation, it is planned to introduce Article 195.2 into the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the application of professional standards by employers - requirements for the level of education, work experience, etc. for a certain profession. The introduction of professional standards is a natural and expected innovation. As one of the components of the professional standard, there can be not only a section of knowledge, but also a section "Skills", "Skills" and "Personal characteristics". Those. higher education should be strengthened through the practical development of knowledge and its translation into the category of skills and abilities. This is possible in the case of the formation by the higher education system of a profile of competencies for each of the specialties, the redistribution of training programs towards practice-oriented programs, including through the organization of practice and employers, the creation of modular and simulated training systems.

One of the main tasks of any institution of higher education is to increase and maintain the quality of education at an appropriate level. Quality is one of the criteria that allows us to believe that educational services will be provided in full, satisfy the student's need for self-development and contribute to self-realization. To improve the quality of education, a university needs to have a developed material and technical base that allows it to implement educational programs; improvements in the quality of the curricula themselves; information support, which involves the use of computer networks.

After analyzing the information about the places of Russia in international rankings, such as the assessment of the human development index, the level of education, the number of citizens with higher education, it can be assumed, based on the results of the study, that domestic higher education is capable of strengthening the country's position in the world, however, at the same time, Significant reforms are needed in the field of higher education, which will entail transformations in both the economy and the social sphere, and will also have an impact on the standard of living in the country.In general, in the course of the analysis, it was possible to find out that higher education in Russia is on the right track in development, significant changes and transformations are being carried out for the country's economy. Higher education is gaining more and more popularity and is becoming more and more valuable for our country.

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Dear colleagues, I really like the name of our conference. The fact is that higher education is fundamentally different from other types of education, say, from primary and secondary. Higher education is addressed to adults. This sets special requirements for didactics, and for education, and for everything else that relates to pedagogy.

In addition, higher education is a productive sector of the economy, while primary and secondary education are dependent industries. That is, there should be completely different approaches in economic terms.

The new role of higher education. I will try to raise the following topics in my post. What exactly do we see new roles?

First, the development of an innovative economy depends on higher education. Second, increase human capital. Thirdly, the positive restructuring of the person himself, in the biological sense, the person.

It must be said that our entire system of higher education in Russia ignores the individual. We do not see the person. We do not notice the one we teach. We do not study it, we do not adapt to it, but we learn some kind of conditional abstraction, we are engaged in its education.

At the same time, we cannot fail to note that just in recent years great changes have been taking place with humanity. A few decades ago, they began to notice such a phenomenon as human acceleration, that is, early maturation, enlargement, etc. There is a sharp increase in the average life expectancy of people. Moreover, all these changes occur in a developed civilization. We call civilization developed because it consists of so-called developed countries. There are developing countries and there are developed countries. We are talking here about a developed civilization, to which, by the way, Russia also belongs.


An increase in the IQ has been observed in countries of advanced civilization. And quite significant. Over the past 15 years, on average, intelligence has grown by about 10%. There is a demographic transition in developed countries. If earlier the population of developed countries increased, now, thanks to the demographic transition, the population of developed countries has begun to decline.

There is debate as to why such changes occur in human biology. Nutrition, physical education, etc. Confidently disagreed, scientists did not choose any reason for the changes in the person himself.

We have found this reason. This is our hypothesis. So far, besides us, it is also supported by the Institute of the Brain under the direction of N. P. Bekhtereva in St. Petersburg. We think that the trigger for such changes is the transition to mass higher education in developed countries. This transition affects the change of the person himself.
Such an era, as the title of my report says, is the era of depopulation. Yes, Russia is now living in an era of depopulation. The population of a country is always expressed by a hyperbolic law. This was proved by S. P. Kapitsa. He has some very solid research on this. Apparently, all countries, he allocates 100-120 years for this, will make a demographic transition, i.e., they will change from hyperbolic population growth to hyperbolic population decline.

However, it is very important at what point in time this transition will occur. Here we have drawn two curves. First they go together - these are developed countries and developing countries. But first, at some point in time, a developed country made the transition. That is, they had the same population. And in a developed country, the population began to decrease. In the developing one, it continued to increase according to the hyperbolic law. And at some point, later in time, they also made a demographic transition. But note that now their numbers have become completely different. The population was the same, but due to the different times of the demographic transition, it became different.

We've done the calculations. Now developed countries account for approximately 1/6-1/5 of the total population of the globe. After the demographic transitions are completed, they will be 1/25 in number. That is, their significance, developed countries, including Russia, in the future life of the Earth's population (I'm talking about the very near future, we are talking about this century) will be dramatically complicated.

What about Russia? Let us assume so, the facts show that Russia has already lost the competition in terms of its population. It remains only to give the "final battle" in order not to lose oneself as an ethnos - this is to "give battle" in terms of the quality of this population, in terms of the quantity of the product of high consumer properties produced by it.

The most valuable is the so-called middle class, which includes all vigoros - people with an excess amount of biochemical energy. The production of just such people, the reproduction in an ethnos of just such people elevates the ethnos and makes it a leader among other ethnic groups inhabiting the globe. We have a shortage, of course, of such people.

The government is taking measures, say, to increase the population. Money is given to giving birth to mothers. But the middle class just, you can’t tempt it with money for this business. He has completely different criteria, and life criteria, and life goals. Here I digress a little from the topic of my report, but just as a citizen I am worried. The life of an ethnic group depends on a very small layer of people - on young women of reproductive age. There are only 21 million of them in Russia now. This is five times less than the electorate, i.е. their voice is not heard when we go to vote. They are one and a half times less than pensioners. If pensioners begin to express their needs, then we hear them much more clearly and better than these women of reproductive age.

I don't think it's about money. Here it is more about the attitude, the prestige of such women. Need to do something! We have made the calculations. We were interested in our future clients - students. Calculations show absolutely terrible figures. For example, in 40 years the number of the Russian ethnic group should be reduced to 60 million, and the number of women of reproductive age - to 9 million. And in 100 years, if we look, the number of Russia will be 16 million, and the number of women of reproductive age - 2.5 million. In 100 years, if we keep the current trends, if we don't do anything extraordinary, the entire population of Russia will fit in Moscow, we won't even need St. Petersburg.

How to preserve the vast territories that Russia has with a declining population is a mystery to me. We are working a lot on the periphery now. We are a distance university, we have many training centers for access to education, as we now call them. Everywhere the population is declining, everywhere the number of young people is declining. In Russia, 700,000 people die every year. Moreover, pensioners are not decreasing. Every year, 700,000 young people drop out of our country. Half of them are women of reproductive age. I do not know what to do? Maybe, just like young men have military service, maybe we need to introduce “female conscription”? Give birth to two children, and then exist for your own pleasure.
In any case, every woman of reproductive age is precious to our society. Every year of reproductive age is precious! Both for women and for our society. Unfortunately, we don’t understand this: we don’t glorify them in films, we don’t award them, we don’t raise them to the pedestal of honor and respect of the entire society of those
people on whom our ethnic group depends, depends entirely. It does not depend on the government and not on the army, and not on scientists. He depends on young women. We just don't get it! Still!

I recently gave birth to a daughter. It is terrible that she tells what kind of humiliation young women experience in these maternity hospitals, in consultations, etc., what a bad attitude towards them. I digress a little.

Now globalization. What does globalization bring to us in the field of education? Firstly, we have an international market of educational services in Russia. Borders are being opened, and powerful Western universities are coming to us. There is a question here: will we be able to compete with powerful universities in developed countries? For now, we are focusing on MSU. Moscow State University with 33,000 students would be considered in the West as a very mediocre, rather weak university. I gave a report in Brazil, in Rio de Janeiro at a conference and lightly gave figures for our universities. They started laughing. In Brazil itself, a city university similar to Moscow State University has 95,000 students; in Sao Paulo, 130,000 students; and in New Mexico, 270,000 students. These are the figures and, accordingly, such capacities, such scales are now accepted in the world. In principle, we have very small and weak universities.

I think that in order to withstand the competition of powerful Western universities, we inevitably need to unite, we inevitably need to legally allow (unfortunately, Shudegov left, and I wanted to tell him this) cooperation of universities. This is not provided for by law. At the same time, the university requires a license for both the building and educational programs. It is practically impossible to combine two universities: one provides educational programs, the other is a building.

We also have an international labor market, educated people. Our graduates will have to compete, to withstand the international competition of graduates. Are we ready to tell them that they will have to compete with foreigners? There is a brain drain issue here. There is no need to complain about the "brain drain". "Brain drain" means the existence of an international labor market. Everywhere: where "brains leak", where that. I'll see how our football players, basketball players play: a significant proportion of blacks. This is already a "brain drain", legs or arms, so to speak, from the other side to us. This is an inevitable condition for the existence of our civilization. You have to be ready for it, you have to endure it. Here I have a small slide on what modern knowledge and new technologies give us. I will not comment on what you already know very well. Knowledge storage, volumes have increased millions of times in comparison with paper technologies. The speed of transfer of knowledge, information, too: millions of times compared to oral speech, and 300 thousand times compared to reading to oneself. New technologies, of course, should dictate new methods of work to us.

We live, Shudegov said, in a growing stream of innovations. He said that the number of technology cycles change in 100 years. We now have 5 shifts, 20 shifts of technology change cycles - about 5 years, 3 years. It turns out that if we teach a student, then the graduate that he taught in his first year is already outdated. The cycles of knowledge change so quickly. Specialties branch very quickly, new specialties are created. According to our calculations, there are already more than 100 thousand specialties in the world, and their number is growing and growing. In principle, in the limit we can reach the point that each person can have his own specialty.

Where does this lead? This inevitably dictates to us the continuity of education. We often confuse continuity with continuity, that is, school, then university, then postgraduate. But succession is different. Continuity means that you need to improve your qualifications all the time, you need to increase the level of your education all the time. That's what continuity is. Naturally, campus methods of education cannot be used in this case, because it is impossible to move all people to campuses forever. People should be educated at their place of residence, outside of campuses. Some already understand this. For example, Peter Drucker, an American management theorist, wrote about five years ago that in 30 years the campuses of American universities will turn into wastelands. Indeed, there is no need to live on campus while getting an education at any university.

A very sore subject, and everyone is talking about it: the quality of education. Quality is the last stronghold of retrogrades. How something new, natural, modern, is started all at once: what about the quality? How to understand the quality of education? We used American research. Unlike our universities, they conduct research there. It turns out that the quality of a graduate is 68% dependent on his genetic factors. And only 32% depends on the educational environment that it creates educational institution.
Thus, we can outline two ways to achieve a high quality of graduate training. One way is to use the abilities of students, i.e., selection. Not to let everyone in, not to give to everyone, but to educate only the most capable, and weed out the rest. True, this does not fit in with the constitutional principle (Article 46 of the Constitution), according to which education is available to any citizen of Russia.

But by weeding out the talented, arranging a high competition, of course, you can achieve a high quality of graduates. A gifted person - he is a gifted one, teach him, do not teach - he will learn. In particular, when our President V.V. Putin studied at Leningrad University, he had a free schedule, i.e. he did not attend lectures and in general he did not use the infrastructure of Leningrad University, but he only came and took exams. And he learned well. As you can see, a capable, gifted person is able to study even without a university. Another way is to create an educational environment, to create such a perfect educational environment in which even the less gifted could learn. Here today, Professor Davydov gave figures: in Russia, 21% of the economically active population already has a higher education. And at the last conference, I cited our studies of psychologists: 5.2% of the population is quite gifted in our country. Thus, it turns out that 16% of our population of average ability has a higher education. It would be nice, of course, from the point of view of the guardians of quality, to deprive them of their diplomas and kick everyone out. On the other hand, how then to work? I think the conclusion here is inevitable. Our system of higher education must adapt to educate students of average ability. In general, the selection, in our opinion, is not at all constitutional, the selection of the most gifted. They will pick themselves up.

On this slide, we have summarized our research on the historical rise in demand for higher education. Once again I will say that we are now in a post-industrial society, where approximately 20% of the population must have a higher education. Professor Davydov in front of me called the figure for an innovative economy - 60%. We also confirm this figure. Approximately 60% should receive higher education in the society to which we are inevitably moving.

Here we have tried to reveal these 60%. We have a post-industrial economy, an innovative economy. Post-industrial - we took the example of the large country of the United States and the small country of the Netherlands. Agriculture employs 4% of the population, industry (including transport and communications) - 15% of the population and 81% in the service sector, of which about half are in management, finance, culture, education, science - where higher education is in great demand .

What will happen in an innovative economy? In this service sector, its share will slightly increase from 81% to 85%, but just in these areas more than 90% will be required for people with higher education. And as we look at very advanced economies like Japan, many job positions require higher education. All of us are concerned: vocational schools, technical schools. There are no technical schools in the world. Immediately eat elementary education and higher professional. Almost no one uses mid-level specialists. We brought our methods from the socialist economy and consider them the only correct ones. The whole world is walking out of step, we alone are stepping in step. It doesn't happen! Let's look at those countries that have significant achievements in building innovative economies, let's compare with them: how they have built their education system. In our opinion, there are no technical schools there, and we do not need technical schools.

What is the future of the Russian educational system? As the population shrinks, do we need to shrink our universities? By simple arithmetic logic - it is necessary. Indeed, if there are only 16 million of us left, then we will need only a couple of million to teach. Where can we put such an army of teachers?

We have a different opinion. We believe that the future of the higher education system in Russia is not in Russia, but lies in the export of educational services. We have considerable experience in this matter. Our university has about 30 thousand students of cross-border education, whom we teach through satellite technology at their place of residence. We operate in 10 countries. The needs are enormous! Look, if in Russia 20.6% of the economically active population have higher education, we took the average for 15 developed countries - 22%, in the USA - 31%. We know 60% - this is where we are going in the knowledge technology society. Right now in developing countries- 1-3%. The shortage of higher education is enormous! Numbered in tens of millions of people.

As recently as yesterday, we held a very interesting conference at the President Hotel Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan. Russians, not a single person came, of course, from the Ministry of Education. True, there were both ambassadors: both Turkey and Azerbaijan. There were very respectable people from them, there were ministers, etc. I give you data on Turkey. There is no fresh data, this is last year. 1.5 million applications were submitted for admission to universities for the first year, and 120 thousand people were accepted. This means that 1 million 380 thousand applications were not satisfied. There, the average price (they live a little richer than us) of higher education per year is 3-4 thousand dollars. There are still unsatisfied applications that our universities could satisfy, about 3-4 billion dollars annually. Annual!

If we compare the needs of such countries as: Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, China, etc., and manage to penetrate the educational space of these countries, we are talking about the earnings of our higher education higher than the gas and oil industries earn together taken. And what is higher education? We are environmentally friendly, we do not emit carbon dioxide, if we do, it is very little. We don't have cows, we basically have one professorship. We don't damage roads. We do not occupy arable land. We do not deplete the subsoil. Our earnings are the cleanest that can only be in nanotechnology.

What I have told you is confirmed on this slide. 597 state universities The Russian Federation has a total of 68 thousand students on the methods of academic mobility, that is, students come and live on our campuses. And one of our academies has 30,000 students, but we are going to dramatically increase this number.

How is higher education used? Examples were given, and in Shudegov's report it was said that in Tatarstan only 31% work in their specialty, and, therefore, 69% work outside their specialty. known to teachers. Only 15% of graduates pedagogical universities work in the specialty obtained at the university.

There are two concepts in the world: academic education and professional education. We, relying on the needs of the socialist economy, where each person is represented as a cog in the economic

machine, emphasized vocational education. We even have a law called: on higher and semi-Sevuzovsky vocational education. That is, the academic use of education is not provided at all. We look employers in the mouth, what employers will tell us. And I must tell you from the experience of our academy: 14% of our graduates are self-employed, they do not need employers, they are employers themselves. It means that a person is educated. It rises to a new level of human or, if you like, human capital. That's what's valuable! And we all continue to listen to employers who can't see beyond their noses. We call them “pigs under the oak”: they see acorns, but where acorns come from they don’t understand. For those in power now, the main thing is the word of these business structures and employers, as if they understand better than professors what needs to be prepared. All the same, everyone will come to the professors.

We analyzed how education is used. In technical areas, this is the middle square. On average - 9 years. No more than 18 years old. A person studied at a university, which means academic use. He received a new quality in this university. If we take other specialties (military, medical), even less: an average of 6.5, a maximum of 13 years. In just 12 man-years of his field career, he has put his knowledge to work. In humanitarian areas, the situation is somewhat better. In general, most people, graduating from universities, acquire new qualities and use their education in an academic way. That's what we wanted to convince everyone.

By the way, breaking society through the knee and imposing your point of view on it, which is what everyone is doing now, both the Government and all the critics of the education system, is useless. I am an older person, five different states have changed over me, starting with Stalin, then Khrushchev, etc., but the people have remained the same. The state changes, but the people remain. It is necessary, first of all, to think about what society needs, what society needs before imposing any schemes.

Here the question is very interesting: what is education? We all say education. What is education? Suppose we have a linguist and a chemist. Both of them graduated from high school, they are educated people. But they do not understand each other, they have different professional slang, they have different systems of knowledge, that is, they cannot talk to each other in principle. However, they have some common features thanks to which society considers them both educated people. We have tried to formulate the criteria of an educated person. Firstly, this is studying at a university, that is, what they have in common is that they studied at a university. Secondly, they both have a diploma of higher education. This also brings them together. Thirdly, they know the terminology of an educated person, that is, they have a cultural speech that is not accessible to uneducated people. Fourth, they communicate with educated people. These are the people we call educated. Or you can say in other words that they received and academically use the education they received, whatever it may be: medical, military, linguistic, chemical, technical, etc. This is approximately what Professor Davydov was talking about when he called general higher education. One can accept such a term, although in the world there is a term no worse: academic education. The word "academic" is generally a pleasant word.

There is a terrible fear among the guardians of the reduction in the number of those receiving higher education: where are we going to put these educated people? What to do with the uneducated, everyone knows. But what to do with educated people? We will bake them now, we have created a bunch of universities, we are baking lawyers, economists that no one needs, although they just turn out to be needed. Then these military and technicians move on to management and to the legal use of their education. VTsIOM conducted a very interesting study. Most recently, in June, they published. Shown here is employment at working age, depending on where people live. Cities with a million population are shown, cities with 100-500 thousand up to 50 thousand and villages are shown. The smaller the settlement, the higher the employment of people with higher education. Let's take a village. 54% on average and 76% in villages. That is, people with higher education are much more employed, economically more active than people without higher education.

Very interested in professional training. Here we have shown the years after schooling. 2 years is a technical school, and 5 years is a university. The higher a person's education, the more often he undergoes vocational training. Here's an interesting dependency. Although it would seem that it should be the other way around.

The impact of higher education on labor productivity as measured by the amount of GDP created by people. We made calculations and obtained using a system of equations in production that the productivity of a person with a higher education is 15 times higher than a person without a higher education. If we take together the manufacturing industries and the humanitarian industries, then about 7 times higher. Compared with US data. According to them, five times higher. But, in general, these are numbers of the same order.

For wages. In the United States, a person with a higher education is paid 2.5 times higher. According to VTsIOM - 1.5. According to our data (we spent on our students) - twice as high. A person with a higher education earns twice as much as a person without a higher education. That's the reason why people go to study. On the surface lies: their salary is doubled. Calculations for 2004 prove the data I have cited.

There are industry interests. Including the branches of higher education. And there are national interests. Why are the laws that Viktor Evgrafovich spoke about not being passed? They seem obvious enough, but nevertheless they are not being pushed through either the State Duma or the Government. Why? There is a powerful industry lobby here, the education industry.

Here we are not in relation to education, but in general we looked at the divergence of sectoral interests and national interests. The industry is interested in making it a dependent, i.e., budgetary industry. And the national interest is to make the industry productive. The interest of the industry is to close the data on the activity of the industry, and the national interest is to publish all the data. For example, we cannot obtain any data on accreditation from Rosobranadzor. The industry's interest is to benefit society: they are such benefactors that one cannot live without them. The national interest is to have fair prices for goods and services. The sectoral interest is to create a shortage of services, and the nationwide interest is to create an abundance. Sectoral interest - hierarchical management of the feudal type, nationwide - self-government. There - monopoly, here - the market environment.

We understand that since the interests of the industry and the national interests diverge, we need the people, the public, the scientific community to understand that our leaders do not reflect the interests of the national.

We made a calculation of the economic effect of training a university graduate. This is the first such calculation. Until now, it has never been published anywhere. In general, no one dealt with this extremely important issue, since everyone dressed up in white clothes and did good deeds and took money from the budget. All you hear is: we need to give more money from the budget. I can tell you that the industry where public money is scattered never flourishes if it does not stand on its own feet.

What effect does the national economy receive from the preparation of a university graduate? First, it is produced capital such as factories, buildings, etc. Second, human capital. In the national wealth, human capital occupies a leading role. If you read now the articles of economists on human capital, the average world capital is 65%, in developed countries - 78%, according to Academician Lvov, now deceased, in Russia - 7%, in total. That is, we are an order of magnitude behind the developed countries. We don't quite agree with this. According to our calculations, it turns out about 17%. But still, many times less than in developed countries.

We don't take it all. From a university graduate, the state receives additional income in the form of an increase in tax revenues. We have done only tax revenue calculation. We have calculated how much VAT increases, how much income tax increases, how much income tax, since a person with a higher education earns more, and by how much the unified social tax (UST) increases, also because he earns more. We summed it all up for 9 years - the average period of work of a specialist in the specialty received at the university. It turned out that more than a million rubles a year for the issue. The fair share of universities, since there is a share of the employee himself in the form of genetic factors, the fair share of universities, we believe, is 30%.

Thus, according to our calculation, 310,000 rubles should be received by a university for a trained graduate. You can, of course, make a more accurate calculation for various specialties. And it must be done. But so far this is a common figure for the whole of Russia. 310 thousand for a graduate, we must pay the university. I don't know about other universities. We made a calculation for ourselves. This year we have graduated 27,000 graduates. We gave the state more than a billion dollars of taxes in increments, and we would like to receive 335 million dollars from the state without any national projects due to the increment of taxes received by the state.

All this leads us to the idea of ​​creating new formations of universities in Russia. What are the demands of society that lead to this need? First, we need to ensure the continuity of education. We don't have an infrastructure for continuing education in Russia at all. Only a few examples can be given. For example, our university is prepared for continuous education. In order to switch to lifelong education technologies, it is necessary to abandon the campus structure of universities.

Finally, the second requirement. Mass character of higher and superhigher education. We like “superhigher” more than postgraduate. More logical. Once there is the highest, then the next after it is the superhighest.

Third. It is necessary to achieve education in the habitat, abandoning campus structures again.

Fourth. International character of education. The society wants our diplomas to be ranked on a par with the diplomas of all Western universities. This is the path through the Bologna process.

In response to these challenges, it is necessary to create universities of a new formation. What will it give us? First, the development of the economy. Secondly, the development of human capital. Finally, thirdly, the development of the person himself, the increase in the life expectancy of a person, the strengthening of his health, the development of IQ - the human intellect. That's what it will give us.

Here is a sequence, as we understand it, of creating a new formation university. It is necessary to start from the new technology of education. We must then move on to constructing a new teaching didactics. Further on the basis of didactics and technology to a new organization of the educational process. For example, individual educational plans, mediated classes, etc. Finally, after this, a new material embodiment of universities. And not the way it is done now: the university has a building - the university begins to think about how to adapt it for new processes.

Protection of the oral mucosa is carried out to a large extent by class A immunoglobulins, so the deficiency in the formation of this class of immunoglobulins is of greatest interest to dentists. With defects in T-lymphocytes, patients are at risk of being affected primarily by viral and fungal infections. The first signs of immunodeficiency are often candidal stomatitis (thrush) or a severe long-term course of herpetic stomatitis. A congenital defect in cellular immunity with a violation of the mechanisms of immunoregulation as a result of the predominance of T-suppressors can be combined with chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (chronic granulomatous candidiasis).

Immunodeficiencies can be either a cause or a consequence of hypersensitivity diseases or autoimmune diseases. Thus, IgA deficiency contributes to the absorption of foreign antigens through the mucous membrane, which cause sensitization of the body.

Clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency states can be infections caused by opportunistic microorganisms, autoimmune diseases, allergic reactions, tumors. In the oral cavity, diseases of microbial etiology (stomatitis, gingivostomatitis, etc.) are often manifested, which are the result of primary and secondary immunodeficiency states. So, in children suffering from immunological deficiency, the oral mucosa is often affected by bacteria, viruses or fungi as a result of a sharp decrease in cellular or humoral protection. Such complications are observed in children with primary defects - congenital thymus dysplasia, acquired lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia, selective IgA deficiency, lysozyme or interferon. Similar complications are typical for patients with secondary immunodeficiency states induced by drug therapy (glucocorticosteroids, etc.). The pathogenesis of candidiasis of the oral mucosa is dominated by endogenous causes, the main of which are secondary immunodeficiency states that occur with diabetes, leukemia, chronic infections (tuberculosis and others), in postoperative period. Especially high susceptibility to Candida infection in infants and the elderly, i.e., in persons who have age-related immunodeficiency states, is indicative. In the absence of specific antibodies in patients with candidiasis and a simultaneous decrease in a specific skin-allergic reaction, an unfavorable course of the disease can be predicted.