Whether my husband and I will be together fortune-telling. Online fortune telling reciprocity - constellation cassiopeia

Fortune telling according to the Book of Fates is a very ancient way to find out the unknown. The book of fate sheds light on exciting questions. It contains questions and answers to them. But he doesn't always tell the truth. After all, the universe is rather complicated, and sometimes the whole truth cannot be revealed to a person. In this case, do not be persistent, but accept the lack of an answer as a fact.

In order to start fortune-telling, you need to put your thoughts in order, calm down, tune in the necessary way. You need to treat the Book seriously and respectfully - only in this way you can get correct and accurate answers. The questions that can be asked are selected from 4 blocks that the book of fate contains, 190 questions on the most exciting topics: love, fate, health and career.

You can't ask the same question twice in a row. If the Book does not give you an answer to a very exciting question, still be patient and ask her about it no earlier than the next day. Often, when the Book does not give a precise answer, it is thought provoking or simply pointing in the direction. It is always worth remembering that the fate of a person largely depends on himself.

With the development of technology, divination by the Book of Fate has become simple and affordable. Today the Book of Fates is available online, predictions and questions are collected in an automated system. For fortune-telling according to the Book of Fates online, you need to concentrate your thoughts on the topic of interest and click on the desired question. The answer will automatically appear on the screen in front of you. It remains only to analyze it for yourself, comparing it with your life situation.

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Fortune telling helps to find out if a loved one will return, whether reconciliation will take place, what is the future of your couple and the relationship between you.

  • Before divination, focus on the request.

  • It is important to be in a calm environment.

  • You can take a couple of deep breaths and breaths.

  • It is useful to think about the time of fortune-telling in advance.

  • Do not often guess at the same situation.

  • See the answers as an opportunity for personal growth.

  • You decide how wonderful your future will be.

Have a nice session!

  • What led to the breakup of the relationship?
  • Your feelings for the hidden Partner.
  • How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • Will you get together (reconcile) in the future?

    What led to the breakup of the relationship? Your feelings for the hidden Partner. How does your Partner feel about you at the moment?
  • Partner's plans for you in the near future.
  • What prevents your couple from being together?
  • What will help (would) bring the Partner back?
  • Will you get together (reconcile) in the future. If the answer is negative, then why "no", if yes, then under what circumstances?
  • Summary of the relationship between you. Distant future.

Click on the cards to complete the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning


How to interpret the layout

After you start the session and lay out the cards, pay attention to positions 1, 2, 3 - together they form the basis of the layout, on which the rest of the cards are strung.

Points 2 and 3 - Your and your Partner's feelings for each other - affect the first card. What is this influence? What causes the breakup? Indeed, often we strive to take the blame only on ourselves or completely shift it to others. The combination of 1, 2, 3 will help you understand where it is thin and torn, what is important to protect in relation to each other.

Add the 4th position to the viewed positions, which tells about the partner's alleged plans for you and about the near future. Look at points 5 and 6 as relationship strategies that help or hinder reunion. Were there curly cards among the six cards of the layout - Kings, Queens, less often Knights and Pages?

Curly arcana mean other people, as well as personality traits that caused misunderstanding and quarrel. Take a closer look to see if the Major Arcana (with names in English) fell out. Their situations have a transformative effect, and are more acutely felt: pushing, forcing, or giving a chance to live an experience that is important for the development of relationships.

The Tarot ambiguously interprets the answer to the question: yes or no. Therefore, the answer to paragraph 7 is not spelled out categorically! The map shows the probabilities, strength of favorable/unfavorable conditions for reconciliation and mutual development. The negative 7 lasso can also emphasize that the experience of development is learned (in a painful way).

Sometimes card 7 is negative and card 8 is positive. Since the 8th position shows the distant future, it can mean unaccounted for factors that eventually become apparent and affect the course of events. 8 card may not be related to the current situation, for example, symbolize a new relationship.

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Red Book of Love

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Divination for love and relationships is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a lack of money or with failures in the professional field than with the constant presence of someone who is not loved and dear. No wonder they say that with a sweetheart and in a hut, paradise. And realizing how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune-telling for love and relationships, which would give answers to all questions related to such burning issues for free.

In this section, you will find free virtual fortune-telling for marriage and adultery, you can choose from several contenders for your heart ... And you will also have the opportunity to directly understand online whether your chosen one suits you and what kind of person he is, what are the prospects for your relationship and what your lover (or lover) thinks of you at the moment.

Free divination for love and relationships online

How deep are the feelings of the person you are in love with? Will the power of your love be judged? After all, it may turn out that your heart, which is beating faster at the mere mention of HIS (or HER) name, will eventually be ruthlessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary, you think the worst, suspect a person of self-interest, and he (she) is actually ready to sell his soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Here is a fortune-telling for love, which right now, online will help you find out the whole truth and figure out what is happening in the soul of a partner.

You like this person ... Although he probably has flaws, and you, of course, disagree with him (her) in some way. True, until you see it. Or you do not want to notice some disagreements, considering them trifles. Or maybe your partner seems perfect to you. However, life inexorably puts the dot on the “e” ... And therefore it is better to understand in advance how you suit each other. And this virtual online fortune-telling will help you figure out such an important issue in a matter of seconds.

Here is a fortune-telling for love and relationships ... Fortune-telling, which gives detailed answers to several personal questions at once. What is happening between you now? What are the prospects? What is on the soul of your chosen one (or chosen one)? In what, perhaps, are you mistaken? The answers to them are objective, because the Tarot system gives them. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And also - completely free.

Not always the fate of a woman looks logical and obvious. An ugly woman can get married faster than a beauty, and a girl, seemingly destined by nature to be a mother and wife, is all alone, while her friend, whose culinary talents come down to bacon and eggs, is already going down the aisle ... To figure it out in such a difficult matter and finally help yourself get married, use this online tarot divination. It gives a detailed and - most importantly - a comprehensive answer to it. And besides, he offers good advice and outlines the prospects.

All your doubts and torments about the fidelity (more precisely, infidelity) of a loved one will be resolved by this virtual alignment on the Tarot. With its help, you will see the true state of affairs, understand whether your partner is predisposed to cheating at all, figure out what to expect from him (her) in the future ... Fortune telling will consider the current situation from all possible sides, help to understand its causes and consequences. This means that you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and prevent possible problems in advance.

Nobody knows their fate. And even a simple "tomorrow" is hidden from us by a dense veil. But we humans are curious and persistently looking for a crack through which we can peep into our future. Mankind has invented many ways to do this. And Catherine's fortune-telling is one of the simplest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as fortune-telling for love, for the near future, for good luck. The three pictures-symbols that appear as an answer to a question are interpreted by you yourself, based on the circumstances of your own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no general interpretations of “about nothing”. In addition, everything happens right online, that is, here and now.

Fortune telling on playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation that has developed around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free relationship divination will allow you to figure out if there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of a loved one are. The alignment is done on playing cards in online mode, so you can use it at the very moment when it is most relevant for you.

How painful is the unknown! Does he think about me? Will she call me or not? Love or dislike? There are a lot of questions, and all of them make the heart beat anxiously, and the mind forgets about important things ... Meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts in a few seconds. And he is in front of you. This virtual divination is simple and clear. It will not take much time and will not require much effort, but at the same time it will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So try it!

An excess of admirers can be as problematic as a lack of them. And really, well, how to choose between several candidates? Here, truly, if “the lips of Ivan Kuzmich yes ... to the nose of Nikanor Ivanych and to swagger ... Baltazar Baltazarych ...” The classic was right. But we suggest that you do not think painfully and pointlessly, but try to resolve all your doubts right now in this online divination for love and relationships. With it, you will understand how attached to you each of the contenders for your heart. And you can choose the most loving of them.

Cards can answer the most intimate questions that concern every girl. Fortune telling on a loved one: “Will we be together and does he love me?” will help you answer this difficult question. In this article, we will give instructions on one of the most accurate divination - on the cards. For those who do not have their fortune-telling deck at hand, there is an option to tell fortunes online.

A selection of fortune-telling on playing cards: “Does your young man love you?”. Find out how your relationship will develop and whether you will be together.

How to properly prepare for divination for a loved one

Before starting fortune-telling, let's look at a few very few important questions that all novice fortunetellers ask.

Can regular playing cards be used?

Is it possible to use playing cards and is it only the owner of the deck who can guess on them? Playing cards are used in divination if they have not been played before. It is better to take a new deck and put it under your pillow so that they are charged with your energy and tell the truth.

But what to do if your cards have already been played, do you really have to postpone fortune-telling for the next time?

Advice: just blow on your deck away from you, make a movement as if you are dusting them and hold your deck over a lit candle.

Your deck is ready for divination.

Will I be able to guess without learning?

Fortune telling on cards can be any girl who has the gift of seeing symbols in the pictures and parsing their combinations. You can easily determine if you have a gift by remembering if your intuition is good. Here are some tips for beginners:

  • If at least once in your life you could feel that the signs that space gives you are talking about something - feel free to pick up a deck and start guessing;
  • The cards in this case simply work as a kind of tool with the help of which the Higher Forces communicate information to a person;
  • For your prophecy to be true, you need to know a few simple rules. Most importantly, if you are not in the mood to predict anything, move the fortune-telling to the next day.
  • If the deck behaves unusually, confuses you and shows incredible combinations, it is better to try to repeat the divination session after a while.
  • If you have already asked a question and received an answer to it, do not try fate twice. Ask the same question on another day, otherwise the cards will mislead you.

Checking the deck before starting the ritual

Before starting fortune-telling, check if your cards want to tell the truth today. Hold the cards in your hands, imagining how your energy fills each picture in the deck. If the cards have already been played, this will help them turn into fortune-telling ones, but only if you have a special gift for performing magical rituals.

After that, say to yourself the question “They say the truth or a lie”, move the deck towards the heart and remove the cards in pairs.

  • If there is a red suit card on top, postpone fortune-telling for a while, and then ask again;
  • If there is a black card at the top, feel free to proceed to the layout.

It happens that cards fall directly from your hands, pay attention to this warning, perhaps the alignment will not be successful. If, during the layout, one or two cards accidentally fall out, pay special attention to their interpretation, even if these are the youngest cards. As a rule, they carry the most important prediction.

Other questions and answers:

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option one: Divination for a loved one "on 7 cards"

Fortune telling on a loved one on a regular playing deck of satin cards.

So, you have made the necessary preparation for fortune-telling and are ready to choose a layout. Below will be presented several universal layouts for divination for a loved one, whether he loves you and whether you will be together.

Why exactly seven cards?

There are many ways to find out if your partner loves you. The presented method is the most reliable and truthful, proven by more than one generation of girls. In this scenario, they guess on seven cards. In numerology, seven is a lucky number that brings good luck in love affairs. This method gives the most accurate information, without confusing additional interpretations that have nothing to do with the question you are interested in.

Instructions for preparing and conducting the ritual

Shuffle the deck carefully, move your left hand towards the heart, repeat these steps three times. Then pull out the cards with your left hand. This is a prerequisite in all divination for love, the left hand conducts energy from the heart, sensual, love.

So, pull out the first card from the middle of the deck with your left hand, take the second from above, the third again from the middle, pull out the rest of the cards in the same way. There should be six in total.

When you make a fortune-telling layout for a loved one, whether he loves you and whether you will be together, sentence on each card:

  • Laying out the first card - what does he think about?
  • Laying out the second card - what is in his heart?
  • Laying out the third card - what will happen?
  • Laying out the fourth card - what is he waiting for?
  • Laying out the fifth card - what is he afraid of?
  • Laying out the sixth card - what happens in life?

Before you take out the seventh card, hold your deck in your hands, and ask yourself the question “will you fall out of love, will you not fall out of love?”, Pull out an arbitrary card from the deck and put it face down.

Interpretation of the alignment

Below are the meanings of the cards. After you have read all the cards, turn over the seventh. If the suit of the card is red - your love will last for a long time, if the suit is black, perhaps something threatens love.

Read the interpretation of this card and do not be upset, because you have been warned. And in ninety percent of cases, a warning received in time makes it possible to change fate the way you want it.

Interpretation of the meaning of all cards

diamond suit

  • Six. A short pleasant journey, as a result of which your business will improve.
  • Seven. An old friend will help you in the implementation of plans. Offers monetary gain.
  • Eight. Do not be nervous and do not fuss in vain. Everything will work itself out.
  • Nine. Adequately assess your capabilities so that your plan comes true.
  • Ten. Your career will go uphill if you manage to maintain a good relationship with your boss.
  • Jack. Be careful, you can be deceived!
  • Lady. Evil woman, envious, beware of tricks.
  • King. A person with power. If you are restrained, get support.
  • Ace. There is important news ahead that will be related to your loved one.

It is important not only to correctly conduct fortune-telling for a loved one, but also to correctly interpret the results of fortune-telling

Heart suit

  • Six. You will be invited to a love date.
  • Seven. Your old friend has romantic feelings for you that you don't know about.
  • Eight. Declaration of love. Most likely, you will not reciprocate.
  • Nine. An unpleasant conversation awaits you. Be restrained to avoid quarrel.
  • Ten. Postpone a serious conversation with your loved one. It can cause misunderstanding.
  • Jack. Show kindness to others on this day. Someone is accumulating a grudge against you, the right time to dissolve it.
  • Lady. A close friend who is always ready to help you.
  • King. Married man. Be careful with him, he can bring grief.
  • Ace. This is a map of your home. If there are tambourines nearby, expect unexpected income.

Club suit

  • Six. A business trip awaits you, on which your career will depend.
  • Seven. You will have a conversation with your boss. If there is a peak suit nearby - a sad result.
  • Eight. You will be offered a new job or promotion.
  • Nine. Changes in life. See suits nearby. Peaks - grief, tambourines - purchase, worms - personal relationships will change their status.
  • Ten. Profit, winnings, cash flow turned in your direction.
  • Jack. Bad news about your friends or colleagues.
  • Lady. You have an envy. See suits nearby. Reds are in love, blacks are in work.
  • King. Your boss will be picky. If you don't have a boss - a father.
  • Ace. You will receive news that will become very important in the future planning of cash spending.

spade suit

  • Six. An unexpected trip caused by matters of the heart. It will most likely end badly.
  • Seven. Quarrel, scandal. Squabbles.
  • Eight. Health problems. Perhaps you should visit a doctor.
  • Nine. Serious illness. Yours or your loved ones. If there are tambourines nearby - a happy outcome.
  • Ten. The collapse of plans, hopes. Dead end path.
  • Jack. Fraud from a person you didn't expect.
  • Lady. An evil woman harbored evil against you.
  • King. Major trouble with government agencies.
  • Ace. Get ready for a big holiday.

Option two: Divination for marriage with a person "5 columns"

All ages are submissive to love - each of you has heard this expression at least once. And, if you look, this is true: adults, and the elderly, and adolescents, and even schoolchildren are often concerned about issues of personal life. And how many people are looking on the Internet for the Tarot divination “Will we be together?” - can't be counted on fingers! If you are impatient to learn about the prospects for relations with the second half or with a new acquaintance for whom sympathy has arisen, refer to the magic deck, and it will certainly reveal all the detailed aspects of this issue.

In what cases is it worth holding a alignment for the future of a couple?

Usually behind the Tarot prediction “Will we be together?” people apply in three cases:

  1. When you fall in love with someone, but still unanswered
  2. When something goes wrong in an existing relationship, quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings begin.
  3. When people break up, but do not lose their feelings for the ex-partner

In all these cases, with the help of a deck of magic cards, one can assess the prospects for reuniting people.

Tarot spread "Will we be together?"

Tarot spread "Will we be together?" suitable for all three situations described above, since its positions can be interpreted in any aspect - both for relationships that already exist or have been between people, and for those that have not yet begun and are at the stage of friendship.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Description of the relationship between two people at a given point in time
  2. Foundation, roots, basis - what the connection rests on
  3. Hidden factors - those aspects of the relationship that are not visible at first glance
  4. A unifying map that tells what people have in common
  5. Separation card. She reports that they are moving away from each other
  6. Will people become a couple, the future of their union
  7. Advice to the questioner, explaining how you can strengthen the connection with your loved one

Tarot layout "Will we be together" - 2

The scheme of the Tarot layout “Will we be together” is not presented in this variation: it is understood that the cards can be laid out simply in a horizontal row, or come up with your own figure. Fortune telling is suitable for couples who are at the stage of the “candy-bouquet period”, when it is still unclear whether the connection will grow stronger over time, as well as those partners who quarreled, parted for a while, or are just thinking about whether to take a break.

To conduct the “Will we be together” Tarot layout, you need to think about the person who worries you, mentally imagine him in front of your eyes, and then randomly pull out six cards from the deck.

The meaning of the positions

  1. The nature of the connection now. On the map, you can assess whether people are connected by love, friendship, or relationships of another kind.
  2. Feelings of the person of interest to the client
  3. The image of the questioner in the eyes of his beloved - how does he imagine this person, what impression does she make on him at the moment?
  4. The future of relationships
  5. Client expectations: what can he expect, what will he get?
  6. A disappointment card describing what the questioner might lose in this relationship, unfulfilled hopes and expectations

Divination Tarot "Rupture and Connection"

When a couple breaks up for some reason, the affected and still feeling side often turns to this Tarot divination. Will we be together with our beloved, is reunion possible, why did the conflict occur - all these questions will be analyzed in detail for you by the magic deck. The layout is carried out with a full deck, the diagram is shown above.

The meaning of the positions

  1. Hidden reasons for the quarrel of lovers
  2. Explicit causes of conflict
  3. What is happening between ex-partners now
  4. Near future relationships
  5. Advice to the client, a hint to improve the situation, approaching a truce
  6. Describes undesirable actions of the questioner, indicates what he should not do
  7. Shared future - is it or not?

Tarot divination "To clarify relations"

Finally, we offer you another informative Tarot divination “Will we be together?”. Despite the fact that the alignment is called "To clarify relations", its key theme is an assessment of the prospect of reuniting two people, so it could well be renamed.

The meaning of the positions

  1. The attitude of the questioner to a loved one
  2. The relationship of the second partner to the client
  3. Interferences, obstacles, difficulties that prevent the client from getting closer to the person
  4. Difficulties and obstacles that arise on his way to the questioner
  5. The prospect of the couple's relationship in the near future
  6. Advice or clarification of a previous position

Whether or not to use the Tarot layout “Will we be together” depends solely on your desire. Many people are afraid to hear a sad prediction, so they prefer to hope for a positive outcome without resorting to the help of cards.