What are the character traits. Human character: traits and their description

“How many people - so many characters” - you can often hear. And this is actually true, there are no two absolutely identical people on earth. People have different worldview systems, principles, hobbies and values, react differently to certain external stimuli and events. determines his personal actions, which make up his whole life.

Scientists and psychologists call the character of a person an individual combination of certain personality traits that determine his attitude to the entire environment and are manifested in his actions.

Character(Greek χαρακτηρ - a sign, a distinctive feature, a sign) is a structure of persistent, relatively constant mental properties that determine the characteristics of a person's behavior and relationships.

In the scientific literature on psychology, there are several criteria for determining the types of human character. We will only consider the main ones.

The most popular typology of characters proposed by the famous German psychologist E. Kretschmer, therefore person's character depends on his physique. Kretschmer described the main three body types of a person and their corresponding types of characters:

Jung's character classification

The Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung developed his own, which is based on the dominant mental functions (sensations, intuition, feeling and thinking). He classified all people according to the predominance of the inner or outer world (introvertive and extravertive types).

  1. An introvert is a closed, inwardly focused thinker, turned into himself, a person fenced off from the whole world around him, carefully analyzing all events, while suspecting everyone of contradictory actions. He has very few friends, because it is very difficult for him to make new contacts, he is closer to loneliness, he does not change his own habits. An introvert is a very suspicious person with an overestimated degree of anxiety, he listens to feelings in himself and values ​​his health.
  2. An extrovert is a direct, open person, extremely sociable, active and understandable to everyone, he has many acquaintances and friends, he cannot stand loneliness, has little interest in his own health, loves to travel, tries to make the most of life. He becomes the soul of the company, is the initiator of various meetings and parties, loves to tell jokes, in everyday life he focuses not on subjective opinion, but on circumstances.

The relationship of human character with temperament

Features of different temperaments can help a person to understand character traits if they are pronounced, however, people with pronounced certain temperaments are quite rare, most often mixed temperament in varying degrees of severity. But the predominance of any type of temperament can help determine type of person.

There is a huge amount character type classifications man, even better to say, attempts to systematize all the knowledge and psychology of his behavior, but none of them can be so deep and so effective. Since each person, going through periods of laying down certain characters in his life, collects them all in himself in order to live as an individual for the rest of his life.

If you find it difficult to determine your type of character, then various ones that are designed just for this can help you.

Character is something unified, holistic. How does it affect a person's life? Globally! The fact is that all our actions are justified by something. We do what our mind and heart tells us to do. Another factor also affects our lives. In any something like an internal core, which has a direct impact on its behavior. It's about character. This core consists of certain ones that are entrenched in the process of daily activities.

The list of which will be discussed in this article are different. Some of them make us better, others worse. The list of character traits is extensive. All of them affect our lives in one way or another. Can character be changed? Yes, you can. It's hard to do, but sometimes you just can't do without it. We are not always to blame for who we have become. Wrong upbringing, bad company, inappropriate education - all this can have a bad effect on the character of the individual. Bad qualities are instilled in a person, and he begins to think that they are the norm. Timely recognition of the problem will help to solve it.

The character traits we are going to look at also affect how we communicate with others. Do you have few friends? Perhaps the problem is not with people, but with the fact that you need to change your inner being.

Character traits: list

An important positive character trait is diligence. Any person who is ready to work will achieve a lot. This is not about the ability to unload wagons, but about labor in general: both physical and intellectual. Those who have such a character trait as diligence do not stand still, but are constantly looking for more and more new types of activities in which they could realize themselves. The opposite of this character trait is laziness. Of course, she spoils for her reason becomes difficult to climb, inert, unable to achieve her goals.

Character traits, the list of which is wide, include kindness. Kind people are open to the world, always ready to help those in need. They refuse evil, because they understand that they will not lead to anything good. The opposite character trait is anger.

What can be said about cowardice? People who are owners of this character trait are constantly in the back rows. Often life passes them by. They do not find the strength and courage to undertake something new, something that would change not only themselves, but also the world around them.

The character traits listed here are varied. They can also include sociability. It helps us to establish contacts with other people, make new acquaintances, maintain old ones, and so on. Man is a social being. This means that, living in a society, it is necessary to be able to contact with their own kind. Lack of sociability is a negative character trait. Being single is good, but not always. It is worth thinking about what lies ahead of us. Sooner or later, you still want to see people next to you who you can really rely on.

Here is a list of positive human qualities:





openness to new things;


good nature;





Here is the list of the person:







A person's qualities are a set of stable mental formations of a person, with the help of which he influences society, is active, interacts with other people. To describe a person as a person, it is necessary to characterize his qualities, how he reveals himself to others through actions and deeds.

Personal qualities of a person

Genetic predisposition in the development of personal qualities plays an important role, but the environment in which a person develops cannot be ruled out. Surrounded by other people, the child absorbs different patterns of behavior, learns to read the reactions to certain actions and to realize which qualities are welcomed in society and which are not. The personal qualities of a person develop throughout life and a person often has a choice to prove himself from a good or worse side.

Good qualities of a person

The qualities of a kind person always evoke a response in people and find approval in society. These qualities can be listed indefinitely, some are inherited from ancestors, others, if desired, need to be developed. Positive qualities of a person - a list:

  • sincerity;
  • cheerfulness;
  • altruism;
  • reliability;
  • tenderness;
  • charm;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • loyalty;
  • decency;
  • caring.

Bad qualities of a person

Negative traits or qualities are inherent in every person, even the ancient sages pointed to the duality of a person and compared “good” and “evil” in him with two wolves - good and evil, fighting among themselves, and the one whom the person feeds more wins. Bad qualities manifest themselves to the fullest if the child has not learned the moral values ​​of society, often such children grow up in dysfunctional families, but it happens that bad things are inherent in a person from the very beginning by nature.

Negative qualities of a person - a list:

  • envy;
  • selfishness;
  • arrogance;
  • pride;
  • hypocrisy;
  • laziness;
  • aggressiveness;
  • cruelty;
  • greed;
  • vanity;
  • deceit;
  • indifference.

What is the relationship between activity and human qualities?

All human qualities stem from basic needs - to be accepted, respected, to live in safety, to fulfill oneself, so the connection is direct. Needs give rise to activity, and in order to satisfy needs, certain qualities of a person are needed, for example, professional ones, they are needed for recognition. Endurance, self-discipline and perseverance are essential to winning in sports. Choosing a direction of activity, a person cultivates in himself those qualities that are necessary for its implementation.

What are the qualities of a person?

The physical qualities of a person are determined by his endurance and natural data, other qualities of a higher order relate to character traits, disposition. Both are formed throughout life, many of them are important to develop for the formation of personality in childhood. Qualities are moral, volitional, professional - they all reflect the inner world of a person, what he is.

The moral qualities of a person

Morality and morality are closely related and these qualities stem from one another. The qualities of a cultured person such as courtesy, tact, respect for one's heritage and nature are the basis of well-being in society. Among the moral qualities, the following can be distinguished:

  • philanthropy - kindness to people, help to the weak and disadvantaged;
  • respect for others - understanding that everyone is different and each person has something to respect;
  • fidelity - a quality that relates both to oneself (to be true to one's principles), and a more global concept - loyalty to the Motherland;
  • selflessness - the performance of actions from good intentions, without seeking benefits for oneself;
  • spirituality is a quality that includes all moral aspects and religiosity that exalt the human spirit.

Moral qualities of a person

The qualities of a disciplined person are important for the existence of society. The norms and values ​​of society form a kind of common framework or basis that people are guided by and pass on to their children. A person expresses his inner "I" through behavior and manners - these are the moral qualities that are formed through the intellect, emotions and will. Conventionally, the moral qualities of a person can be divided into 3 categories "necessary", "possible", "impossible".

Moral qualities from the “need” category are the ability to act for the common good:

  • duty;
  • responsibility;

Qualities from the category of “possible” are all those manifestations of a personality that do not conflict with internal beliefs and principles:

  • honor;
  • dignity;
  • conscience;
  • sense of justice.
  • envy;
  • shamelessness;
  • cunning;
  • propensity to lie.

Volitional qualities of a person

The strong qualities of a person are stable mental formations that define a person as mature with a high level of conscious self-regulation of behavior, controlling himself in different situations. Doctor of Psychology V.K. Kalin, exploring the emotional-volitional qualities of a person, divided them into 2 large groups: basal and systemic.

Basal (primary) volitional qualities:

  • patience - the ability not to force events and pursue a quick result, but to support work with additional effort, to go at a given pace, even if circumstances do not develop properly (obstacles, delays, internal fatigue);
  • courage - confronting fear, the ability to take risks, maintaining calm in stressful situations;
  • energy - a quality that allows you to raise activity to the desired level by an effort of will;
  • self-control and endurance - the ability not to go beyond feelings, impulsive actions, self-control, emotions, behavior.

Systemic volitional qualities:

  • purposefulness- striving for the goal, supporting the "internal compass" leading to the result;
  • persistence- the ability to overcome difficulties;
  • subsequence- following a single guiding principle, not exchanging for a secondary one;
  • initiative- the ability to embody the ideas that have arisen;
  • adherence to principles- the quality of a person that allows you to be guided by certain moral principles and not change them.

Social qualities of a person

A person cannot exist outside of society, as individuals are revealed in society by interacting with each other. A person influences society, and society influences a person - this process is always two-way. Each person performs several social roles, and for each role there is a set of qualities that reveal it. The positive qualities of a person help him to reveal himself in society from the best side and bring harmony.

Social qualities of people:

  • self-awareness is an important ability that allows a person to be aware of himself in the social system;
  • social identification - the ability of a person to self-identify with other people consciously or emotionally;
  • self-esteem - the ability to adequately evaluate oneself without exceeding or belittling one's own merits, is an important component of the self-concept;
  • social activity - skills and abilities to perform socially significant actions for the development of society;
  • worldview - a set of views, values, norms and attitudes that determines a person's attitude to society and the world as a whole.

Business qualities of a person

The professional qualities of a person show his competence and are defined as a specialist; they are formed on the basis of existing qualities and abilities. When applying for a job, the employer without fail looks at what qualities and skills the applicant possesses. Qualities important for a person’s business activities (each type of profession may have its own requirements):

  • fast learner;
  • organizational skills;
  • sociability;
  • independence in work;
  • initiative;
  • ability to work within multitasking;
  • the ability to speak in front of an audience;
  • experience in business negotiations;
  • accuracy;
  • ability to plan a working day;
  • high stress resistance;
  • tact and courtesy in interpersonal relationships;
  • Analytical mind;
  • literacy;
  • organizational skills.

What qualities are necessary for a person to achieve the goal?

If you ask any person what helps him achieve his goals and objectives, everyone will have different answers - this is such an individual process and depends on a number of circumstances and character traits, values ​​laid down in childhood. The qualities of a creative person are inspiration and creativity, while a “mundane” person needs self-discipline and diligence. What advances some towards the goal is not even a help to others, everyone has their own path to success and yet there is a standard idea of ​​​​people about what these qualities should be.

The positive and negative qualities of a person are determined by the psychology of the individual and his body constitution. The system of properties and qualities of character is imprinted on the manifestation of personal characteristics.

Important! The static character is determined by the nervous system, and its dynamics - by external factors!

List of negative personality traits

  • The bad qualities of a proud person are manifested in the opinion that the whole world exists for his sake and everything should happen according to his whims and for his pleasure.
  • Lust for power is the tendency of people to thirst, with or without reason, to command, control everything and everyone.
  • Selfishness and vanity is a concentration on one's needs and an excessive love for honors.
  • The bad qualities of a jealous person are a feeling of envy for the apparent or imagined success of an opponent, especially in the field of love for an object.
  • Resentment is an attempt to attract attention and get more than a person is willing to give.
  • Envy is a feeling of annoyance caused by the well-being, success of another person.
  • Vindictiveness is the desire and readiness to respond with evil to the harm done, regardless of the expediency in this.
  • The bad qualities of a cruel person are the desire to cause suffering to any living being.

List of positive personality traits

The formation of a noble and bright image is achieved with the help of a number of individual psychological abilities of the individual:

  • Certainty is the accuracy and clarity of thought, the absence of inconsistency and confusion in the elements of thought and the thoughts themselves.
  • Stress resistance is a good human trait that is highly valued due to the ability to withstand strong negative emotional influences that cause high mental tension.
  • Mindfulness is the ability to listen to another person.
  • Compassion is pity and sympathy caused by the misfortune of other people.
  • Respect is the best qualities of a person, which lie in the ability to reckon with the interests of others.
  • Spiritual generosity is the ability to give one's strength, feelings and abilities to others.
  • Industriousness is the readiness to act with full dedication in the performance of any work.
  • Cheerfulness is a good quality of a positive person that helps to find bright positive aspects in all life situations.
  • Honor is the inner moral dignity of a person.
  • Gratitude is contentment with one's talents and gifts of nature without taking it for granted.
  • Humility is the good qualities of a non-proud person who is ready to obey someone else's will.

What is most valued in women?

  • Thrift is the ability to wisely dispose of one's property and one's spiritual strength.
  • Meekness is gentleness of character.
  • Tenderness is a manifestation of touching concern for a neighbor.
  • Patience is the best quality of a strong person, which is expressed in moral stability and clarity of mind.

What makes a perfect man?

  • Courage is the ability to act in spite of despair.
  • Wisdom is deep thinking and making decisions based on rich life experience.
  • Reliability is the best quality of a responsible person, which includes firmness in making decisions and keeping promises.

Grouping behavioral factors

  • The relationship of people to others. Sociability, sensitivity, kindness and respect are the main advantages of collectivism. The negative qualities of a person are a closed, callous, rude, deceitful, contemptuous manifestation inherent in individualism.
  • Features that determine the approach to business. Creativity, responsibility and conscientiousness in the performance of tasks, the manifestation of initiative and perseverance are the positive qualities of a person.
    Unacceptable ones are manifested in the form of laziness, inertia and indifference.
  • Attitude towards one's "I". The system of symptom complexes includes self-esteem and critical self-esteem. The positive qualities of a person are modesty and the absence of bad qualities - conceit, arrogance and vanity. Negative indicators include arrogant, touchy, shy and selfish inclinations.
  • attitude towards things. Accuracy or disdain for material goods allow us to make an assessment of the nature of the individual.

Human behavior is dictated by generally accepted standards. From the moment of birth, each individual is assigned positive and negative qualities. Their manifestation is primarily due to education, as well as the ability to cope with critical situations.

Features of the physique and character of the personality

German psychologist Ernst Kretschmer put forward a theory that promotes grouping a list of bad and good sides based on a person's physique:

  1. Asthenics (translated from Greek asthenic means weak) are thin individuals with an oblong face and limbs, poorly developed chest and muscles. They also belong to the group of schizothymic. The negative qualities of a person are manifested by isolation, seriousness, stubbornness, and a low level of adaptation to a new environment. Psychological disorders are accompanied by signs of schizophrenia.
  2. Athletes (wrestlers) are tall people with broad shoulders, powerful chests and a strong skeleton, developed muscle tissues. The positive qualities of a person (iksotimika) are calmness and practicality, restraint. They are not impressionable and do not tolerate change. Mental disorders lead to epilepsy.
  3. Picnics are full-bodied, kind people of medium height and short necks. Cyclothymics are distinguished by a wide face with small features. They are sociable and easily get in touch. The best qualities of a complete person are expressed by increased emotionality and easy adaptation to a new environment. Mental disorders are accompanied by manic depressive states.

Manifestation of negative qualities of people in various situations

Career. On the way to promotion, the best qualities of a good person can be replaced by hypocrisy, lies, vanity, hatred and arrogance.

Extreme situation. A feeling of fear for one's health and life can cause unexpected actions (deceitful, treacherous, cowardly, weak-willed, and others).

Relationship. A good example is jealousy, stupidity, greed, grouchiness and slovenliness. The bad qualities of a person are especially noticeable when living together with other people.

The manifestation of positive qualities of people in various situations

Extreme. Courageous, inventive, persistent and serious people enjoy great respect in society. This category includes loyal, reliable and responsive individuals who show their best side in a tense situation.

Significant other. Ideal relationships with loved ones require the cultivation of compliance, attentiveness and kindness. It is important to show tenderness, fidelity and patience - the main positive qualities of a person who is in a pair.

High post. When moving up the career ladder, a special indicator is moral stamina, a conscientious and hardworking attitude. The display of honest, punctual and tactful behavior is the ideal tactic of a conscientious employee.

Society attitude

According to the conventional wisdom, the good qualities of a person always lead to development. Unacceptable actions, on the contrary, are driven into a dead end. Appropriate and dignified behavior is highly valued. Fair, ambitious, and good relations are important indicators. Condemned - betrayal, pettiness, envy and indifference.

The manifestation of dark and light sides is always evaluated together. There are no ideals. With good upbringing and compliance with all the parameters of a benefactor, the presence of bad habits related to negative properties is not excluded. Each individual has the right to independently choose the appropriate model of behavior throughout his life.

In the social life of society and in relationships.

Each person has special qualities and individual traits in character. It is impossible to find two absolutely identical men or women. The description of the character of people is built from their actions, which affect their whole life.

Character and dependence on physique

E. Kretschmer, a famous German psychologist, determined that the behavior of a person directly depends on her physique. He compiled a description of the examples fit into three main groups.

  1. Asthenics are people with underdeveloped muscles, rather thin with a small chest. They have an elongated face and long limbs. The psychologist united all such people in the group of schizotimics. Often these are very stubborn people, it is difficult for them to adapt to changing environmental conditions. They are very withdrawn and tend to suffer from schizophrenia with severe mental disorders.
  2. Picnics are people who tend to be overweight. They are characterized by a round face, short neck and small. These people fell into the typological group of cyclothymic character. These are sociable people, very emotional and prone to quick adaptation in unfamiliar conditions. When psychological disorders fall into depression.
  3. Athletics - have an athletic build, large chest and high growth. Athletes Kretschmer related to iksotimiks - unemotional personalities, domineering and not loving change. A severe psychological disorder can easily lead to epilepsy.

Here is a description given by a German psychologist. Now boldly approach the mirror and draw conclusions whether this theory applies to you or not.

The influence of temperament on character

Temperament - the characteristic vital energy of a person, which establishes an attitude towards life. It is often difficult to find a person in whom only one temperamental indicator is pronounced. As a rule, people have mixed temperaments, but knowing them, one can easily make a description of a person’s character, examples are given below:

  • Sanguine is a mobile person, who is characterized by regular mood swings. He reacts very quickly to all the events in his life. Failures and negative moments are perceived easily, without depression and frustration. Such a person has developed facial expressions, and he also completely devotes himself to work, if he is interested in it.
  • Choleric is a very bright and excited person, who reacts vividly to life events. It can quickly get angry and at the same time feel a breakdown. Such a person quickly lights up with new ideas, but just as easily loses interest.
  • A melancholic is a person who takes everything to heart. At the same time, he is very impressionable, it is easy to bring him to tears.
  • Phlegmatic - a person who is stingy with emotions. The whole life of such a person is balanced and full of stability. Such people are valued in many firms, as they are distinguished by perseverance and high work capacity.

Formation of personality character

The description of the character of people was made by many psychologists. But when is this very character formed and can it be changed? Character manifests itself at a very early age. By the age of five, a child has established characteristics that are almost impossible to change.

In the lower grades, the opinion of parents and teachers remains a priority, but after 14 years there is a whole psychological explosion. A teenager clearly demonstrates his opinion about life, forming character. Clearly, the formation is influenced by the media. During this period, it is easy to impose the wrong political views and grow a supporter of some movement. By the age of 20, the human personality is formed, the turning point begins at the age of 50. There is a rearrangement of priorities, the so-called wisdom appears.

Appearance and character of a person

And the character of a person is an important stylistic device for writers. This gives us a complete picture of the hero. We see its positive and negative features, a negative or positive character is formed.

Description of the nature of people is very important for solving serial crimes - experts start from the repetitive actions characteristic of a maniac. This creates an accurate portrait of the individual and even the possibility of predicting the actions of the offender.

If it is important to make a detailed description of a person, character traits are a significant indicator. Especially in such areas as politics, journalism. You need to be able to characterize a person’s abilities by appearance, because a real character does not always appear immediately.

Hello dear guests! Today we will analyze the most important human qualities, which characterize it both with good and bad sides. In general, in our time (which is now), young people think little about what properties a person can and should have in life. There are many of them, it’s impossible to list them all, but it would not hurt everyone to know the main ones.
After reading the definitions of human qualities, some of you have already managed to characterize yourself and perhaps see these qualities in yourself.

Authority - it is the recognized value of organization, collective, theory, etc., based on the trust and respect of the broad masses of working people. In other words, authority is a quality in a person, which is created from the general assessments of society. This is a very important concept that will help you in any situation.
nobility - the ability to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of others, to act honestly, openly, courageously and not to be humiliated for the sake of personal gain. We can say that nobility is when you do good imperceptibly, not for the sake of awards and recognition. Remember how many people gave their lives in wars for their Motherland, for their people...
Loyalty - it is constancy (constancy, devotion) in relationships, in feelings, attitudes, habits, in education, etc. I think that everything is clear here and this quality does not need more. Although, often due to lack of fidelity arise
Will - this is one of the functions of the human psyche, expressed in power over oneself, control over one's actions, one's behavior; perseverance, perseverance in activity, in overcoming obstacles encountered. That is, the will is a complete work on one's actions, deeds and thoughts. You need to constantly understand what is good in what I did and what is bad in it.
upbringing - this is the ability to keep oneself in society (in front of people). This quality is sorely lacking in today's youth, who are constantly rude and do the wrong thing. By the way, good manners is also politeness and courtesy.
Pride - it is a sense of self-worth, self-respect, satisfaction, which is caused by the consciousness of success or superiority. This is an important trait that every person should have in moderation. It is difficult for a person who is too proud to achieve success in life.
Kindness - This is basically responsiveness, a friendly attitude towards people. This is a very good quality that is given to all people, but not everyone knows how to use it. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. Agree that a kind person is immediately visible by communication, by eyes, by behavior ...
Friendship - this is a mutual disposition, attachment to each other, based on mutual trust, devotion, common interests, ideas, goals. Friendship is good, especially in difficult times when outside support is needed. A true friend is hard to find, but it is possible, the main thing is not to lose him.
Ideological aspiration - a person's commitment to a certain idea, on the basis of which he performs his actions and to the service of which he devotes his life. It is very good when a person has his own ideas, thoughts. And if he also brings them to life, then it's great. Try to bring even a small, but your own idea to life ...
Responsibility - it is an obligation imposed on or taken by someone to account for any of their actions and to accept responsibility for their possible consequences. Not all people around us have this quality. Check for yourself which of your friends has responsibility, just see for the fulfillment of the things that your friend promises to do. If he says that he will do and does this business, then it will be possible to rely on him in the future. Well, if he does not, then naturally the attitude changes. But I’ll say right away that this is not a matter of minutes, responsibility is checked by no single deed ...
Patriotism - it is love for one's Fatherland, devotion to one's people, readiness for any sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of one's Motherland. This is a very important quality that, in my opinion, every person living in the country should have. This feeling is born in the heart. By the way, many lines were written by Turgenev, Lermontov, Chernyshevsky, Chekhov, Dostoevsky about love for the Motherland.
Selflessness - it is the ability to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of the interests of others. Not all people have this property, not everyone is able to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others.
Conscience - it is a feeling and consciousness of moral responsibility for one's behavior, and actions in front of oneself, in front of the surrounding people, society. Everyone has this thing, the main thing is to feel it and feel it in time.
Tolerance - it is the ability to tolerate or condescendingly treat other people's habits, customs, views. As you understand, this is the usual patience that must and should be cultivated in oneself. First endure one trick, and after that the second one will be uneasy.
diligence - love for work or zeal for work. First they start with a dream, and only then turn their dream into reality. The main thing is to find your own business and do it ...
Conviction - it is a firm belief in something, firmness of convictions. This quality needs to be constantly worked out in oneself, trained on someone ...
purposefulness - it is the pursuit of a goal. This is taught from childhood, wishes for a birthday ... I wish you all to purchase this necessary thing. For example, if you want to get rid of an object, don't give up on that goal when the going gets tough.
generosity - it is the ability to share with others one's means, property, and the like. This is very cool stuff. It comes from the heart, it is pleasant to receive it and it is pleasant to give it to others.

Well, now let's get acquainted with such qualities of a person, which should be as few as possible in any of us. This makes us very sad when We learn this from our friends...

Envy is a feeling that comes into ours when another person is very successful. Often we begin to compare ourselves (our capabilities) with another person (his capabilities), thereby we begin to envy. But no one thinks about one thing: what did it cost for that person to achieve such results? Only he knows the answer to this question. And we have no right to judge him.
meanness - dishonesty, baseness. I think many of you once met with this concept. Agree it is not very pleasant to do and even more so to learn.
Betrayal - it is a violation of loyalty to someone or something. This is an act that is not appreciated at all, it is better not to possess such a quality. Rather don't use it...
Selfishness - preference for personal interests over public ones, neglect of them, selfishness. This is one of their negative qualities. It is difficult to cure, but easy to acquire. A big example of selfishness is depicted in the film.

You learned many words and concepts for the first time, I hope that now you will think more often about your actions and how they will affect others.