About the coming of Maitreya. Lord Maitreya

Borrowing images and concepts of traditional religions, he fills them with his own meaning, far from the original one, in order to try to create the illusion of the truth of his doctrines, confirming the idea of ​​​​the spiritual degradation of all religions, in which, from the point of view of esotericism, only grains of truth remained, at that time as soon as teachings like Agni Yoga and Theosophy carry within themselves all its completeness. But, as we will see below, occult teachings do not withstand serious criticism and crumble like houses of cards in the wind at the slightest attempt at an unbiased assessment based not on the fantasies of occultists, but on facts.

One of the main aspirations of the Christian Church from its very birth is the expectation of the fulfillment of Christ’s promise about His Second Coming (Matthew 24:30): “Hey, come, Lord Jesus!”(Rev. 22:20). A sign of the Second Coming, according to the testimony of Christ Himself, will be, in particular, the appearance of false Christs and false prophets: “...false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24). The Holy Scriptures say that the coming of Christ will be preceded by the coming of the Antichrist (1 John 2:18). Antichrist is a man who, being possessed by Satan, having acquired Divine dignity, will perform imaginary miracles, subjugate the whole world, and subject Christians to persecution. The Antichrist will become the religious and secular ruler of the world for 3.5 years, after which he will be defeated by Christ and sent to hell forever.

Do modern esotericists who profess theosophy and agni yoga expect the coming of Christ? No, they are waiting for the coming of Maitreya. Let's try to figure out whether we can assume that Maitreya, as he appears in occultism, and the Antichrist are one and the same person, and how valid is such an assumption?

Who is Maitreya? Occultists borrowed the image of Maitreya from Buddhism, let’s make a reservation right away: in this article we will not consider the Buddhist teaching about Maitreya; it interests us here only from the point of view of differences from its occult namesake. As the experience of studying esotericism shows, occultists distort not only Christianity, but also other traditional religions, including Buddhism, endowing Buddhist concepts with interpretations that are unusual for them in Buddhism. So, what can we learn about Maitreya from Agni Yoga and Theosophy? For example, the following: “Christ...Buddha... and Lord Maitreya came from Venus at the dawn of the birth of physical man, and therefore They are our Divine Ancestors and Mentors”, “Maitreya is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha and Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins, the last Messiah who will come at the completion of the Great Cycle.” Kalki Avatar is the coming “savior” of Hinduism, which we will talk about in more detail below. All that matters now is that the occultists place a sign of spiritual identity between Maitreya and Kalki. Besides, “The Messiah of the Jews is identical with Maitreya...”. In Helena Roerich's letters we read: “...Bodhisattva Maitreya was bequeathed to the world as the future Buddha by Gotama himself. That is why the Hinayana recognizes this only Bodhisattva. Maitreya responds to the Kalki Avatar in Hinduism (Avatar on the White Horse, see “Revelation” of John)– (emphasis added by us. - V.P.) and the Messiahs of all nations. All Messiahs, invariably, are Avatars of Vishnu, therefore They belong to the One Ego. In exoteric traditions, the difference between Maitreya and Kalki Avatar is that, while Kalki Avatar will appear at the end of the present Kali Yuga - “for the final destruction of the evil ones and for the renewal of humanity and the restoration of purity,” Maitreya is expected earlier. Thus, in the Revelation of John the Theologian, according to esotericists, it speaks of Maitreya, whom they identify not only with Kalki, but also with Christ. Where is Maitreya now? “...those who know (i.e. the Roerichs and other “true” initiates like them - V.P.) know that the Lord Maitreya now resides in the Image of the Lord of Shambhala, and, of course, His Coming cannot be understood as the appearance of His flesh among earthly conditions and earthly inhabitants. The teachings of Lord Maitreya (theosophy and agni yoga. - V.P.) will spread throughout the World and will lead a new era...” It is further stated: “...The Lord of Shambhala acts through his earthly warriors...”. Who are these warriors? In Agni Yoga, the teachings of which, as esotericists believe, were given by Maitreya, it is said: “Maitreya wants to give humanity the gift of the fiery experience of Agni Yoga”; “I, Maitreya, affirm the cosmic tension of the Fire of Mother Agni Yoga (E.I. Roerich - V.P.)” ; “Therefore, Our fiery Agni Yogini (E.I. Roerich - V.P.) must show fire to humanity in the era of Maitreya, in the great time of displacement" ; “All previous Yogas, given from higher Sources, took a certain quality of life as the basis; now, with the advent of the age of Maitreya, Yoga is needed in the essence of all life (i.e. agni yoga. - V.P.).” In general, the main conductors of the will of the occult Maitreya, according to agni yoga, are the Roerichs, Blavatsky, whom the Roerichs considered their forerunner, and, naturally, their students. Occultism teaches: “The appearance of Maitreya was said after the wars, but the last wars will be for the True Teaching (Agni Yoga and Theosophy. - V.P.). Moreover, everyone who rebels against Shambhala will be defeated in all his deeds. And the waves will wash away his house, and even the dog will not come to his call... . Those who rebel against Shambhala will be overthrown. The banner of Maitreya of the land of the New World will flow like blood for those who are darkened and, like a red sun, for those who understand!” . From this we can conclude that all those who opposed the occult ideas of the Roerichs and Blavatsky will be destroyed: “...those who are not aware of creativity through higher measures will perish in old turmoil. Those who have not realized the new paths so need to understand the Age of Maitreya!” ;“When Maitreya Buddha comes, then our present world will be destroyed, and a new, better world will replace it”; “The fog of thinking about religions can be cleared with an explosion. Christ, Buddha and Maitreya will be shown at their best..."

As we see, Maitreya resides in Shambhala. What is Shambhala in the minds of esotericists? Agni Yoga says: “Shambhala is a necessary place where the spiritual world is combined with the material. Just as there is a point of greatest attraction in a magnet, so the gates of the spiritual world are open to the Abode of the Mountains.” Mahatmas, who are the world government, reside in Shambhala: “the world government... is the Great Shambhala...”. In addition, in Agni Yoga, Belovodye and Heavenly Jerusalem are identified with Shambhala: “In... legends it speaks about Belovodye and Heavenly Jerusalem - both legends are related to Our Abode.”

Let's try to summarize all of the above. So, occultists believe that Maitreya, Kalki and Jesus Christ are one and the same person, that Maitreya resides in Shambhala, that Shambhala in the Holy Scriptures is called the Heavenly Jerusalem, while the Old Believers call it Belovodye. One of the main confirmations that Christ is identical with Kalki and Maitreya is the following verse of the Apocalypse: “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it was called Faithful and True, who judges in righteousness and makes war” (Rev. 19:11). Since both Maitreya, Kalka and Christ ride on a white horse, then, according to occultists, there is no difference between Kalki, Maitreya and Christ. But aren't such generalizations unfounded and hasty?

Let's start with Buddhism. In Buddhism, Maitreya is not depicted riding a white horse; there are images where Maitreya stands or sits, sometimes in the lotus position. But there are no images of Maitreya sitting on a white horse, at least among the most popular ones. This is due to the fact that Maitreya’s vahana (mount) is Garuda. Garuda is the king of birds. Garuda in Buddhist mythology is a huge bird that is always at war with snakes. Buddhists believe that Shakyamuni was King Garuda in one of his past earthly births. Therefore, Garuda is sometimes depicted in human form, but with the head and wings of a bird, with a snake in its beak. Therefore, if we depict Maitreya on horseback, then not on a horse, but on Garuda. It is interesting to note that in Agni Yoga one can find the following words: “...like Maitreya’s white elephant, reality goes.” So does the occult Maitreya travel on a white horse or a white elephant? In general, Buddhist ideas about Maitreya differ from occult ones. Buddhists, unlike occultists, believe that Maitreya is currently in the Tushita heaven and not in Shambhala. Buddhists do not share the Theosophists' belief that Maitreya will destroy the world when he comes. The coming of Maitreya, according to Buddhists, should turn the Wheel of Dharma, i.e. to re-create Buddhism, which by the time of the coming of Maitreya will decline. Buddhism does not know faith in the reconstruction of the world, and even more so in the destruction of the world, in connection with the advent of Maitreya.

Occultists claim that there is no difference between Maitreya and Kalki, perhaps for occultists there really is no difference, but Buddhists do not identify Maitreya with Kalki. Kalki in Buddhism is revered only by followers of the Vajrayana school, while Maitreya is revered by all Buddhists. Having arrived, Kalki, according to the ideas of Hinduism, will become a ruler, while Maitreya, according to the teachings of Buddhists, will come in the form of a simple monk, but not at all in order to fight, but in order to teach. Comparing the Buddhist and Hindu teachings about Kalki and Maitreya with the teachings about these occult characters, one can draw a simple conclusion: these teachings have little in common. In this case, we are presented with a clear example of the occult “borrowing” of characters from traditional religions, characterized by a complete transformation of the teaching about them. Apparently, teachers of esotericism count on the religious illiteracy of their followers, but, unfortunately, in most cases their calculation is correct.

Can Kalki be identified with Jesus Christ? Kalki is the last avatar of Vishnu. His middle name is Vishnuyashas, ​​which means endowed with the glory of Vishnu. The Mahabharata says that Kalki, born into a Brahmin family in the village of Sambhala, will witness the spiritual degradation of humanity during the Kali Yuga period. As we see, Kalki is yet to be born, while Christ will appear in glory: “As lightning comes from the east and is visible even to the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man” (Matthew 24:27), “...for the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thess. 4:16). According to Hindu mythology, when the barbarians seize power, they will violate religious rituals, and then Kalki will perform a number of magical rituals, including the Ashwamedha ritual, as a result of which he will gain spiritual and political power and restore Hinduism. Let's take a closer look at the Ashwamedha ritual. The purpose of this ancient rite is to magically acquire the status of a world ruler. Ashvamedha is a ritual of horse sacrifice. After certain preparatory rituals, the sacrificial horse was released to graze freely for a year under the protection of a military detachment. The rulers of those countries in whose territory the horse is located had to swear allegiance to the king performing the Ashwamedha ritual. If they did not want to do this voluntarily, they were forced to do so. After a year, after the return of the horse, certain rituals were performed, the culmination of which was the ritual killing of the horse through strangulation. The ruler's wives mourned the sacrifice, and the king's main wife lay down next to the dead animal under a blanket and imitated copulation with it. The priests and women participating in this ritual exchanged erotic remarks at this time. Let us leave the description of the pagan rite of Ashwamedha without comment, since the very attempt to imagine that Christ could take part in it is blasphemous. But isn’t it obvious from all of the above that Kalki and Christ have nothing to do with each other?

What can be said about Shambhala, in which Maitreya supposedly resides? As mentioned above, esotericists identify Shambhala with Belovodye and Heavenly Jerusalem. As for Belovodye, we will give the floor to those Old Believers who believe in the legend about it: “Belovodye is a legendary country where, according to popular beliefs, widespread among Old Believers in the 18th and 19th centuries, ancient Orthodox piety was preserved in its original form, with the blessed sovereign and the holy patriarch.” ; “Our ancestors found it on the shores of the white waters - the waters of the Baltic Sea...”. Buddhists believe that Shambhala is most likely located north of India. From Helena Roerich's hints we can conclude that Shambhala, according to her ideas, is located in the Himalayas. But the Baltic Sea and the Himalayas are not the same thing. It is quite possible to assume that the Old Believers communicated with Buddhists and the legend of Shambhala was indeed intertwined with the myth of Belovodye, but this is only an assumption. The fact is that the Old Believers, believing in Belovodye, still remain Christians and do not become occultists. Belovodye of the Old Believers is not the Shambhala of theosophists and Agni Yogis. The claims of occultists that the Heavenly Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2) is Shambhala can be called outright stupidity. The coming of Christ is the pinnacle of Christian hopes, the basis of which is the Holy Scripture, and not the books of esotericists who reject everything that the Bible states. Why on earth did the Revelation of John the Theologian suddenly find something in common with esoteric teachings?

The main argument in defense of the fact that Kalki, Maitreya and Christ are identical is the assertion that they all appear riding white horses. But, as mentioned above, this does not apply to the image of Maitreya in Buddhism. As for Kalki, he is indeed depicted riding a white horse, but, in our opinion, this still cannot serve as a sufficient argument for identifying him with Christ. The white horse is an ancient symbol of victory. By the way, in the Apocalypse, the rider on a white horse is mentioned twice (Rev. 6:2 and 19:11), but only the second of the mentions is definitely attributed by the exegetes to Christ. The horse in both cases has a symbolic interpretation.

Is it possible to identify Maitreya, whom the occultists teach, with the Antichrist? According to Holy Scripture, the Antichrist will assume Divine dignity and demand Divine worship and service (2 Thess. 2:4), reject the teachings of Christ and persecute Christians: “Let no one deceive you in any way: [for that day will not] [come] until a falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits in the temple of God as God, pretending to be God. Don’t you remember that while I was still with you, I told you this? And now you know what prevents you from revealing yourself to him in due time. For the mystery of iniquity is already in action, only [will not be accomplished] until the one who now restrains is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the spirit of His mouth and destroy by the revelation of His coming, the one whose coming, according to the work of Satan, will be with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception of those who are perishing because they did not receive love. truth for your salvation" (2 Thess. 2:3-10). The occult Maitreya clearly claims to replace Christ and take the place of His teaching with his own, thereby seeking to lead people to worship himself. At the same time, his followers openly resort to deception, eclecticism, distort the history of the Church and teach hatred of all traditional religions - primarily Christianity

Hello, dear readers – seekers of knowledge and truth!

All Buddhists on the planet know about the beginning of a new time, which will be associated with the coming of the saint. This is Maitreya Buddha. This is exactly what we want to tell you about today.

Our article will tell you who he is, how he is described in Buddhist literature and depicted in different forms of art: painting, sculpture. We will also find out when Maitreya will come, and what awaits humanity with his arrival.

Well, forward - towards new knowledge!

Who is Maitreya

Maitreya's name is translated in different ways:

  • invincible;
  • giver of love;
  • bestower of mercy,
  • compassionate lord;
  • future Teacher.

However, everyone agrees on one thing - this is the coming Teacher, he will appear in the future in the world of people, achieve Enlightenment and bring salvation to humanity. He will be a bodhisattva - a Buddha who will bring people a new teaching, give it a pure teaching and help everyone get out of the cycle of samsara with its constant rebirths and suffering.

Maitreya is the only Buddha who is recognized by all directions of Buddhist thought, including one in which there is practically no pantheon of Buddhas. He is especially revered by Korean, Chinese, and Burmese Buddhists.

Buddhist monks in Myanmar

In each country and in each direction it may have a special name:

  • in Japanese - Miroku;
  • in the Pali language - Metea;
  • in Chinese - Mile;
  • in Tibetan - Maidar;
  • in some interpretations - Maidari, Maitri.

But the name familiar to all Buddhists is Maitreya. This Buddha of the Future must come at the end of the current era - kalpa.

It is believed that he is now in Tushita Heaven, waiting for the right time to be saved. This is the place where the deities reside, it is one of the six heavens, the fourth from the bottom. Their name is translated as “gardens of joy” and they are located between the Heavens of Yama and the Heavens of Nirmanarati.

Tushita Heaven is inhabited by those who in a past life observed the main Buddhist precepts, adhered to the Middle Way, engaged in meditative practices and cultivated good thoughts and noble deeds. Here a new incarnation of the bodhisattva is found. Some Mahayana scriptures claim that it was here that he appeared before he incarnated in our world and became a great Teacher.

Mahayans believe that their brand of Buddhist thought originated with the Coming Buddha. According to their beliefs, the founder Arya Asanga got rid of obscurations and more than once visited Tushita Heaven, where Maitreya told him the truth. Based on the teachings told by Maitreya, Asanga wrote down his five main sutras.

MantraMaitreyi sounds like this: “Om Buddha Maitri Mem Soha.”

What does Buddhist literature say about him?

The main sacred text about the Buddha of the Future is considered to be a sutra in Sanskrit called “Maitreyavyakarana”, which means “the prophecy of Maitreya”. According to the scripture, deities, people and everything in the world will follow Maitreya, follow his teachings and thereby get rid of attachments and doubts.

The coming Buddha will prove that nothing - neither property, nor wealth and jewelry, nor homes and even relatives - belongs to people. And this will save living beings from passions, giving them a joyful and happy life.

The Dikha Nikaya, which is included in the Tripitaka collection, calls Maitreya a follower of Shakyamuni. The same is said in the Lalita Vistara, which dates back to the 3rd-4th centuries AD. It says that before his incarnation in the human world, Gautama Buddha, while still in Tushita Heaven, pointed to Maitreya and placed a bodhisattva wreath on him.

The Mahaparinibbana Sutta mentions the Buddha of the Future, calling him Maitreya and Ajita, that is, “invincible.” The works of recent centuries, including those developed in Russia, are also devoted to him, for example, studies by N.K. Roerich, S.F. Oldenburg, E.P. Blavatsky.

When will he appear?

As we already know, the Buddha of the Future resides in Tushita Heaven, waiting for the moment when people are ready for his coming. But there is also an opinion that Maitreya may already appear where he is needed most. Moreover, he can be in several worlds at once.

Predictions about the coming of the Coming Buddha can be found in the first Mahayana sutras, as well as in the Maitreya Vyakaran. The sacred texts of Buddhism describe to what level humanity must reach before the coming of Maitreya:

  • Human life expectancy will be about 80 thousand years.
  • The world will be taken over by a Buddhist school, which will surpass the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni in the number of successors.
  • At the helm of humanity will be a wise Buddhist ruler;
  • Deaths from hunger, war, and disease will end.
  • Love and patience will reign among people.

In some texts one can find the estimated time of Maitreya's arrival. But these figures turn out to be disappointing - they claim that the Buddha of the Future will come no earlier than in 5 billion years.

Maitreya Buddha statue, Tibet

Just before the coming, the oceans will become smaller in size so that the Coming Buddha can cross them. It will take Maitreya only a week to achieve enlightenment in this world due to past lives lived in truth. Then living beings will be able to comprehend pure dharma, which will create a new beautiful world.

How he is portrayed

In images and thangkas, the Buddha of the Future can be depicted in different poses. Sometimes he sits on some kind of elevation like a chair, sometimes he is depicted riding a white horse. But most often he takes the usual Buddhist pose: padmasana, the lotus pose, or lalitasana - a position in which the deity sits in a half lotus with his leg hanging down.

Maitreya is lavishly decorated with ornaments, including a crown on his head. His skin is radiant with a golden tint, and his clothes are the usual robes of a monk.

There are three-faced and four-armed images of Maitreya. In this case, he squeezes a sprig of saffron in his left hand, and with his right hand expresses the bestowal of good in the form of varada mudra. The other two palms are folded in the Dharmachakra Mudra, which symbolizes the expression of the Law of Dharma.

Maitreya is often depicted in statues, some of which date back to 350 BC. One of the most famous sculptures is located in China, namely in Leshan. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Carved into the rock, the statue is amazing in size:

  • total height – 70 meters;
  • head – 14 meters;
  • shoulders – 29 meters;
  • nose – 5 meters;
  • finger on hand - 8 meters;
  • toe – 1.5 meters.

Our compatriot, artist and researcher Nicholas Roerich made a great contribution to the study of Maitreya. In the 20s of the last century, he was on a Central Asian expedition, where he studied the cultural heritage of Buddhism and embodied them in painting.

Maitreya the Winner. N. Roerich

There is a well-known series of paintings by Roerich, which is called “Maitreya”. The most famous of them is “Maitreya the Victorious”, now it is kept in the Moscow International Roerich Center-Museum. The remaining seven paintings are presented in the Nizhny Novgorod Art Museum.


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Lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Teachings of Maitreya.

Invocation before the lecture.

In the name of the light of God that never weakens, by the power of the mighty unquenchable three-petalled flame, I ask for the expansion of the Buddhic light, the presence of Lord Maitreya in every heart.

Holy Christ Self of each, mighty three-petalled flame, expand, expand, expand for the victory of the God of Flame here below as well as above. Accept now the cup of our being, O God. Embrace our life. Multiply your blue-flame arrows of white fire, your blue-flame light. Seal us in the cylinder of God's holy will.

Strengthen the action of the Ruby Ray and the white fire of the Divine Mother. Come, O illumination of the Cosmic Christ. May the mighty sword of Maitreya free everyone from self-deception, from everything unreal.

I call upon the Great Cohorts of Victors. Legions of Light, angels of blue lightning from the heart of God, bind the entire false hierarchy of usurpers of the Real Self.

I invoke the sword of Maitreya. Bind the threshold guardian, depression, death and hell of the threshold guardian of everyone's unreal self.

Come, O Mighty Buddha. Come, Gautama, Sanat Kumara. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Divine Mother. Amen.

Good evening!

The presence of Maiteria is a great joy because it implies depth, vitality and acceleration. Although the worship of Maitreya came to us from the Buddhist tradition, for us he is, first of all, the Universal Christ, the universal Buddha, who is yet to come and who announced his coming through his closest disciple Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ here, in the Heart (Inner Abode), announced the coming of Maitreya and his founding of the School of Mysteries here.

The teachings of Lord Maitreya, according to his own words, are the teachings of his sons, the ascended masters. All of them are bodhisattvas striving to become Buddhas.

The great teaching of the Age of Aquarius that we have received is the sacraments of Jesus Christ, who was the herald and messenger of Maitreya. Jesus taught these truths two thousand years ago. We can verify this by comparing the Gnostic texts, the teachings given to us by the ascended masters, with what came to us from the east.

Just like in Christianity, in modern Buddhism there is a thousand-year-old tradition and legends telling about the coming of Maitreya. All this is a repeated repetition of revelation received in ancient times, and is devoid of modern knowledge, which is given to us in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and in the wonderful dictations of Maitreya.

We see that the teachings of Gautama, Sanat Kumara and Maitreya are as far from the modern version of Buddhism as the teachings of the Ascended Master Jesus Christ are from the modern version of Christianity. We must remember this and not try to limit the modern Maitreya, the great Ascended Master, who comes to us as the Cosmic Christ, teaching us with the help of World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi the path to achieving individual Christhood. We must not try to squeeze modern teaching into the framework of an unrenewed Buddhist history. Nor should we question modern revelations by saying, “They don’t fit with the ancient prophecies; they must be false.”

Prophecies are given so that the sons and daughters of God on earth can change them, for example, the statement that we find in both Buddhism and Christianity that an age of darkness must come in order for the Messiah to appear.

If you look at current events, this is where everything is heading. But this does not mean that it should be so. We would not be here if we believed that the prophecy of planetary darkness would inevitably be fulfilled before the great illumination or coming of the Universal Christ could become possible.

So we believe in free will, which we exercise by invoking the sacred fire and the violet flame. And this means that it is possible to change the course of cycles, at least change the course of individual cycles in each of us’s own microcosm. And no matter what happens to the planet, in our own being we can experience a golden age, such news, very important news, was brought to us by our beloved Archaea Hope. In our own aura, in our own force field, we can experience the highest octaves of Light, samadhi, nirvana, golden ages. We can live in that etheric octave, which Buddhists call the Tushita heaven, where Maitreya, together with his disciples, awaits the hour of incarnation.

This expectation and hope for the coming coming of Christ has created a vacuum, as obvious as two and two make four. There is no Christ incarnate, darkness covers the earth, and therefore the coming of great darkness is logical, since the prophecies proceed from the fact that Christ has not yet come. You know very well that Christ came to you as your Holy Christ Self.

So the assignment of the incarnation of the Word to an indefinite future is a lie, the seeds of which have penetrated into all world religions. Jews believe that the Messiah has not yet come, Muslims generally believe that Jesus was not Christ, but simply a great teacher.

So where is the religion that claims that the Second Coming of Christ has already happened? This is the religion. This is the religion of the Ascended Masters and their chelas who have revealed Christ and therefore understand.

Now I want to tell you about the origin of Buddhist beliefs and teachings, as well as a very special story about the coming of Maitreya, about who will and who will not be able to see him when this happens. Before presenting to you certain historical and theoretical Buddhist postulates, I would like to remind us all that Maitreya is not the Buddha of the future, and not the Buddha of the past, he is the Buddha of the present, who is among us. Maitreya can reside in your heart, just as Guan Yin often wears a figurine of Amitabha Buddha on his headdress.

You must declare this and walk the earth knowing that your teacher, your friend, your Guru, Maitreya lives in you and you are his representative, wherever you are. Because I am full of compassion, full of wisdom, have subordinated my whole life to it, because I live in accordance with the will of God, I AM THAT I AM Maiteria. And every time you put it off, even for five minutes (because at that very moment you are irritated, upset, depressed, too busy) you join this lie about his coming in the indefinite future.

I know why Maitreya is coming today. He is looking for disciples who would not be led astray by, for example, the teaching of Benjamin Cream, the teaching of the false hierarchy that Maitreya is incarnate and lives in London, his preaching about the unification of the whole world under the auspices of the United Nations and the redistribution of life's goods, like the only means of salvation, all those old theories of the Serpent of the Garden of Eden, socialism and communism, the neutralization of the law of karma: “No, you shall not die.” Genesis 3:4. No, we should not believe that the coming of such a being is limited to one body of flesh and blood, and become idolaters.

We know for sure that the terms are shortened for the chosen ones, so we do not have to wait 560,000 or 80,000 years or the periods that appear in the Buddhist tradition in order to find Maitreya next to us. We must separate the wheat from the chaff in all world religions. I want to remind you that the disciples of the Ascended Masters have made great personal sacrifices, have endured a lot in order to acquire this land, to acquire ownership of it, to move here, to move, they put off all the usual things for everyone else in order to find time for daily decrees, all for the fulfillment of our purpose and the establishment of religion.

Having gone through all these adversities, we should not easily give up the essence, which is the embodiment of the Divine Flame right where we are. Is it really for this that we made these sacrifices, gave all of ourselves, our whole lives so that the true religion of the Divine Mother, taught by her Sons, among whom are Gautama, Maitreya and others, so that this religion could exist on earth, is it so that to believe the stupid lies that dominate the world's religions in this Dark Cycle of Kali Yuga. Therefore, we who have dedicated our lives to the great salvation must really live for it and actually demonstrate it and not spill the last drops of our cup of victory by allowing the thought of the possibility of postponing it, even for a moment, in time and space.

Whatever you command is done now. All that an Ascended Master is exists now in your Holy Christ Self. Whoever is and whatever is – everything is God. And you know that God is your Mighty I AM Presence here and now, which is next to you and which is your very life and your being.

When you say I AM THAT I AM, claim Divinity, be it, act accordingly. And if you feel like you've strayed from the matrix, take the reins as you would a horse and get back on track. This is all we can all do in our quest to change the imperfect form. We simply must tirelessly move forward and work on ourselves and not believe that since yesterday we fell out of harmony, then today our God is not with us. Otherwise, we might as well join some orthodox in the future.

We, who possess the truth for which we are not sorry to give our lives, must be this truth. Because if we don’t become her, she won’t remain on earth after we leave. No one will remember our teaching if we do not put it into practice.

So let's talk about Maitreya in historical context. Understand that we too will eventually become history, but at this moment it does not matter to us. We do not live on the pages of a historical treatise. We live in the Eternal Now at the most decisive moment for planetary cycles.

And we are determined to make our mark. Today in this Eternal Now the moment has come for Maitreya to unite with our beings. Let's start by striving for mercy and compassion, Kuan Yin, which helps our unity. I'd like to put on song number 424. You and I will sing the song "Heart, Head and Hand" and take a few of these vows before we get into the actual teaching.

Let'slet's get upForsongs.

Kuan Yin "s *[Song 424, "Beloved Kuan Yin," sung 1 x.]


Hail, Greatly Merciful Kuan Shih Yin!

Hail, Greatly Merciful Kuan Shih Yin!

I desire/I vow to quickly know the entire dharma!


Y bAN WO SU CHIH I CH"IEH FA (given 37x)


Many Buddhist texts contain prophecies from the Buddha about the coming decline of Buddhism and the coming of a new Buddha who will restore the true teachings and the earth will enter a new golden age.

In the Maha-parinibbana Suttanta, a Buddhist treatise written in Pali, the ancient language of the early Buddhist scriptures, Gautama tells his closest disciple Ananda: "I am not the first Buddha to come to earth, nor the last. In due time another Buddha, a Holy One, will come into the world , supremely enlightened, endowed with perfect wisdom, good, knowing everything about the universe, incomparable ruler of people, ruler of angels and mortals."

"He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I teach you. He will preach his religion, great in its birth, great in its flowering, great in its purpose, in its spirit and in its letter. He, like me, will proclaim a righteous life , perfect and pure."

“How shall we recognize him?” asks Ananda. With the calm confidence of omniscience, the Blessed One replies: “He will be known as Maitreya, which means “he whose name is kindness.”

In another Pali text, Gautama Buddha predicts that when the human lifespan reaches eighty years (most other treatises give the figure of eighty thousand years), “he whose name is Maitreya will come into the world. Holy, fully enlightened, omniscient and living a righteous life life.

The good one, the one who knows the world, the incomparable Ruler of the people obedient to him... Just as now I have come into the world, this Saint, this completely enlightened one, will teach this world and the world of the gods, as well as the kingdom of Death and the world of the Highest Gods, all beings, without making a difference between the monk and Brahman, between God and man, realizing his knowledge with his own outstanding powers.

Like me, who teaches this world and the world of the Gods, he will proclaim the teaching that is beautiful in the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful in the end, and will explain its spirit and letter. In its perfection and purity, he will show a holy life, as I did and do. Many thousands of monks will follow him, just as many hundreds follow me."

Let us bow before the words of the Lord of Peace and pay our respects by taking the second oath to Guan Yin. (song647. vow 2)

I desire/I vow to soon achieve the eye of perfect wisdom!



At the advent of the New Age, Christians await the second coming Christ, Jews are waiting for the Messiah, Buddhists are waiting Maitreya, the Mohammedans are waiting Muntazara, followers of Zoroaster are waiting Saoshyanta, in India it is called Kalki Avatar, in China - Mile, in Japan - Miroku, in Lamaist mythology – Maidar, but the name sounds more often than others Maitreya.

The Messiah will come across the bridge. Kabbalists know this unifying symbol. The Great Horseman is on a white horse, and the comet is like a sword of Light in His right hand. A noble Abyssinian says: “And we have an old legend. When the Savior of the World comes, He will walk across the stone bridge. And seven know about His coming. And when they see the Light, they will fall to the ground and worship the Light” (Nicholas Roerich).


The coming of Maitreya was predicted in many Indian and Buddhist texts: in the Visuddhimagga of Buddhaghosa, in the early works of the Mahayana, in the Maitreya-vyakarana and others.

One of the earliest references to Maitreya's name is the Sanskrit text Maitreya-vyakarana (Prophecy of Maitreya), which states that gods, men and other beings will worship Maitreya and will lose their doubts and the flow of their affections will dry up: “free from all poverty, they will be able to cross the ocean of becoming and, according to the teachings of Maitreya, they will lead a holy life. Never again will they regard anything as belonging to them, nothing will belong to them: not gold or silver, not a house, not loved ones. But they will lead a holy, chaste life under the guidance of Maitreya. They will break the network of passions, they will be able to enter into a sacred trance, and an abundance of joy and happiness will belong to them for their righteous life.”

Maitreya - “Loving”, “Merciful”, “Invincible”, “Lord called Compassion”, “coming Teacher of mankind” - these are the names given to him by believers.
Maitreya is the only bodhisattva who is recognized by all branches of Buddhism without exception. The Future Buddha is considered both a bodhisattva (in the sutras) and a buddha (in the tantras).

Maitreya is the coming Buddha, the successor of Shakyamuni Buddha (Gautama Buddha). This is narrated in the Digha Nikaya (III, 76), one of the ancient texts of the Tipitaka (“Basket of Instructions”), containing over 17 thousand sutras.

In the book by N. Rokotova (pseudonym of E.I. Roerich) “Fundamentals of Buddhism” the following dialogue is given between Buddha Gautama and his disciple Ananda: « And the Blessed One said to Ananda: “I am not the first Buddha to come to Earth, nor will I be the last. In due time, another Buddha will arise in the world, the Hidden One, of supreme illumination, endowed with wisdom, happy, containing the entire Universe, the incomparable Leader of nations, the Lord of devas and mortals. He will reveal to you the same eternal truths that I taught you. He will establish his Law, glorious in its beginnings, glorious in its apotheosis and glorious in its goal in spirit and word. He will proclaim a righteous life,perfect And clean, which one I preach Now And I. His students will count thousands, Then How my only hundred« .
AND asked Ananda: « How we'll find out We His? »
Blessed said: « Name His will Maitreya«.

Among the phenomena heralding the appearance of the last Buddha are the cessation of death, wars, hunger, disease and the spread of tolerance and love in the new society, the true dharma (law, teaching) will be revealed to people so that a New World can be created.


In Buddhism, Maitreya is the Fifth Buddha, in Hinduism, Kalki Avatar, the incarnation of God Vishnu. The Secret Doctrine states that “Maitreya is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha and Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins, the last Messiah who will come at the completion of the Great Cycle.” “The only difference is the dating of their appearances. So, while the appearance of Vishnu on a white horse is expected at the end of the present period of Kali Yuga, “for the final destruction of the wicked, the renewal of creation and the restoration of purity,” Maitreya is expected earlier,” adds E.P. Blavatsky in Theosophical Dictionary. As The Secret Doctrine explains, “The simple secret is this: there are cycles within larger cycles, all contained in one Kalpa of 4,320,000 years. It is at the end of this cycle that the Kalki Avatar is expected.”

The Theosophical Dictionary gives the following description: “Kalki Avatar (Sanskrit) - “Avatar of the White Horse”, who will be the last manvantaric incarnation of Vishnu, according to the Brahmins; Maitreya Buddha, according to Northern Buddhists; Sosiosh, the last hero and Savior of the Zoroastrians, according to the Parsis; and “Righteous and True” on a white Horse (“Revelation”, XIX, 2). This will happen at the end of Kali Yuga, 427,000 years from now. The mentioned end of each Yuga is called “the destruction of the world,” since the earth changes its appearance each time, flooding one system of continents and raising another.”

In “Isis Unveiled” H.P. Blavatsky reports that the Messiah is the fifth emanation in both the Jewish Kabbalah, and in the Gnostic system, “and in the Buddhist system. If Vishnu is represented in his future and last appearance as the tenth avatar or incarnation, it is only because each unit, like an androgyne [a single whole, further divided into two opposite Principles], manifests itself twice. Buddhists who reject this bisexual incarnation number only five. Thus, while Vishnu comes for the last time in his tenth incarnation, Buddha is said to do the same in his fifth incarnation.”

In “Isis Unveiled” it is said about the coming of Maitreya: “When Maitreya Buddha comes, then our present world will be destroyed, and a new, better world will replace it. The four arms of each Hindu deity are emblems of the four previous manifestations of our earth from its invisible state, while the head signifies the fifth and last, the Kalki Avatar."

E.P. Blavatsky, in The Theosophical Dictionary, reports “that Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) visited him [Maitreya] in Tushita (heavenly abode) and instructed him to come from there to earth as his successor five thousand years after his (Buddha’s) death. From our time it would be less than 3000 years. Esoteric philosophy teaches that the next Buddha will appear during the seventh (sub)race of this Round.



Letter 05/07/38:“This is a difficult time, but it will pass. The deadlines are so short. The karma of purification makes its selection... But let us not hide from ourselves that only tested and strong spirits will be able to withstand fiery baptism. There will be many who are afraid and regret their approach to the Light. But these madmen will understand their blindness, perhaps when it is too late. We ourselves collect the necessary energies to resist cosmic vortices, both in earthly life and in the Subtle World.

So<…>a terrible time is approaching... It is impossible to enter the New World using old ways and methods. Namely, only the emergence of a new consciousness can save the World from destruction, a consciousness that puts the GREAT COOPERATION at its core.

Let us also not forget that many interpretations were incorrect, because the meaning was deliberately obscured and the Forces of Light did not seek to clarify them in advance, because they saw the betrayal that was being prepared. The period of the year 36 was long, because it marked the end of a certain regime. This was a great victory for the Forces of Light. It is also interesting to note that the date 1942 is now being widely circulated throughout India as the end of Kali Yuga and the incarnation of Kalki Avatar in Shambhala. This deadline is correct. He was called Our Teacher long ago. Pandits are now arguing that the large numbers in the Scriptures were a concealment and should be counted not in years, but in days, and then the end date of Kali Yuga falls on 1942. This is very correct, because in the “Secret Doctrine” you can find the statement that zeros are often a hiding of real numbers. Also, the end of Kali Yuga esoterically must coincide with the entry into the Aquarius Cycle.” (“Intimate knowledge. Theory and practice of Agni Yoga.”Karma of purification)

“In the Esoteric Teaching, three Lords of the World are indicated - Buddha, Christ and Maitreya. Maitreya - Elder, First and Last, King of Kings, Teacher of Teachers. In the Secret Doctrine He is Sanat Kumar."
(06/20/1936 Helena Roerich to Richard Rudzitis).

“...all the Saviors of the World are the Images of the same Spirit - the Avatar of Vishnu, who manifested himself as Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ and Maitreya. He also manifested himself in other guises, less bright, but always truly ascetic.”
(11.03.1951 Letters from E.I. Roerich to A.M. Aseev vol. 1).

“Lord Maitreya is not only the Coming Buddha, but He is the Great Planetary Spirit who manifests himself during the great shifts at the birth of the New Race. For millions of years, the Great Spirit saturates the flow of the Cosmic Magnet with His creative emanations, carries within Himself all tensions and directs life emanations. Therefore, the cooperation of the Lord with the Cosmos is inseparable and the entire direction of thinking comes from this Source! Lord Maitreya is higher than the Arhat!
(12/17/1929 E.I. Roerich to American employees).

“Lord M., the Great Venetian, the Teacher of Teachers, the Lord of the World, or, as the Easterners say, the Lord of Shambhala and the Great Manu of the Sixth Race and the Great Lord Maitreya are aspects of the same Highest Ego or Spirit.”
(07/21/1934 E.I. Roerich to A.M. Aseev).

“Now, your heart correctly told you that Lord M. and Lord Maitreya are a Single Image, that the Spirit standing at the head of the New Cycle must contain within itself the entire synthesis, all the greatest Images of the past Cycle. Therefore, the Synthesis of Maitreya has all Rays.”
(08.08.1934 E.I. Roerich K.I. Sture).

“Lord Maitreya, Lord Gotama Buddha and Lord Jesus Christ arrived from Venus - so says the most ancient legend. These Highest Spirits, who took upon themselves all the care for the evolution of humanity, constantly incarnated on Earth in one or another great Form.”
(December 28, 1935 E.I. Roerich to A.I. Klizov).

“The whole East believes in the Coming of Vl. Maitreya, but those who know know that Vl. Maitreya now resides in the Image of Vlad. Shambhala, and, of course, His coming cannot be understood as the appearance of His flesh among earthly conditions and earthly inhabitants.. Teachings of Vl. Maitreya will spread throughout the World and will lead a new era, the era of the awakening of the Spirit, also called the era of woman.”
(04.11.35 Roerich E.I. Letters. 1929-1938 vol. 2).

“You know Who is called the Teacher of Teachers, and therefore it is natural that Maitreya, as the bringer of the Great Synthesis of Teachings for the Sixth and Seventh Races, will be this same Individuality. Thus, the Single Individuality assumes responsibility for the planet for the entire Manvantara.”
(05/14/1937 E.I. Roerich to A.I. Klizov).

“Maitreya is a symbol of the New Epoch, which will appear with the rays of the New Planet.

This planet will be called the Planet of the Mother of the World.

This era will bring the awakening of women and the revelation of the spiritual and mental abilities of man. The world will be reborn.”
(From a letter from E.I. Roerich dated December 18, 1948)


“The Lord of Shambhala reveals three outlines to humanity: The Teachings of Maitreya calls the human spirit into Our creative world. The teachings of Maitreya point to Infinity in the Cosmos, in life, in the achievements of the spirit! Maitreya's teaching holds the knowledge of cosmic fire as the opening of the heart that contains the phenomena of the Universe.

The old tradition which states that the appearance of Maitreya will reveal the resurrection of the spirit is correct. We will add: the resurrection of the spirit can precede the appearance of the Coming as the conscious acceptance of the Teachings of the Lord Maitreya. Truly resurrection! (Hierarchy, paragraph 7).

Maitreya came to teach how to act, bringing light into each of his actions. “All previous Yogas, given from higher sources, took as a basis a certain quality of life, but now, with the advent of the age of Maitreya, Yoga is needed in the essence of all life. Containing everything and avoiding nothing”... (Signs of Agni Yoga, pp. 158-159).

“The hallmark of the New Age will be cooperation. “Cooperation in everything,” the age of Maitreya will add. Collaborators are united not by order, not by harmony, but by lightning of thought” (Signs of Agni Yoga, p. 101).

“Maitreya comes and burns with all the lights. And His heart burns with compassion for all impoverished humanity; His heart burns with the affirmation of new beginnings” (Hierarchy, paragraph 3).

there is the era of the Mother of the World - the era of woman

“The era of Maitreya affirms woman. After all, the appearance of Maitreya is connected with the affirmation of the Mother of the World in the past, present and future” (Hierarchy, paragraph 13).

“The teachings of Lord Maitreya will spread throughout the world and will lead the New Era - the Era of the Awakening of the Spirit, also called the Era of Woman « . (From a letter from E.I. Roerich dated 04.11.1935).

“The passing of time must again give a woman a place at the helm of life, a place next to a man, her eternal collaborator. After all, all the greatness of the Cosmos is based on these two Principles.” (From a letter from E.I. Roerich dated 03/03/1930).

“A woman must assert herself, and therefore the Sword of the Spirit is now given into the hands of a woman.” (From letters of E.I. Roerich dated 03/08/1935).

The era of the Mother of the World is based on heart awareness.

And since a woman’s heart is more refined than a man’s heart, then Let’s call this era the Age of Woman, or the Age of the Mother of the World, the feminine principle leading.

Namely, only a woman can solve the problem of two worlds. This is how you can encourage a woman to understand with her heart.

“They will ask: “Why is the century called the Age of the Mother of the World?” Truly, that is what it should be called. A woman will bring great help, not only bringing enlightenment, but also establishing balance. In the midst of confusion, the magnet of balance is disturbed, and free will is needed to connect the disintegrating parts. Maitreya-Compassion needs cooperation. He who sacrifices himself in honor of the great Age will reap a bountiful harvest” (Signs of Agni Yoga, paragraph 101).

I Am Lord Maitreya.

It was pleasant and joyful for me to receive your love today. There is nothing more pleasant for me than your love. I accepted it with great pleasure and admired you. Beautiful! Thank you again.

I have not communicated with you for a long time, beloved, and I am very glad for this opportunity, the opportunity to communicate with you and give you some information, clarify something.

So, the Law of Evolution reigns in our Universe. Everything evolves, including humanity. And as I told you before, everything that God plans will happen. Sooner or later. One way or another. But it will definitely happen. It didn't work out in '12. So what? It will work out some other year. Failed to create a wave? So what? The process will go somehow differently. But he will definitely go. And humanity, your civilization, will exist and continue its development.

Look, even though...

Even I will say this first. After all, there was a moment in the history of your civilization when humanity was recognized as a failure, and it was considered that it needed to be destroyed as a failed experiment. And then the Great Spirits came to your aid and endowed you with intelligence, and introduced their particles into you, and began to supervise your development.

And despite the fact that Lemuria perished at one time, your civilization continued to develop. And despite the fact that Atlantis perished, your civilization continued to develop. Someone started from scratch, and someone came out of Atlantis, was brought out, and continued development not from scratch. So after the 5th race there will definitely be a 6th. If we didn’t let humanity die then, we certainly won’t let it now. Humanity will continue its development and will fulfill its role.

After all, look how many representatives of the 6th race you already have. Yes, kids. But this is the 6th race. You had representatives of the 6th race before, and even now there are some individuals already in such a working state - representatives of the 6th race. But there are few of them. These are rare inclusions in the 5th race. And currently there is a flow of representatives of the 6th race. And if you failed to do this - I mean the transition to another dimension, to another stage of development - then this task will most likely be completed by these current children of yours.

It is they who will leave the cities, it is they who will form settlements that will serve as the beginnings of a new world, a new consciousness. And your task now is not to disturb them. Don't suppress them. Don't break your children! For they are your children only in the physical plane, but in fact, I repeat once again, they are already representatives of the 6th race. They need to adapt to your world. But if you adapt them to the world that you now have, it will not lead to anything good. It will break them. Give them the opportunity to develop freely. Don't burden them with your negative qualities, your negative energies, your low-quality music, your inharmonious relationships. Do not develop evil or hatred in them. Love, only love should permeate their entire being!

These are the conditions you should create for your children now. And that means you need to continue to work on yourself. Because by working on yourself, you also cleanse your world. You are working off those negative energies that have eclipsed the entire Earth.

I repeat once again, there will be a 6th race, and the transition to another dimension will definitely take place. The question is only about you, about the people now embodied on Earth who do not belong to the 6th race.

You have often been told that you are now making a choice. Yes, of course you make a choice. But, beloved, the choice is not made simply by saying: “I choose the subtle world, I want to be in the subtle world. I want to be light, clean. I want to fly. I don't want to eat the food I'm eating now. I want to be light, clean, beautiful and live beautifully, easily and cleanly.”

These are just words. It’s not enough to want, you have to do it.

Do you want to be easy? Cleanse yourself, free yourself from karma that puts pressure on you and does not allow you to straighten up.

Do you want to fly? Include the next layers of DNA, for these layers that you now have do not give you the ability to fly.

And you can turn on the next layers of DNA only by expanding your consciousness, increasing the vibrations of your consciousness. Because it is consciousness that gives instructions to all the cells of your body, including DNA.

This means that you need to raise the vibrations of your own consciousness. This means that you need to work on yourself, cleanse yourself not only of karma, but also of the negativity that is inside you, because you are dual inside, just as your world is dual. And you must cleanse yourself of duality, free yourself. You must renounce undivine qualities, properties, character traits. You must cultivate Divine qualities within yourself. And, as you know, this is, first of all, faith, love, hope, compassion, mercy, aspiration, sincerity, dedication, service, and so on. There are many Divine traits, Divine properties, Divine qualities.

But do you have them? Yes, you must study yourself well to know what is superfluous, unnecessary, dirty, and hindering you. To remove it from yourself!

You must give up your habits, because habits tie you to the dense world. You must give up your attachments. You must break the threads that tie you to the dense world. Only then will you be able to straighten up. And finally, the most important, the most basic and the most painful - you must say goodbye to your own ego. It is the ego that tightly binds you to the dense world.

But all this has grown into you, taken root, and the ego has become intertwined with you. Therefore, giving up all this, removing it is very painful, very difficult. And there has not yet been a single person who managed to walk this Path without pain and suffering.

Yes, you understand, I am talking about the Path of Initiations. Yes, this is the Path that is the shortest and along which you can return Home very quickly. But it is associated with great difficulties, with great suffering, with great pain: both physical and mental. Well, how do you understand how you can vomit from yourself? Can you tear something off without pain? But everything has grown in over the millions of years during which you have walked this Path of yours. Everything has become so ingrained in you that you can no longer understand where your Divine part is, where your ego is; where are your Divine qualities, where are your undivine qualities. Everything is intertwined!

And no one, no one can operate on you to remove all of this from you. Only you! Only yourself.

And this is the Path of Initiations, which I blessed you with in my poem, is the Path on which you free yourself from everything that you must free yourself from.

Yes, you are given tests. You are being tested. Various troubles are falling on you. You find yourself in situations where you don't know what to do. But you must find the right solution, the Divine solution. This is exactly what working out all your accumulated layers is. This is what contributes to your cleansing and liberation. The right decision, the right behavior in various very difficult, complex situations, where you must show - you already know - calm, humility, love. In all cases of life - calmness, humility, love!

This is the only way you can work through it and cleanse yourself of some negativity. Only in this way can you reject the undivine qualities in yourself. Only in this way can you change your character. Only in this way can you raise the level of your consciousness. And this is your task.

Yes, this is your task. Because you are not a person of this incarnation. You have had many incarnations. And you will have many more of them. But... where will you return after leaving? It depends exactly on what level of consciousness you have, how much you have purified yourself.

You can return to Earth and take part in the creation of a new world, that is, you can return as a representative of the 6th race. And you can, if your level of consciousness is not yet sufficient to move to the 6th race, you can take incarnation somewhere on another planet and continue your development.

As I said, development will definitely continue. This is the Law of our Universe. Everything is developing. And if you have not yet developed enough to move to another level, then you will continue to develop where you can still develop.

If you manage to raise your consciousness, purify yourself, and, yes, after your natural departure from the Earth, you will return to Earth again in a different capacity, as a human being, a Divine human being. Then your consciousness will give instructions to its cells, the cells of its body. And then other layers of your DNA will turn on, and your physical appearance will change. It is then, after you yourself are able to cleanse yourself, straighten up, get rid of the duality in yourself and turn into a Divine man, into a man-god.

This is how it will be. And therefore, there is no need to panic at all and say that, “here, we were promised, we were told... We were told that we were about to move to another race, and now we would live well, easily and freely, and our world would be easy and good, - free, and that’s all... And so we were deceived, and nothing happened.”

Beloved! Nobody told you this! Never! You have been told, and have always been told, and will be told, that everything depends on you. What should you do. That no one will lift you up or take you anywhere. That the entire transition is carried out in consciousness and by consciousness.

Yes, maybe we had a strong emphasis then on the 12th year. But the fact is that then there was a mass movement, aspiration, aspiration among people. And there was even the necessary percentage of people who, it would seem, had already seen the light and began to take care of themselves.

As we already told you, there was a probability, well, approximately 95%, that such a jump could occur. But how can it happen? You will make that leap. You already had a sufficient number of people ready for this. And a wave could form that would raise the consciousness of the masses.

Unfortunately, this did not work out. About a few months before the deadline, there was a decline. Some people turned in the other direction, some became disappointed and depressed, and as a result, nothing happened.

But from the fact that you say that you have been deceived, that everything is wrong, that... you give birth to negative energy. You don’t understand what happened, and you overwhelm yourself and everything around with negative energies.

As you are constantly told, you must accept everything with humility, calmly, you must radiate only positive energies into the world. You have an excess of negativity. Because of this and with such difficulty, everything is going on, because you have created such a dense veil around the Earth, such a dense background, that it is very difficult to break through this veil. But again, I repeat, but it depends on you. Well, you understand this simple truth: you yourself create the veil, you yourself create this dense world, you compact it, compact it, compact it.

Yes, and of course, it’s hard for you to live in this density. You need to dissolve slowly, dissolve little by little, dissolve, so that this density decreases both around and in you; to remove all this dirt. This means that you need to radiate only positive energies into the world, and have only positive energies within yourself. Because you have too much negativity inside you.

The 6th race is coming. She will do everything she has to do. But don't disturb them, don't break them.


Work on yourself!

Cleanse your world!

Help these new people, the new generation grow!

Don't make it difficult for them to grow!

And everything will be fine!

I Am Maitreya was with you this day with Love for you.

Received by Renata Ushatinskaya and Nelly Safonova 11/16/2015