Batalova Rumiya

Why do they say"bread is the head of everything"

Meaning bread in a person's life, especially a Russian person, is difficult to overestimate. He helped survive both in the Middle Ages and during the wars of the last century. Therefore o bread, as well as about wheat, many songs have been composed, it appears in proverbs and sayings. And the most famous folk wisdom « bread is the head of everything» can be interpreted in different ways, but in any case emphasizes the importance of this product.


Etymological interpretation

In Russian, as in many Slavic languages, the words « head» And "main" have a common origin, it is not for nothing that the oldest member of the family is called "head"- to him honor and respect. Therefore, if we start from etymology, then the Russian proverb takes on a slightly different interpretation: bread is more important, more important than anything else on the table. And indeed, the Slavic peoples revered this product; not a single meal took place without it. In the harsh Russian winter, the calorie content of food is especially important, so any dishes, including porridge, must be eaten with bread, it’s more satisfying.

Dietary interpretation

Bread, prepared from high-quality grain, contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins necessary for humans. It is interesting that even in its stale form it retains them in almost the same quantity. That is why, in conditions of prolonged hunger if there is only one of bread or crackers a person can live until the next harvest.

There is another one on this topic proverb: "Better bread and water than a pie with trouble". In such years, money lost its meaning; grain was a kind of measure that determined the value of everything else. In addition, by creating favorable conditions, it can easily be preserved for quite a long time.

Geopolitical interpretation

In the Middle Ages, the vast majority of wars, especially internecine ones, were not over natural resources, but rather over fertile lands on which crops could be grown, including rye and wheat. Therefore, in order to starve out the village, the sown fields were often set on fire, and starving people were forced to surrender the fortifications. So we can say that bread was, if not the reason, then a way to achieve victory during a war or raid

Publications on the topic:

Presentation: Bread is the head of everything Prepared by: teacher of the first qualification category Khramova M.V. Goal Through the integration of educational.

What is bread made from, what do we eat for lunch? Bread is baked from the flour that the ears of corn give us. Rye and wheat feed people generously throughout the centuries.

Research project “Bread is the head of everything” Research project “Bread is the head of everything” Authors: children of secondary group No. 9 of the MADOU “Kindergarten “Guselki”, Head: Novikova Lyubov.

Pedagogical project “Bread is the head of everything” Bread is a product of human labor, it is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. It is bread that is allotted.

Presentation “Bread is the head of everything” Presentation “Bread is the head of everything” To obtain flour from grains, you need to spend a lot of labor and effort. But how did they grow it in Rus' before?

Project “Bread is the head of everything” PROJECT: “Bread is the head of everything!” Completed by: teacher of MBDOU D/s No. 4 village. Oatmeal of the highest qualification category Kirichenko Svetlana Viktorovna.

What does the saying “Bread is the head of everything” mean?

  1. It sounds right: “Bread is the life of the table!”
  2. This means that the bread is on the dining table. It's more satisfying and tastier with bread.
  3. Bread is the head of everything. This is perhaps the most popular proverb about bread, however, its interpretation is not familiar to everyone. The importance of bread in people's lives is difficult to assess. Not a single meal, not a single feast could be done without it, because bread is nourishing and healthy. No matter what complex or simple dishes were served on the table, bread was a must. Even if there was a famine, as long as you have something to bake bread from, you can live until the next harvest. In addition, it is worth remembering that many battles and wars began over the fertile lands on which wheat and rye were grown. If the enemy set fire to a field in which rye grew, he doomed the settlement to starvation. And therefore, in many political and military conflicts, the reason was the desire to improve well-being, and therefore bread as a symbol of this well-being.
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It is difficult to name a food product in a person’s life that would be so revered and necessary. He helped to live, and sometimes really survive, in all centuries, in all bloody wars and revolutions. Therefore, at all times man has glorified bread. Songs and poems were dedicated to him, proverbs, fairy tales and jokes were written about him. Everyone knows the saying “bread is the head of everything.” She interprets in the best possible way the pricelessness of a thousand-year-old product. So why is a wedding loaf, palyanitsa or a loaf of rye bread the head of everything?

In many Slavic languages, the words “head” and “chief” have the same root and genealogy. It is not for nothing that the oldest and most respected member of the family is called the head and is given honor and respect. Therefore, the Russian proverb can be interpreted as follows: “bread is more important, that is, more important and more valuable than all other products on the table.” Since ancient times, people have honored this product as national pride and treated it as a shrine. From time immemorial to the present day, there has been a custom of giving honor when greeting dear guests with bread and salt!

Bread, which really contains a huge amount of vitamins valuable for our body, is bread made, first of all, from high-quality and first-class grain, using the right technology. This bread contains B vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, various micro- and macroelements.

In “correct” bread, even stale bread, all these elements are retained in almost the same volume as in fresh bread.

Probably each of you remembers when, as a child, your parents sent for bread, it was impossible to resist biting into the crispy crust of fresh, warm and so aromatic bread... Probably, intuitively, somewhere at the genetic level, you already understood then about its usefulness. After all, bread crust is the main source of antioxidants that help resist the development of sclerosis and many types of cancer.

It was thanks to crackers that the bread got its name. Many centuries ago, when baked flatbreads became stale, they were placed in a cauldron, filled with water, various spices and herbs were added, and then slurped in this liquid form with spoons. This is where the word came from - slurp, which was then shortened to what we are used to - Bread.

Now all that remains is to remember the beautiful and tasty bread that our great-grandmothers prepared. And they baked it in real ovens. At that time, there were strict rules for baking bread: the dough had to be kneaded all the time in only one wooden bowl, instead of yeast, a piece of dough specially left from the previous batch was used, before starting kneading, they prayed and started baking only in a good mood . It was impossible to quarrel and shout while the bread was browning in the oven.

Of course, we can speculate for a long time about both its benefits and its harm. But for everyone this concept is very relative. After all, when preparing bread, it is always important: under what conditions it is prepared and from what products. What quantity and with what is consumed.

But most importantly, if the bread was baked with love, then it will definitely reciprocate your love. The Tili Dough bakery chain employs true masters of their craft who love their work and produce delicious bread!

Alevtina Vunberova
Essay “Bread is the head of everything”

Warm, golden.

To every home

On each table -

He came - he came.

Health is our strength,

Wonderful warmth.

How many hands

He was raised

Protected and protected!

Of course they know this answer All: adults and children. let `s talk about bread.

Bread is a product of human labor, it is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Exactly bread the most important place on the table is reserved both on weekdays and on holidays. Not a single meal is complete without it.

Where did this product come from?

Scientists believe that for the first time bread appeared on earth over fifteen thousand years ago. With the end of the Ice Age, fundamental changes occurred in the world. Plants and animals spread far to the north. Under favorable conditions, the population grew rapidly. Population growth and depletion of hunting grounds led to greater dependence, first on the collection of wild plants, and then on specially grown ones.

Ancient people noticed that grain thrown into the ground returned several grains, and that more grains grew on loose and moist soil. Research shows that the first cultivated plants were at all are not similar to their modern descendants. But from the very beginning, ancient farmers were engaged in selection - the selection of large and hardy plants. Gradually, harvests became better, and farming became a more stable and reliable way of subsistence than hunting and gathering. Agriculture, compared to hunting and gathering, required more efforts: plowing the land, sowing, weeding and harvesting the fields was done by hand and took up all the free time of the first farmers. When an ancient man, with great difficulty, loosened the earth, sowed grain, harvested the crop and baked it bread, then he found his homeland.

For a long time, people ate grains raw, then they learned to grind them between stones to obtain cereals and cook them. Thus appeared the first millstones, the first flour, the first bread.

First bread looked like liquid porridge. She is the ancestor of bread. It is still used in our time in the form bread soup in some countries in Africa and Asia. In wild wheat, the grains were difficult to separate from the ear, and to make it easier to extract them, ancient people made another discovery. By that time, man had already learned to make fire and used it for cooking. It was noticed that heated grains are more easily separated from the ears. The collected grains began to be heated on heated stones, which were placed in holes dug for this purpose. A man accidentally discovered that if overheated (or toasted) grains, crushed and mixed with water, the porridge turns out much tastier than the one he ate from raw grains. This was the second discovery of bread.

About six and a half to five thousand years ago, man learned to cultivate and cultivate wheat and barley. At that time, hand mills and mortars were invented, and the first baked goods were born. bread. Archaeologists suggest that one day, while preparing grain porridge, part of it spilled out and turned into a golden cake. It surprised people with its pleasant smell, appetizing appearance and taste. It was then that our distant ancestors began to bake unleavened bread from thick grain porridge. flatbread bread. Dense, not loosened, burnt pieces of brown mass bore little resemblance to modern bread, but it was from that time that it arose on earth bakery.

His journey begins in early spring, when cars enter the fields. The person driving the car has a lot work: you need to plow the field, loosen the soil - quickly prepare it for sowing seeds. Proverb reads: “Spring day feeds the year”. After some time, other machines are working on the field. To quickly sow huge fields, seeders are used.

Before sowing wheat, the grain is checked for germination. They are sorted using special machines, they are called sorting machines. For sowing you need medium, normal grains. All cereals are spring and winter. Spring crops are sown in the spring and harvested in the fall. Winter crops are sown in August–September and harvested in June–July; they produce a large harvest.

On the field, grains germinate and shoots appear. In summer the whole field is full of ears of corn. When autumn comes, the ears turn golden. The bread is ripe. The time has come to harvest. And again the cars came out into the field. These are combines.

And then the grain is transported by car to the elevator, where it is preserved from cold, dampness, and harmful bugs.

Ready from the bakery on special machines bread is delivered to stores.

And from the shops bread comes to our table in the form of a huge variety bakery products(more than 100 varieties of bread, cookies, muffins, buns, pies, holiday cakes, crackers, etc.)

So we don’t think about how long the journey was bread to our table. Bread must be protected, do not leave uneaten pieces, do not throw them away. How much human labor is put into each loaf of rye of bread, in each loaf of wheat. Respect the work of the villagers! Without there is no bread on earth!

It's not in vain people

From ancient times to now

Our daily bread is calling

The very first shrine.

Gold words

We have no right to forget:

Bread is the head of everything! –

In the field, in the house, in the state!

Nadezhda Poroshenko
Lesson on the social world “Bread is the head of everything”

Subject: Bread is the head of everything.

Tasks: expand children's knowledge about the meaning bread in a person's life; show how hard it is to grow bread and appears on the table; instill in children a caring attitude towards bread and respect for people who raised bread.

Children: Bread.

Educator: Yes, that's right. We will talk about it with you. Bread, bread with golden brown crust, soft and fragrant. He is the most important one on the table.

Educator: Look how many bakery products! Name them.

Children: Bread, loaf, roll, bagels, pies, cookies, crackers, cheesecakes, etc.

Educator: Guys, such a variety bakery products were not always available. Once a man tried to chew grains, he found them very tasty. Then people learned to grind the grains; they seemed very tasty to him. Then people learned to grind grains with stones and get flour, and knead the flour into dough. Bread was rough and heavy, not as tasty as today. Then they started baking bread from fermented dough.

Without of bread not a single feast was spared. He always and everywhere enjoys honor and respect. Guests in Rus' were always greeted bread and salt. They even made up proverbs. Everyone knows the words: « Bread is the head of everything, "It's a bad lunch, if no bread» , "Will bread. there will be lunch", « Bread on the table, so the table is a throne, and how not a piece of bread, then the table is a board.”

Since ancient times, respect for bread expressed in these words: How: « Khlebushko» , « Bread» . Cutting off a piece, they pressed bread to the chest. The remaining crumbs were never thrown away, but collected in a pile, made into a crumb and put in the mouth.

Today you can buy in the store of bread, as much as you want, but you must treat every piece with respect, do not buy too much and do not throw away bread. After all, it is very difficult to grow, and a small grain goes a long way to get to our table as a lush loaf.

Educator: How do you understand the expression « Bread is the head of everything» .

Educator: Guys, I suggest you watch the presentation « Bread is the head of everything» , which will help you answer this question.

Children's answers: even if there is no food other than of bread, That you won't go hungry; bread the original food of Russians.

Educator: Now we know, guys, not only about how bread appeared on our table, but also what professions people grow bread, what machines help us with this. Let's remember again. What professions have you learned?

Children: Agronomist, farmer, tractor driver, baker, driver.

Educator: Fine. Well done. What agricultural machines are you familiar with now?

Children: Tractor, combine, seeder, truck.

Educator: Amazing. Co everyone You've answered the questions. Let's now rest a little and do some physical education.

Educator: Now let's sit down and rest. Let's listen to a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Bulka".

Sad music comes on.

Educator: “Three boys in the alley, playing as if they were playing football,

They threw a bun here and there and scored a goal with it.

An unfamiliar uncle walked past, stopped and sighed,

And almost without looking at the guys, he extended his hand to that bun.

"Who are you?"- the children asked, forgetting about football for a while.

“I am a baker!”- the man answered and slowly left with the bun.

You and I can’t even believe that someone is wasting the miracle of the earth.

Heart for the bread is drenched in pain when he lies in the roadside dust."

The children answer.

Educator: Yes, bread must be saved, he is our wealth, treat him with care, don’t throw him away bread, take as much as you can eat, don’t crumble bread at the table. Bread very difficult to grow. And a small grain travels a long way to reach our table as a lush loaf. The bread is tasty and healthy, in it is our health and strength.

1. Children read poetry by heart.

Take care of our bread! (Nastya)

Don't waste your bread!

Respect our bread!

WITH don't play with bread!

Bread should not be thrown away!

Take care bread, Friends!

2. Whether with cucumbers or potatoes, (Nastya)

Necessary eat bread to crumbs.

Because there is a lot of strength

The one who spends raised bread.

Bread is grown with love -

Eat healthy.

3. Here he is - fragrant bread(Karina)

With a crunchy twisted crust,

Here it is - warm, golden!

As if bathed in sunshine!

In every home, on every table

He came and came.

In it lies our health, strength,

There is a wonderful warmth in it;

How many hands raised him,

Protected and protected!

After all, the grains did not immediately become

Bread - that, What is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

In it are the native lands

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Grab both cheeks -

Grow up to be a hero!

4. Grains of our days, shine (Zhenya)

Gilded carved!

We say: “Take care.

Take care Native bread...

We did not dream of a miracle.

Living from the fields to us speech:

"Take care bread, you are people!

Learn save bread».

5. In every grain of wheat (Dasha)

Summer and winter

The power of the sun is stored

And native land.

And grow under the bright sky,

Slender and tall

Like the immortal Motherland,

Ear of bread.

6. Fame peace on earth! (Misha)

Glory bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread

He spared no effort and effort!

Glory to them, greetings from us,

Good afternoon, happy hour!

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures again and remember how long

a grain goes through a difficult journey before it reaches our table bread.

How many people work to ensure that we eat fresh every day? bread. Here

why guys do I always say to you: « Bread must be protected This is real

the wealth of our people, our country. Bread has always been considered the main one

dish on the table: in the old days they didn’t even sit at the table without it. It was believed that

if there is one in the house bread, That hunger is not scary.

Educator: What new did you learn today?

Children's answers

Educator: Do you want to play the game one last time? You must be very careful.

product made from flour, clap your hands. If he is not from

torment, stand quietly.

In the bakery we have bagels,

Rolls, bagels, loaves,

Pies, loaves, buns,

And braids and cheesecakes,

Kurabye, biscuit, cookies,

Sandwiches, tea with jam,

Lots of gingerbread, sweets,

6 There is marshmallow and sherbet,

And a pie with a sweet filling,

And the log and the fudge...

Call me, don't be shy

Choose and help yourself!

Educator: Now you can enjoy it to your heart's content bread and all that what the bakers are from

baked flour.

Class ends with tea.

A class hour on the topic “Bread is the head of everything” is designed for students in grades 2-3. The script contains a crossword puzzle about professions related to growing and preparing bread; history of the word “Bread”; proverbs and sayings about bread; traditions and signs; video “How bread is baked”

Topic: “Bread is the head of everything”

Target: Create conditions for the formation of knowledge about bread.

Tasks: Educational: expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, its value, and the hard work of the grain grower;

Developmental: expand students’ horizons and their vocabulary;

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards bread.

Progress of the lesson:

A boy about 13 years old

He ran and kicked the bread.

It was like a boy was playing with a ball,

He threw it into puddles and kicked it again.

What is this poem about?

Why can't you treat bread like this?

What do you do with uneaten bread?

What do you know about bread?

What do you think our lesson will be about?

Let's devote our lesson today to bread and find out Why do people cherish and value bread so much? And people say “Bread is the head of everything.”»

And the hero of a Russian folk tale will help us with this, which you can guess yourself

It is shaped like a ball.
He was once hot.
Jumped off the table onto the floor
And he left his grandmother.
He has a ruddy side...
Did you find out? …. (Kolobok)

Kolobok could tell us a lot about bread, but he doesn’t know how to talk, so he will guide us and help us.

Guys, do you know How did bread come about?

Mother Earth has been feeding people for a long time. At a time when people did not yet know how to plow and sow, they took only what the earth itself had in store for them: berries, mushrooms, nuts. But one day a man brought several grains in a basket. For a long time, people ate grains raw, then they learned to grind them between stones to obtain cereals and cook them. And then one day, in one of the stone caves, a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The noise woke up the man. He ran to the fire and saw that the food had turned to stone. When this stone cooled down and the man cleaned it, he suddenly felt an unfamiliar smell. Having tasted a piece of a new dish, a man closed his eyes with pleasure. Scientists believe that bread is over 15 thousand years old.

Why did bread come to be called that way?

The word “bread” comes from the Old German language and the word “hlaib”, a special utensil for baking, has been preserved (Working with a dictionary)

Task 1 Match the chain of how bread was made in Rus' in later times

Plowed the land

Sowed grain

Mowed with a scythe

Thrashed with flails

Grinding flour in a mill

Baking bread

Please note that everything was done by hand, without the help of various equipment.

Since a lot of work was put into making bread, people have developed different traditions associated with bread. Today it was ahead of the curve. And group 1 will tell us about traditions


The most dear guests were greeted with bread and salt

Bread is a symbol of prosperity, abundance and material well-being. Bread on the table symbolizes the prosperity of the home, constant readiness to receive a guest.

Bread is used as a talisman: it is placed in the cradle so that the baby grows up healthy and happy. took him on the road so that he would protect him along the way,

Bread was taken outside when a thunderstorm approached to protect the crops.

They took bread when they went to get married, they greeted the guest and the newlyweds from the church with bread and salt after the wedding, they treated the whole courtyard with it in various ritual situations.

It was considered the greatest sin to drop even a crumb of bread, and even worse to trample it.

On the wedding day, the bride and groom were sprinkled with grains of bread so that their lives would be rich...

It was customary to accompany soldiers to the front with bread and welcome them home from the war.

The role of bread during the Great Patriotic War.

Our generation lives in peacetime. But those people who experienced the horrors of war are still alive. that in a starving city people tore open the plank floors in search of even a crumb of bread. There was an equal sign between bread and life. A thin slice of siege bread has been preserved in the Leningrad Museum. Look at the same slice. It was given to people for the whole day. it was not just bread - it was life itself

During the war there was not enough flour; bran, cake, malt and even wallpaper flour were added to the dough. tree bark of quinoa seeds in order to save money.. People who survived the war take care of every crumb and never throw away even a small piece.

The Leningrad sky is in smoke.

But worse than mortal wounds

Heavy bread

Siege bread

In years of hardship and hardship

The new world is mature and strong,

The people walked in the fire of battle

For freedom and for bread.

So the correct words are:

Bread is the head of life!

Video by O. Voronets Bread is the head of everything.

you know what bread is called by different peoples and group 2 will tell us about it Challah - Israel, Simit (Turkey), Lavash (Armenia), Focaccia (Italy), Brioche baguette (France), Pumpernickel (Germany), Kalach (Russia)

Physical education minute

Do you know how bread comes to our table?

You run into the store and a minute later you come out with bread. We see it on the table every day. We can't even imagine lunch or breakfast without it. But even in our time it is not easy for it to come to our table.

A loaf of bread begins with a grain. It takes 1200 grains to bake just one loaf.

What grains are bread made from: wheat, rye, oats, barley, corn. millet

How many people of different professions do you think put their labor into one loaf of bread? That's right, 120 professions.

Making bread in this day and age, and you can name the main professions yourself. There is a crossword puzzle on the tables. Solve it yourself.

Keyword: grain grower

Who is a grain grower - a peasant, a farmer who grows grain

How bread is baked ( video)

There is a lot of controversy at the moment

Is bread harmful or healthy? There are a lot of fat people in the world and it is believed that bread makes you fat. It is harmful in large quantities and with a sedentary lifestyle. Grain products occupy a very important place in children's nutrition.

So, proteins give us immunity and are responsible for the growth of the body;

carbohydrates - energy,

and minerals protect health.

It also contains essential amino acids that are responsible for performance. IN

bread contains phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc.

Even if the bread becomes stale, it is still suitable for eating. Bread never gets boring or boring - this is its amazing property.

Guys, do you know how many tons of bread a person eats in 60 years?
Over the course of 60 years, a person eats 30 tons of food, about half of which is bread.

Many poets, writers, musicians, artists sang about bread, and group 3 will tell us about this


Fairy tales and stories: Paustovsky “Heavy Bread”

Fairy tale bun

K.D. Ushinsky “Bread”

Belarusian fairy tale “Light bread”

Poems about bread

Proverbs and sayings about bread. In addition to the traditions invented by people, there are a lot of proverbs about bread. You have cards on the tables, you need to collect a proverb

Many proverbs about bread teach hospitality, good neighborliness and

mutual assistance. Here are a few of them.

The earth is mother, and bread is father.

Bread and water are heroic food.

Without bread and honey you will not be full.

A well-fed man counts the stars in the sky, but a hungry man thinks about bread.

There will be bread, there will be song!

Without a piece of bread there is sadness everywhere.

Let's get back to the topic of the lesson

Explain the meaning of the proverb Bread is the head of everything Bread is the main thing on the table; not a single table, neither rich nor poor, can do without bread. People survived for bread

What new did you learn in the lesson?

The research we carried out revealed a lot of new things for us. We learned how long and difficult the path of bread to our table is. We learned that bread is very healthy; it contains almost all the nutrients a person needs. And only thanks to a piece of bread, many people were able to survive during the Second World War. We understood why people have sacredly revered and valued bread since ancient times.

Let's remember the poem that I read at the beginning of the lesson. Now tell me, what would you say to such a boy?

Take off your glasses and slam the book!

I beg you, please reason with the boy!

Stop it! Explain to him!

Let him remember for a thousand years,

The most important thing in life is bread!

If you liked the lesson, draw a smile

If not very much, a face without emotions

If it was not interesting - sad mouth

Let's send our koloboks to the clearing