Scenario of the travel game "Literary Stagecoach" (for the birthday of A.S. Pushkin). Information about events within the framework of Pushkin Day mbuk “Inter-settlement Central Library” and libraries of rural settlements of the Kungur municipal region Event for the p

Information about events within the framework of Pushkin Day

MBUK "Inter-settlement Central Library" and libraries of rural settlements

Pushkin Day in Russia is traditionally celebrated on the birthday of the great Russian poet, the founder of the modern Russian literary language. Every year Pushkin Day in Russia is celebrated in a lyrical mood. Wonderful works continue to live, which means the poet continues to live in the hearts of people. On June 6, festive events dedicated to the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin took place in the libraries of the Kungur municipal district." alt="C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary" align="left" width="282" height="211"> Для ребят из Бырминского сельского поселения работники библиотеки провели литературную игру «Что за прелесть эти сказки». На мероприятии присутствовали дети детского сада, начальной школы (11 человек). В ходе игры детям демонстрировалась презентация. Ребята отправились в сказочный мир Александра Сергеевича Пушкина, погостили в каждой из его сказок и ответили на вопросы викторины по сказкам Пушкина. Проводилась спортивная эстафета «За оброком», разгадывали кроссворд, рассказывали сказку хором, по вопросам в орешках составляли характеристику героинь. В конце игры составили карту Лукоморья. Все дети получили памятные призы.!}" alt="G:\DCIM\100___01\IMG_0951.JPG" align="left" width="308" height="231 src=">!}

There was an exhibition in the library


As part of the Year of Literature in Russia and Pushkin Week, the Goldyrev Library organized a game-travel through fairy tales “On the Paths of Lukomorye”.

The children from the school's summer camp learned a lot of new and interesting things about the poet's fairy tales, which his nanny Arina Rodionovna told little Sasha.

The children made the journey with great pleasure, stopping at each of the poet’s fairy tales, participating in competitions and games, answering entertaining questions, using facial expressions and gestures to show the heroes of the author’s fairy tales, and guessing riddles. We took part in the “Draw a Fairy Tale Hero” competition; most of the children drew a goldfish that is in a hurry to fulfill their wishes.

11th grade" href="/text/category/11_klass/" rel="bookmark">11th graders.

And the literary labyrinth “Troubles from the Pushkin Barrel” was held for children of primary school age. From a real barrel, the children extracted “troubles” - tasks. “At the very blue sea” - you had to catch fish toys with a net, “At Lukomorye there is an oak tree...” - answer quiz questions on the poet’s fairy tales, “Pushkin Races” - to compete in a racing race for the devil and Balda, “Three Maidens” - to wind up balls of thread at speed, “Magic Box” - from a chest with props it was necessary to prepare a costume for a Pushkin hero, “Above Pushkin’s Line” - to read the poet’s poems. The children coped well with the tasks, showed intelligence and demonstrated their love for Pushkin’s work by answering quiz questions and reciting his poems by heart.

For the children of the Nevolinsky settlement, library workers created an exhibition “What a delight these fairy tales are.”

We held an event for children at the school playground “Travel to Lukomorye”. The children completed assignments from fairy-tale characters, guessed from passages of the work, and inserted the missing words into the poems. The event ended with the reading of Pushkin's poems. 45 people took part in the event, 10 copies were issued. books.

The holiday is over. As part of Pushkin Day, a variety of events were held in the libraries of the Kungur municipal district. It’s nice to know that children know Pushkin, read Pushkin and love his literary heritage.

Director of MBUK "MCB"

Kungur municipal district

Pushkin is one of the most significant poets who ever lived in our country. Both children and adults admire his work. It was Pushkin who instilled in the Russian people a love for their native language. After all, before him, all the bohemians of our society spoke French. In honor of the great poet, who did so much for his homeland, our contemporaries organized Russian language days, which were called Pushkin Days.

Why June 6

It is not surprising that Pushkin Days always fall during the time period that includes June 6th. After all, it was on this day in 1799 that Alexander Sergeevich was born. On this significant day, Russian President B.N. Yeltsin decided to celebrate Russian Language Day in 1997. It's so allegorical. Pushkin not only introduced fashion to his native language in his time, he, unlike his contemporaries, spoke it perfectly. Many vocabulary tests, so fashionable these days, are written based on Pushkin’s works. After all, the poet’s active stock contained more than 300 thousand words.

The history of the holiday

Pushkin days began to be celebrated long before the holiday became official. But as mentioned above, it gained all-Russian scope in 1997. On this day the poet would have turned 200 years old. But Pushkin museums celebrated the writer’s birthday long before the holiday took on an all-Russian scale. Celebrations took place especially widely (and still take place to this day) on the Mikhailovsky estate and in the Pushkin Mountains. All people who consider themselves poets, and even those who simply love poetry, gather together on June 6 during Pushkin Days. They do this in order to honor the memory of a man who was able to raise the authority of the Russian language in the eyes of not only his contemporaries, but also of many European countries.

In 2007, on the occasion of the 210th anniversary of Pushkin, June 6 was officially declared Russian Language Day. Thus, the writer’s birthday became a national holiday.

Where is Russian Language Day celebrated?

Pushkin days are celebrated in all cities of Russia. This event has great cultural significance. Events in honor of the holiday are organized by the city administration, as well as all cultural institutions, such as libraries, museums, parks, literary cafes, exhibition centers, leisure clubs, literary circles and theaters. June 6th is increasingly celebrated in schools and kindergartens. The younger generation is instilled with knowledge and love of fairy tales and poems. Thanks to them, children not only expand their vocabulary, but also broaden their horizons. It’s so exciting when they read exciting stories to you, and even better when they are included in the script of the performance. But not only private and public institutions are involved in the education of young creatures. Many parents independently organize Pushkin Day on June 6 for their child. They organize family poetry evenings, where not only parents participate, but also the children themselves. They can recite poems by a famous poet. In this way, you can train your memory, improve your diction and broaden your child’s horizons.

But Pushkin Day is actively celebrated not only with schoolchildren and preschoolers. Students of philological faculties also celebrate it. After all, they study the work of Alexander Sergeevich almost thoroughly, so at meetings in honor of the great Russian poet they have something to discuss.

Events for Pushkin Day

Preparations for the holiday begin in advance. Pushkin Day, the script of which is written in advance for the city administration, should be eventful and interesting. After all, the main events always have urban significance. Usually all events of this day are postponed to the evening so that as many people as possible can take part in the holiday. Most often, the celebration is accompanied by costume animation. Actors in 19th century costumes. walk around the park and invite vacationers to take a direct part in the holiday. The competitions that are held are designed for different ages and levels of training.

Often at such a holiday they are asked to quote Pushkin’s poems or his famous sayings, tell the poet’s biography or show knowledge of the works of Russian classics. The actors also act out scenes from the life of Pushkin, read poetry, dance at impromptu balls and drink tea from a samovar. Sometimes the holiday takes the form of folk festivities with songs, dances and round dances.

How to celebrate Pushkin Day in the library

It is very interesting. On Pushkin Day, the most significant events take place in the library. This is not surprising, because it is difficult to find a person who would know the biography of the Russian poet as well as a librarian. People of this profession sometimes spend their entire lives studying and finding new information about the great Russian poet.

Pushkin Day in the library is a solemn event, and they prepare for it in advance. Usually, preparations for a new event begin when all the events organized in honor of the poet this year solemnly end. After all, time does not stand still; every year more and more participants can be involved in events, but only on condition that the program is rich and interesting. The most frequent events organized in the library are Pushkin readings, screenings of feature and biographical films, as well as lectures on the life and work of Pushkin.

It is difficult to imagine that an exhibition of books would not be prepared in the library for this special day. The topics of such exhibitions vary. These could be books published in Pushkin’s time, a biography of the poet written by his contemporaries, or art albums illustrating the most famous fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich.

How to celebrate a holiday with preschoolers

They even try to organize Pushkin Day for children in kindergarten. And this is not surprising, because most of the great poet’s work was intended specifically for children. Therefore, teachers instill a love of the classics in even their youngest students. Children draw pictures and posters based on fairy tales, and also learn poetry. Many kindergartens organize matinees on June 6 to celebrate the holiday of the Russian language together with the parents of their wards.

How Russian Language Day is celebrated in schools

Pushkin Day, the script for which is written six months in advance, is celebrated very widely in schools. Especially in classes with in-depth study of Russian and literature. Teachers organize the holiday with the help of their students: they stage theatrical performances, teach poetry, study dances of Pushkin’s time.

June 6th just happens to be school practice. At this time, younger schoolchildren attend camps organized at the school. Therefore, despite the official holidays, teachers do not leave children without exciting activities.

Why do we need a holiday?

Many people wonder why Pushkin’s birthday is celebrated so widely. But in our country, people really love holidays, and our culture lacks just those that would be organized in honor of people of art. After all, the culture will depend on how the country’s attitude towards the aesthetic education of the population is set.

And people like events that help them get to know their history better and learn more about the great Russian poet. The Pushkin Day program is different in all cities, but there are also similar points. For example, in all cities June 6th is celebrated in libraries, and poetry evenings are held in parks. This is the time when cultural people of our country have the opportunity to meet, get acquainted and communicate. Therefore, this still young holiday has already made its contribution to the history of our country.

Thanks to Pushkin Day, Russian Language Day appeared, in turn, thanks to which spelling dictations began to be held within our country. Thus, one insignificant event in its ten-year history was able to raise the level of culture. We need to use this experience in the future so that the people of our country become more educated and cultured every year.

Municipal government educational

secondary (full) boarding school institution

General education No. 16, Bolotny

Bolotninsky district, Novosibirsk region

Scenario of the event “And this is all Pushkin” dedicated to A.S. Pushkin for 4th grade students


1.Create conditions for consolidating the knowledge of A.S.’s creativity. Pushkin, the ability to expressively read Pushkin’s works, convey the mood with intonation;

2. Create conditions for the development of attention, memory, speech, interest in the work of the great poet;

3. Cultivate a love for Russian poetry.


1.Book exhibition

2.Designing the library in the style of the Pushkin era

3.Multimedia player


5.Drawing competition

6. Cartoon

Progress of the event


Hello dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to our library, where today we will host an event dedicated to the anniversary of the founder of the modern Russian literary language, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. This name is familiar to all of us from an early age. His books are known, read and reread, and many of his works have been translated into foreign languages.

The music of J. S. Bach “Choral Prelude” is played.


He's alive! Everyone's soul is imperishable,
But he especially lives:
Reverently and blissfully
Let us taste the honey of eternal life.
Captivating and full of sound
Native words are flowing....
How tiresome our inventions are

And the novelty is not new.
But perfectly cold stone
His features cannot be closed
A flying flame runs, burning,
Heaving his chest excitedly.
He is a priest and a passionate man,
But the change of feeling is unprecedented
Running is directed towards one line,
Moscow and the victorious face of Peter,
The village of Mozart and Juan,
And gloomy Herman, the Bronze Horseman,
And our sun, our fog.
Romantic, classic, old, new.
He is Pushkin and he is immortal!

Leading: And now, our dear guests, allow me to introduce you to the Hostess of our event.

Mistress: Hello, at the very beginning of our event I would like to offer you a presentation “The Magnificent Pushkin”, telling about the life and work of the wonderful classic Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

On June 6, 1799, on one of the streets of Moscow, a little boy was born - the future famous poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.(slide1)

The father of the future poet, Sergei Lvovich Pushkin, was a retired military man from an old noble family. Pushkin’s mother, Nadezhda Osipovna, is the granddaughter of the famous military figure of the Peter the Great era.(slide 2)

Alexander's family spoke French among themselves. Sasha learned to read early and willingly did it himself. But he liked it more when they read it out loud to him. He began writing poetry when he was very young. His first poem was written in French.(slide 3)

We were in the Pushkin housetwo women who loved little Sasha immensely. It was the grandmother - Maria Alekseevna Hannibaland nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva.

From his grandmother, Pushkin heard many stories about his ancestors, including the Blackamoor of Peter the Great. Probably, the poet recalled Maria Alekseevna in poetry:

Confidant of magical antiquity,
Friend of playful and sad fictions,
I knew you in the days of my spring,
In the days of initial joys and dreams.
I was waiting for you; in the evening silence
You were a cheerful old lady
And she sat above me in the shushun,
With big glasses and a frisky rattle.

You, rocking the baby cradle ,
My young ears were captivated by the melodies
And between the shrouds she left a pipe,
Which she herself fascinated. (Slide 4)


Guys, let's play a little game “Catch a Fish”. You have to fish your prize out of the sea with a fishing rod, but before that you must complete small tasks.

    Portray a child whose toy has been taken away

    Tell me what you dreamed about as a child

    Say 5 sentences starting with the words “I want that...”

    Sit on a balloon so that it bursts

    Draw 7 different emotions on your face.

    Pretend to be an astrologer and predict the future for your friend

    Without words, confess your love

    Draw an animal (penguin, snake, bear, sloth, etc.)

    Shout 10 times “People! I love you so much!

When Sasha was 6 years old, he first came to his grandmother’s estate. Alexander Sergeevich’s grandmother recalled him this way: “in childhood, Sasha was a big bumpkin and a savage, a curly-haired boy with a dark face and radiant, lively eyes.” It was my grandmother who taught little Sasha to write and read in Russian.Grandmother and nanny spent long evenings telling interesting tales that sank into the boy’s soul for the rest of his life, introducing him to Ivanushka the fool, Koshchei, Baba Yaga, good wizards and evil sorcerers. The nanny became Pushkin's friend for life.(Slide 5)


Guys, let's watch an excerpt from a fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin.

(the tale of the goldfish)

Mistress :

What other fairy tales do you know?


The tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty hero son, Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan Princess";

- "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights";

- "The Tale of the Priest, His Worker Balda";

- "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel";


Well done boys! And now we continue our acquaintance with Pushkin’s work.

TOWhen Sasha was 12 years old, his parents decided to enroll him in the newly founded Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and Pushkin went to St. Petersburg. After graduating from the Lyceum, Pushkin moved to St. Petersburg.(slide 6)

Years passed, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin became a famous poet, composed many poems,news and even a novel in verse"Evgeniy Onegin,” but even as an adult, he continued to love fairy tales. (slide 7)


Now, dear participants, I invite you to take part in a quiz called “Travel to Lukomorye”. And the Scientist Cat will conduct it for you.

Cat Scientist:

Good evening dear friends, now I will ask you my questions, and you will answer them. For each correct answer, a token will be given out; whoever has the most will receive a prize. But before we begin, I will ask you to answer the question: “Which work by A.S. Pushkin talks about the Scientist cat?” (slide 8)

The children answer.

Cat Scientist:

Right! This is the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Let's remember this excerpt from the work.

There is a green oak near the Lukomorye,

Golden chain on oak volume.

Day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

The mermaid sits on the branches;

There on unknown paths

Traces of unseen beasts;

The hut is there, on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors...

Cat Scientist:

1. From which works are the illustrations:

Cockerel from a high knitting needle (slide 9)

I began to guard its borders... (“The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

2. Fog lay over the fields,

Noisy caravan of geese

Stretched to the south: approaching

Quite a boring time. (“The sky was already breathing in autumn...”) (slide 10)

3. “As the king-father heard

What did the messenger tell him?

In anger, he began to perform miracles...” (slide 11) (tale of Tsar Saltan)

4. And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant threats of gray winter. (“Sad time! The charm of the eyes!..) (slide 12)

5. “I will serve you gloriously,

Diligently and regularly...” (The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda) (slide 13)

6. Our dilapidated shack

And sad and dark,

What are you doing, my old lady?

She fell silent at the window. (“Winter Evening”) (slide 14)

7. “The king said goodbye to the queen,

Prepared for the journey..." (The Tale of the Dead Princess...") (slide 15)

8. Under blue skies

magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies (“Winter Morning”) (slide 16)

Cat Scientist:

Well done! We completed the task. Winner's reward ceremony.


Pushkin and music... These words seem inseparable. The poet himself was not musically gifted, but he loved music very much. He liked both folk songs and gypsy romances. Music often appears in his works. And many poems are so euphonious and soulful that they were set to music and performed both in aristocratic salons and in provincial drawing rooms. And one day, having become infatuated with the young gypsy Zemfira, Pushkin approached a gypsy camp and wandered around with them for a whole week. (slide 17)

Nastya Vorobyova reads an excerpt from the poem “Gypsies” (to gypsy music)Gypsies in a noisy crowd
They roam around Bessarabia.
They are over the river today
They spend the night in tattered tents.
Like liberty, their night is cheerful
And peaceful sleep under heaven;
Between the wheels of carts,
Half hung with carpets,
The fire is burning; family all around
Is cooking dinner; in an open field
Horses are grazing; behind the tent
The tame bear lies free.
Everything is alive in the middle of the steppes:
Concerns for peaceful families,
Ready in the morning for a short journey,
And the songs of wives, and the cry of children,
And the ringing of a camp anvil.


Well done to the beautiful gypsy, she danced for us and even managed to tell fortunes.


The talented and perfect works of A. S. Pushkin touched the hearts and souls of many Russian composers. His poetry occupies a huge place in musical creations. The love and attraction of Russian composers to Pushkin’s work is explained by the fact that the poet’s thoughts and feelings are universal to humanity, and the variety of problems and images allows him to find something in tune with his work. Composers were also attracted by the musicality of Pushkin's style. In Pushkin's love lyrics they found feelings full of tenderness, admiration and nobility. (slide 18)


And now I would like to invite you to visit our “Poetry Salon”, where the guys have prepared for you a dramatization from the work of Alexander Pushkin. Thank you very much, you can take your seats, and I would like to invite the guys to take part in the competition for the best performance of Alexander Pushkin’s works. Awarding the winner.


The poem addressed to Anna Petrovna Kern is perceived as a hymn to a woman, a hymn to love. It found a response in the works of many Russian composers. Mikhail Glinka was captivated by the beauty of Pushkin’s poems. The romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” was written in 1840 and dedicated to Anna Kern’s daughter, Ekaterina Ermolaevna, whom he loved passionately! Everything that Pushkin said in this poem was experienced and felt by Glinka. (slide 19)


Dear guests, please listen to the romance “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”


Alexander was married to Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova. They had children - 2 boys and 2 girls. (Slide 20)

However, not everything was so rosy... The young Frenchman Georges Dantes began to court Natalya Nikolaevna, the poet’s wife. This behavior of Dantes was very offensive to Pushkin. He had to fight to preserve his wife's honor and his good name. (Slide 21)

On February 8, 1837, a duel was scheduled on the Black River - in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. At a sign from the seconds, Dantes and Pushkin began to converge. Dantes shot first, Pushkin fell. The poet lived for two more days, but the wound was fatal. On February 10, Pushkin died at the age of 37. He was buried in secret, not far from Mikhailovsky, his mother’s estate, in the Svyatogorsk Monastery. (Slide 22)


Pushkin died. However, he left us a wonderful legacy - his brilliant works - poems, poems and, of course, fairy tales.How many monographs, articles, poems, stories and novels, drawings and paintings, museums and exhibitions, busts and monuments have been created about Pushkin;how many streets,areasnamed after him,how many authors has he inspired?on the creative path of A.S. Pushkin, and everyoneof these thousands of peopleopened in Pushkinyours,only for himdriven and understandable.ANDmy deep conviction- Thisdiscovery makeshappy, because Pushkin becomes a close person, a friend, and to haveSuch a friend is a rare blessing!


Goodbye friends, see you new interesting meetings in our school library. Let us all thank our Hostess for the hospitable welcome.

On June 6, the libraries of the Centralized Library System of the city of Yaroslavl hosted Pushkin Day. This date is celebrated on the birthday of the poet, who turns 219 this year. With Pushkin Day 2018, a start was made for the anniversary: ​​in 2019, the Sun of Russian poetry will celebrate 220 years!

Pushkin Day of Russia and Russian Language Day were opened by Marina Vladimirovna Smirnova, head of the department of the library-branch No. 16 named after A.S. Pushkin. She told listeners of the interactive information and educational radio project “Utromania” on the wave of “Radio Russia. Yaroslavl" about those events that residents of the city of Yaroslavl can attend in our library and the libraries of the central library of the city. And the list turned out to be quite solid. Judge for yourself.

Central Library named after M.Yu. Lermontov On Pushkin Day she began creating the “Pushkin Album”.

The library has a tradition of making entries in the “Lermontov Album” during Lermontov’s days, and now a new custom has begun.

Library visitors were invited to write their favorite poems on the pages of the album.

The action showed that the residents of Yaroslavl know Pushkin very well: about 53 lines from Pushkin’s poems were written down, and some wrote individual lines, while others wrote entire poems.

Among the visitors to the Central Library on Pushkin Day were guests from Donetsk. They also left their lines in our Album. By the way, let us remind you that Pushkin Day is also Russian Language Day.

And an unusual creature visited Lermontovka that day. It really wanted to take part in the action - and write its favorite lines into the Album. The library staff could not refuse him this - and handed him a pen! Who was that? Yes, we ourselves didn’t understand: maybe the Cat is a scientist, or maybe the Imp from “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” But definitely - Pushkin’s hero!

In library branch No. 2 presentation took place book exhibition “He is Pushkin and he is immortal!” Readers of all ages listened with interest to the librarian's story about little-known books about the great poet. The branch continued the Pushkin theme on June 8, when within the framework of the meeting of the creative association “Handiwomen”, inthe library was heldpoetic hour, the theme of which become the most important toucheslife and work of Pushkin, conversation about his place in today's world.

Library-branch No. 7 Russia started celebrating Pushkin Day in advance.

June 4 a literary and musical lounge “The Radiance of Pushkin’s Poems” was held for visitors to the KTSSON Frunzensky district, June 5 for children of primary school-kindergarten No. 85 withThere was a journey into the fairy tale “And the learned cat tells us his fairy tales.”

And on Pushkin Day itself children from the summer camp of school No. 73 took part in the interactive literary game “Not even a pen can describe.”

Library-branch No. 8 named after K. D. Balmont On Pushkin Day, Russia held a literary festival “A minute - and poetry will flow freely.”

The main participants in this interactive program were schoolchildren. The children were asked to answer quiz questions and show their knowledge of the poems and fairy tales of the great poet. And the poet’s fairy tales are perfectly suited by his own words, spoken, however, on a slightly different occasion: “What a delight these fairy tales are!”

There was a book and illustrative exhibition “An Image Carefully Preserved”, where one could see portraits of Alexander Sergeevich, his loved ones, and publications of his books over the years.

The meeting with Pushkin took place and was equally pleasant for both librarians and participants of Pushkin Day.

Library-branch No. 12 named after A.P. Chekhov On this day, I hosted the Pushkin Marathon, during which there was room for loud readings of the great poet’s poems, conversations at the exhibition, and stories about Pushkin.

In the reading room there was a book and illustrative exhibition telling about the life and work of Alexander Sergeevich.

During the day, a quiz, conversation and review were held near her, during which Pushkin’s works were played - they were read by heart and from the pages of books.

There was a conversation about the poems that his other fellow writers dedicated to the Sun of Russian poetry, and about how Pushkin enters the life of each of us at school. We talked to the youth about the value of creativity and why it is needed.

The guys and the head of the library department, Olga Leonidovna Trosheva, came to the conclusion: this value lies in the fact that art disturbs and disturbs minds and souls; it is necessary so that people are not indifferent and callous, and the goal of any creator, a person of art, is to, like the hero of Alexander Sergeevich’s poem, burn the hearts of people with a verb.

In the library-branch No. 15 named after M.S. Petrovs On the birthday of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, a thematic day “Do we know everything about Pushkin...” was held.

Who among us did not read the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in childhood? From childhood we remember the lines: “Lukomorye has a green oak tree...”. How well does everyone know Pushkin’s fairy tales? This is what the librarians decided to find out.

In the reading room, visitors were greeted by a talking exhibition “In Pushkin’s Magical Land”; we invited our users to test their knowledge of Pushkin’s fairy tales by answering quiz questions.

Participants of the Pushkin Day were offered films that included location shooting of places associated with the poet’s life, reading of historical materials, excerpts from feature films, as well as the history of Pushkin’s duels. Numerous facts from the poet’s life, seen in the films, aroused keen interest among users of our library: people exchanged opinions, giving their assessments of the events that happened many years ago.

In the library-branch No. 16 named after A.S. Pushkin For the adult subscription, an exhibition “With Pushkin at the same table” was prepared, where, in addition to books, recipes were presented that told about the gastronomic preferences of not only the poet, but also his literary heroes.

In the library on this day you could drink a cup of tea with bagels, which the poet loved so much, and take part in the blitz tournament “Remembering Pushkin’s Lines.”

By the way, he showed that library visitors are well aware of the poetic works of Alexander Sergeevich.

For children from summer recreation camps at schools No. 8 and No. 40, the literary game “In the Footsteps of Pushkin’s Fairy Tales” and the search game “Pushkin’s Excavations” were held. There was a cinema hall in the reading room “Pushkinskoe Lukomorye”, where cartoons based on the fairy tales of the great poet were shown.

Throughout the day, audio recordings of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poems performed by famous Russian actors were played in the library halls. Many readers gladly took part in the poetry podium “Read a line from Pushkin.”

In the library-branch No. 18 On Pushkin Day, an interactive game “On the Pushkin Trail” was held for the children of the city camp of school No. 69.

From the introductory conversation, young readers learned about the poet’s life and creative path and became acquainted with interesting facts from his biography. And then, together and cheerfully, the children recalled Pushkin’s fairy tales, participating in the interactive game “On the Pushkin Trail.” It turned out that the children knew the fairy tales of everyone’s favorite poet well, because they answered almost all the questions in the game correctly.

The meeting ended with a review of the book exhibition “The Sun of Russian Poetry,” where editions of the works of A.S. were presented. Pushkin - fairy tales, poems, prose.

As you can see, Pushkin Day is celebrated in the libraries of the Central Library in very different ways, but equally reverently, with respect and love for the Poet.

Chelyabinsk libraries celebrated Pushkin Day in Russia with literary gatherings, literary festivals, events, a bibliosymposium and poetry hours.

Library No. 10 "Rainbow" On June 6, I held literary gatherings “Pushkin’s Fairy Tales - Dear to the Heart.” At the book and illustrative exhibition “Behind Pushkin's Line,” guests of the holiday got acquainted with the biography of Pushkin, presented in a fairy-tale style. Among the huge number of books, each of the children found the most interesting and exciting literary masterpieces of their favorite poet. Bright illustrations clearly represented the colorful plots of the works. The children remembered the names of fairy tales, endings from the proposed passages of works, and answered tricky quiz questions with pleasure.

Artistically, the boys and girls loudly and with expression read fragments of the fairy tale about “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” Parents were also active participants in the event. Another interesting moment of the gatherings was a literary game called “Black Box”, where you had to guess what was in the box. A “Goldfish” master class was held for everyone. The children diligently created their little masterpieces; no one was afraid of the complex and painstaking work. All little participants received nice souvenirs for their activity in the event.

Guests Library No. 22 named after D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak became children from the summer camp of school No. 130. On Pushkin Day in Russia, the library named after. D.N. Mamina-Sibiryaka organized a literary festival dedicated to the great poet. During the literary game “Tales of Lukomorye” the children traveled through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, remembered his fairy-tale characters, took part in competitions: “Say the Word”, “Picture Gallery”, “Fairy-Tale Beauties”, guessed riddles about fairy-tale characters, watched presentations and cartoons. Together with the librarian, we read aloud excerpts from our favorite fairy tales from the viewing of books “At Lukomorye”. Tasks of the quiz game “Fairytale World of A.S. Pushkin" were very diverse: these included answers to questions about knowledge of the content of fairy tales, riddles based on Pushkin's fairy tales, and readings of favorite poems. The children liked the competitions “Assemble a Picture”, “Magic Box”, “Competition of Painting Connoisseurs”, where from several proposed paintings with a fairy-tale plot they had to “identify” paintings with a Pushkin plot, “Music Competition”, where the children listened to a famous concert number - an excerpt from Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera-fairy tale “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” “Flight of the Bumblebee” and also “recognized” him. The quiz was accompanied by an electronic presentation “The Fairytale World of A.S. Pushkin, amazing and magical!”, videos, beautiful music by Rimsky-Korsakov. The book exhibition “In the Magical Land of Pushkin” was offered to the attention of young readers.

IN Library No. 26 named after. OK. Tatyanicheva The Open Microphone event “We are reading Pushkin’s lines again” was held. Readers were invited to read any poem by the poet by heart or from a collection of poems. Participants in the “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” quiz showed good knowledge of the poet’s biography. Young people discovered the poet’s work from an unexpected side - “Pushkin the athlete”, “Pushkin the ecologist”. Throughout the day, footage from films based on the works of A.S. was shown. Pushkin. Participants in the open microphone, quiz and literary lotto used literature from the literary and art exhibition dedicated to the life and work of the poet “Be proud, Russia, you gave the world Pushkin!” The most popular books on June 6 were: “My Pushkin” by M. Tsvetaeva, the collection “A Wreath for Pushkin”, “Pushkin in Mikhailovsky” by I. Novikov.

Library No. 1 on this day I met readers on a poetic wave. The poetry hour “Russia’s First Love” included reading by readers of the poet’s favorite poems - volumes of his works were on display during the viewing of “Russia’s Heart Will Not Forget.” We also read poems by Russian poets dedicated to A.S. Pushkin and the statements of Russian writers about the powerful talent and significance of all his national poetry. Poems were sung - confessions of the poets F. Tyutchev, A. Blok, S. Yesenin, A. Akhmatova, N. Rubtsov, M. Tsvetaeva, Yu. Drunina, N. Dorizo ​​and others. A.S.’s poems read from the screen also attracted attention. Pushkin actors - I. Smoktunovsky, V. Lanovoy, A. Demidova, V. Zolotukhin, E. Mironov and others. The poetry day program included romances based on poems by A.S. Pushkin and electronic presentation “A.S. Pushkin in painting”, seen through the eyes of artists Kiprensky O.A., Tropinin V.A., Geitman E.I., Sokolov P.F., Favorsky V.A., Somov K.A., Serov V.A., Kustodiev B.M., Aivazovsky I.K., Repin I.E. and others. Readers expressed their love for the poet by knowledge of his life path, creative milestones and works, answering quiz questions: “The life and work of A.S. Pushkin”, “Based on the works of Pushkin”.

On Pushkin Day in Russia, June 6, library no. 31 invited all readers to remember the poems of the great poet. In the lobby, library visitors were greeted by an exhibition of creative works “At Lukomorye...” based on the favorite fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin from Children's Art School No. 4. Everyone - children and adults - took part in the literary event “Read Pushkin today!” and tried themselves as a reader or listener to the works of A.S. Pushkin. On this day, magical lines from the works of A.S. were heard in the library. Pushkin: tales “About Tsar Saltan”, “About the Golden Cockerel”, “About the Fisherman and the Fish”, excerpts from “Eugene Onegin”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, etc. Children who came to the meeting of the summer club “ Idea”, took part in the quiz “The Fairytale World of Pushkin” and successfully completed all the tasks, answering the librarians’ questions with interest and vying with each other. Campaign “Read Pushkin today!” ended, adult readers showed themselves to be fans of the poet's lyrics, and school-age children gave preference to their favorite fairy tales. All of them were united by a love of poetry and recognition of the great talent of the most famous poet in Russia.

What do physics, chemistry, and the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin have in common? To answer this question in Library No. 20 “Novosineglazovskaya” held a bibliosymposium “Pushkin, us and science” for the summer camp of school No. 144 and explored how many scientific phenomena, physical properties of substances, and chemical elements fit into Pushkin’s works. For example, gold in the works of A.S. Pushkin appears 216 times - golden cockerel, goldfish, etc. The symposium participants, together with librarians, tried to obtain a chain covered with a golden coating during the experiment. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin used in his works references not only to simple chemical elements, but also to chemical compounds, for example, about a natural crystal - rock crystal: “The prince then built a crystal house for a squirrel” (“The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”).

Also at the symposium, they remembered such a physical phenomenon as Pushkin’s wind - “The wind walks on the sea” and the symposium participants performed the experiment “Hands Creating the Wind”. Under the lines “A storm covers the sky with darkness, whirling snow whirlwinds,” they created this storm in a glass. Other works of the genius were also examined.

The bibliosymposium ended with lines from A.S. Pushkin from “Eugene Onegin”, in which he paints a picture of future changes in Russia that occurred thanks to the application of scientific achievements in technology, everyday life, and everyday life.

On June 6, the event “Classics at every step” was held in the library and outside the library. Pushkin in Novosineglazovo". Residents of the village of Novosineglazovsky were asked why June 6 was significant and asked to remember the lines of Pushkin’s favorite poems. Almost all respondents remembered Pushkin’s poems.

Library No. 2 “Coeval” Pushkin Day “He is our poet - he is our glory” was presented for the summer camps of school No. 86.

Meetings with young guests began with a loud joint reading of an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” “At Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...” and a friendly answer to the question “Who owns these lines.” How beautiful and interesting the appearance of Pushkin was learned from the book by Kudryavtseva L. “I see myself as in a mirror...” (Portraits of Tropinin V., Kiprensky O., Sokolov P.), we got acquainted with Pushkin’s childhood and adolescence from the book by V.M. Voskoboinikov. “The Life of Wonderful Children”, further life and work according to the magazine “100 People Who Changed the Course of History”.

The children were presented with an electronic presentation of the entertaining quiz “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” which celebrated its 185th anniversary this year. With great interest, the children walked through the pages of the fairy tales they had read: they actively answered questions in the quizzes “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda,” “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel,” and “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.” They animatedly guessed from the description what was in the “Magic Chest” (objects from the poet’s fairy tales), recognized fairy tales from the words: tower, spinning wheel, apple, wind; dugout, fish, trough and others. In a fabulous physical education lesson, the children depicted waves on the sea, how Prince Guidon pulled his bow and shot an arrow, how the swan turned into a princess, how the swan princess sprayed the prince.

The meetings ended with a review of the publications of the exhibition “The World of the Great Poet”, designed for Pushkin Day.

June 6 at Library No. 19 "Lokomotiv" Literary eco-hours “Natural symbols of Pushkin’s eternity” were held for children from the camp at the Orbita Center for the Humanitarian Development of Children and Youth. As part of the Year of Ecology and in connection with the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Pushkin Museum-Reserve, the children made a literary and poetic virtual trip to the country of Lukomorye “Shelter of calm, work and inspiration” - to the amazing places of the State Pushkin Nature Reserve - Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye , as well as to the Svyatogorsk Monastery.

The children were told the history of the reserve, from which they learned that the villages of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye, Petrovskoye, and Svyatogorsky Monastery, which now make up the reserve, are deeply and organically connected with the life and work of Pushkin. Having gone to the country of Lukomorye, the “travelers” made “literary” and “virtual” stops, visiting all the main corners of the huge Pushkin reserve. In Mikhailovskoye we “visited” the Pushkin house-museum, the poet’s nanny’s house and walked through the picturesque Kern linden alley and landed to rest on a secluded island of solitude. In Trigorskoye we “sat” on Onegin’s bench above the cliff near Soroti, looked at the “Sundial” lawn, the “spruce tent”, the green “solitary oak”, and, of course, the picturesque ponds of Trigorskoye - one of the best decorations of the park. After all, it was Trigorsky’s nature that became the source of inspiration for the creation of Pushkin’s novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. Next, the young spectators looked at Petrovskoye - the family estate of the Hannibals and “visited” the last refuge of the great poet - the Svyatogorsk Monastery, learned its ancient history, looked at Pushkin’s grave on a high hill near the eastern fence of the Assumption Cathedral. The children also learned about another Pushkin museum - the Boldino nature reserve in the Nizhny Novgorod region, which became the source of Pushkin’s poetic inspiration - the “Boldino autumn”. Students of the Center listened to a story about the history of the creation of the monument to Pushkin by sculptor M. Anikushin in St. Petersburg on the Arts Square. June 19 - 60 years since the grand opening of the monument.

Students with great interest became acquainted with books about the Pushkin Reserve - S. Geichenko “Under the Forest Canopy” (short stories about Mikhailovsky), A. Gordin “Pushkin Reserve”. At the literary “Pushkin” readings, poems and stories were read in honor of the Pushkin Nature Reserve - A.B. Gorskoy and K. Paustovsky In conclusion, the guys read “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by role and unanimously answered all the quiz questions on Pushkin’s fairy tales.

Library No. 24 "South-East" to the literary relay race “Happy Birthday, Alexander Sergeevich!” invited children from the school camp of school No. 146. The children were divided into two teams, chose captains and set off on an exciting journey through the fairy tales of the great writer. The relay took place in five stages. It all started with a “warm-up”: the guys were asked to answer tricky questions based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. In the next competition, “The Last Hero,” schoolchildren had to choose characters from a given fairy tale from among ten literary heroes. One team was looking for the heroes of “The Golden Cockerel”, and the second was looking for “Tales of Tsar Saltan...”. Not immediately, but all the heroes were distributed according to their fairy tales. The Pantomime competition revealed the acting talents of children: the children silently showed an excerpt from Pushkin’s work so that the other team guessed what kind of fairy tale it was. The last one was the captains competition. Based on the results of the five stages, the winners were congratulated and the teams were awarded certificates for participating in the relay.

On Pushkin Day Library No. 23 "Meridian" The literary event “I read Pushkin again and again” took place. Throughout the day in the library they read the works of A.S. Pushkin: young readers enjoyed reading the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”, the older generation recited the poems “To... (I remember a wonderful moment...)”, “Winter Evening”, “I erected a monument to myself not made by hands”, librarians read aloud the novel “Eugene Onegin." The exciting book journey “Where space and expanse awaits us in the country of Lukomorye” was carried out that day in the library by children from the camp of school No. 60. The learned cat from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” invited the children to walk along the “unknown paths” of A.S. fairy tales. Pushkin. The book journey consisted of three parts - “The Good World of Favorite Fairy Tales”, “Secrets of Fairy Tales”, “Always Read Pushkin!” With interest and excitement, solving fairy tale characters, listening to excerpts from books and watching video clips, the children moved from fairy tale to fairy tale. In the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan...”, children, together with the librarian, read aloud excerpts from this work - “The Magic Squirrel”, “The Knight Knights”, “The Swan Princess” to the symphonic episode of Rimsky-Korsakov “Three Miracles”.

For readers, an exhibition “How Eternal is Pushkin’s Word” was organized, about the creative and life path of the poet, in the center of which are the works of A.S. Pushkin - collections of poems, the novel “Eugene Onegin”, the novel “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Belkin’s Tales” and fairy tales. Readers' attention was drawn to sections of the exhibition “Boldino Autumn...” and “Muses of the Great Poet.”

Will Pushkin be read in the 21st century? - with such a question the literary hour began in the form of a dialogue “Let's read Pushkin!” in library No. 12 “Port”. First-year students of the South Ural Technical College were first reminded of the plots of the stories by A.S. Pushkin’s “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Blizzard”, and then they asked the question: “Will Pushkin be read in the 21st century, and what features of his heroes will be in demand by our contemporaries?” The children were introduced to the book exhibition “He is our poet, he is our glory,” which will be on display in the library throughout June.

Employees library no. 25 and readers who came to the library that day read aloud poems and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, got acquainted with the book exhibition “I dedicated the lyre to my people.” The children traveled through the fabulous country of Lukomorye: they remembered the heroes of this Pushkin country, and read in chorus an excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. The children happily completed the tasks assigned to them: they accurately determined which fairy tale characters belonged to certain phrases, recognized fairy tales from illustrations, enthusiastically solved crossword puzzles based on fairy tales: “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and accepted participation in loud readings, voicing excerpts from their favorite fairy tales by Pushkin: “Tales of the Fisherman and the Fish” and “Tales of Tsar Saltan” and the quiz “Lukomorye”. They happily answered all the fabulous quiz questions. The winners of the intellectual battle were: Maxim Berezin, Dima Grigoriev and Veronica Pyleeva. The children recited their favorite poems by A.S. Pushkin, got acquainted with the book exhibition on his work.

IN Library No. 13 “Interlocutor” For the children from the school camp of Lyceum No. 120, we conducted an “excursion” “With love for Pushkin” to Pushkin’s places in Chelyabinsk. The presentation “The Name of Pushkin in Chelyabinsk” helped to visit the city park named after. A.S. Pushkin, in the cinema named after. A.S. Pushkin, take a walk along the street named after. A.S. Pushkin, look into the library named after. A.S. Pushkin. The most important part was the recitation competition, where the children read their favorite poems out loud. At the end of the meeting, we held a quiz on the work and life of the poet. The guys did an excellent job with the quiz, demonstrating their love for Pushkin’s work. The book exhibition “This Holy Name is Pushkin” featured books, magazines, postcards and writings by students.

For the older generation at the “Life Lover” club, they read a chapter from the play by K.G. Paustovsky “Our Contemporary”, painting No. 6 “A.S. Pushkin in Mikhailovsky", an essay from the series "Wanderings" "Mikhailovsky Groves", looked at albums and postcards of these protected places from the exhibition. And of course, everyone enjoyed reading A.S.’s poems. Pushkin.