Start in science. Funeral home "grail" According to numerology, which means the number 9

I have been wanting to write this post for a long time, but somehow my hands never reached =)
I'll tell you a little why I'm interested in the number 9! Well, the answer is obvious! My surname is Devyatov, my date of birth is also the ninth number and, oddly enough, my favorite number is also 9!)))
Do you believe in the magic of numbers? Personally, I believe because we live in the Matrix! Just kidding =) But nevertheless, numbers play a big role in our unpredictable life!
And the number 9 for me, of course, is of great importance, it haunts me all my life!

9 (nine) is a natural number, located between the digits 8 and 10. It completes a series of digits consisting of one character.

And here are interesting facts collected by me on the Internet about my favorite tsifarka (with comments):
NINE is a symbol of permanence and cyclicity, since any multiple of nine, when reduced to a single digit, gives a total of nine (18, 27, 36, etc.), that is, again gives itself (a sign of divisibility). (In general, this is a very interesting fact, let's take 729 for example, it is divisible by 9, add 7+2+9=18 and now 1+8=9! Beauty! Isn't this magic in mathematics?!)

According to popular beliefs, it is believed that cats have nine lives, so cats, more often than other animals, are associated with magic. (Why exactly 9? I finally xs! But apparently this is probably somehow connected with feline pazematology (from the Greek "pasema" - "fall"). I also managed to dig up this on the Internet:

  • This expression came to our days from the Middle Ages, when cats (especially black ones) were called devil's accomplices. It was believed that the witch was able to turn into a black cat nine times, and this is where the belief about the multiplicity of cat lives came from.
  • Some experts in mythology correlate the popular belief that a cat has nine lives, that is, unusually tenacious, with the pantheon of Egyptian gods, in which there were three groups, nine gods each. Perhaps because of their patronizing love for the cat, the idea of ​​nine cat lives was born. Indeed, in ancient Egypt, cats enjoyed a special position, and even the sacred white bull Apis was not so revered.
  • The Greek Artemis is also associated with the cat and the number nine. And the Nordic Freya with a mysterious cat team, who received power over the nine worlds from Odin.
  • In the mythology of Egypt, when the god Ra descended to earth, his assistant descended from heaven with him. He took the form of a cat. Pharaohs were guarded by cats and Ra gave the cat 9 lives for good service.

Nine is the square of the number 3(three).(Three is good! Three squared is even better!)

The great parade of planets (Wikipedia says about the end of the world in 2012: “About the same time, the great parade of planets will begin - when all nine planets of the solar system line up in one row, on one side of the Sun and are located on a conditional straight line, and this the conditional straight line will cross the Milky Way - the equator of our galaxy, and the Sun will be in its very center. This is one of the rarest astronomical phenomena for science that occurs about once every 25 thousand years. Presumably, the end of a long period in the Mayan calendar is precisely connected with this rare astronomical phenomenon .” (Well, now it is already considered that there are not 9, but 8 planets (Pluto was considered a planet until 2006), but this does not cancel the alignment of 9 celestial bodies in one line?)

The atomic number of fluorine is 9.(What can I say? Well, maybe fluorine is cool too! =))

It is known from the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato that there were 9 kingdoms in Atlantis.(And not just this!)

The curse of the ninth symphony is a superstition that, starting with Beethoven, every composer who wrote the 9th symphony dies shortly thereafter.

Tolkien: nine Nazgûl - former kings whose souls are enslaved by the Rings of Power(Tolkien is handsome!)

"Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri: Nine circles of hell and 9 - the number of Beatrice.(Recommended reading!)

Ancient Greece: Nine Muses: Calliope, Euterpe, Melpomene, Thalia, Erato, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Clio, Urania.

Nine orders of angels: “He will be seen coming in the clouds in great power and glory, and all nine orders of angels will appear ...” (Joel 3:2). The nine ranks include: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions (angelic rank), Forces, Authorities, Beginnings, Archangels and Angels. (Do angels have ranks? O_o)

The ninth wave is the strongest wave, which, according to legend, is fatal for sailors.(you can't imagine stronger!)

9 (cartoon, 2009). The producers of the film are famous directors Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov.(I advise you to look, I liked it)

Symbolically, the Holy Spirit is a nine-pointed star, on the rays of which the first letters of the Latin names of each of the gifts are inscribed. (First Corinthians 12:8-10: “To one is given by the Spirit a word of wisdom, to another a word of knowledge…; to another faith…; to another gifts of healings…; to another miracles, to another prophecy, to another discernment of spirits, to another different tongues, to another interpretation of tongues” )

Origin of the name of the city of Barcelona: a version from mythology, according to which Hercules (aka Hercules) with the Argonauts, who were looking for the Golden Fleece, landed on the Catalan coast to wait out the storm that broke out in the sea. After the elements calmed down, Hercules was not counted as part of his expedition of one ship. Ninth in a row (Barca Nona), the remains of which, with the help of Hermes, the god of trade and art, managed to be discovered where the Montjuic urban area is now located. The landscapes of the area impressed travelers so much that they decided to found a city here and give it a name in honor of the shipwrecked Barcanon.

Chelyabinsk city- there are 9 letters in the name of this city =) I live in it, but how else can it be? =)

Pool 9- a kind of game of billiards.

The ancient Slavs had a week of nine days: Monday, Tuesday, triteynik, Thursday, Friday, sixth, week, eight and week. Remember the phrases from the fairy tales uncorrected by the “historians”: “and on the first week he went to the City-capital” (Humpbacked Horse), “the eight has already passed and the week has come” (Stone bowl).
1 Monday Labor Day - After the Week
2 Tuesday Labor Day - SECOND
3 Treteynik rest day - THIRD
4 Thursday Labor Day - FOURTH
Friday 5 Labor Day - FIFTH
6 Sixth day of rest - SIXTH
7 Week is a day of rest, fasting is the SEVENTH
8th Labor Day - AXIS OF THE WORLD
9 Week Guest Day - NO ACTIVITIES

And also the Slavs had 9 months:
Ramhat - the month of the divine beginning (41 days),
Aylet - month of new gifts (40 days),
Beylet - the month of white radiance and peace of the world (41 days),
Gaylet - month of blizzards and cold (40 days),
Daylet - the month of the awakening of nature (41 days),
Elet - the month of sowing and naming (40 days),
Veylet - month of winds (41 days),
Haylet - the month of receiving the gifts of nature (40 days),
Tailet is the month of completion (41 days).

I would be grateful for your additions and comments!

Each number in numerology symbolizes a certain type of energy that has a special impact on the life and destiny of a person. Nine is associated with idealism that extends to all areas of life. It symbolizes optimism and hope for the positive development of any business. The meaning of the number 9 has a strong influence on a person's life.

Nine is the last number in numerology, which has collected the features of other numbers. Color-symbol 9 is brown and all its shades.

In numerology, the number nine is associated with such positive qualities of character:

These qualities of character help a person who is patronized by the nine to harmoniously build his life and peaceful relations with others.

But the number nine also has negative character traits. We are talking about a tendency to excessive emotionality and the desire to create a drama out of any problem. However, for people who are favored by the nine, a sincere expression of accumulated emotions is an excellent way to relieve internal tension.

The negative qualities of the nature of nines include excessive attachment to the past. This feature often makes a person regret the old days, which makes it difficult to focus on current problems.

It is believed that nine symbolizes pregnancy immersed in itself. This means that this number is characterized by a concentration on its inner world and unwillingness to look around. The upcoming changes pretty much spoil the mood of the nine man, since any innovations cause him stress and a sense of disharmony.

Nine in the name

If a person has 9 among the numbers of the name, then it symbolizes a tendency to self-expression and the desire for constant work on appearance. It is believed that people who have a nine in their name have a happy fate.

The ability to thank fate for moments of happiness is also considered a hallmark of personalities with the number 9. Even if misfortunes happen in the lives of such people, faith in the good remains with them and really helps in overcoming mental pain.

Career impact

The number 9 does not like conventions, so it is difficult for people whom she favors to decide on the choice of specialty. A well-paid hobby is more suitable for these individuals, and it can be associated not only with creativity, but also with the field of trade.

To find your calling, a nine person should not focus on the recommendations of others. In search of a vocation, it is necessary to listen to inner desires and not do what the soul does not lie in.

Personal life

In numerology, the number nine is associated with intimacy, so people who have this number in their date of birth and (or) name do not tolerate loneliness well. A person will prefer an alliance even with an unsuitable partner to complete loneliness. Nine people strive not only to receive love, but also to give their warmth to others.

The family occupies a special place in the life of a person of the number nine. These people are responsible for marriage and raising children, so they strive to marry at a young age.

Number 9 and baby

Children born under the number 9 need increased attention to themselves, as they are naturally capricious and demanding. If parents manage to keep such a child within the framework, at the same time, without infringing on him in the manifestation of desires, these qualities of character can be transformed into positive ones. Children of the number 9 are talented individuals from an early age, whose task is to take advantage of their giftedness and find with it the work of a lifetime.

At school, such a child experiences failures, remarks and bad grades too painfully, since from childhood they strive for ideal and harmony. If a nine child devotes himself completely to his studies, he will be successful and have new opportunities to realize his unique abilities.

People born under the number 9 strive for independence from adolescence. Even if these people want to leave their parental home as soon as possible and start building an independent life. It is not worth interfering with the intentions of a person, because he will quickly cope with the trials and become truly independent, contrary to the experiences of his parents.

A person born under the number 9 can make the most of the positive qualities given to him by this magical and mysterious number.

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The meaning of the number 9

The number "9" plays a huge role in our life, being a protector and guide, because 9 - can be both the date of birth, and the date of the wedding or other significant and important event in life. This number follows us everywhere, in connection with which it served as an interest in its manifestation. Studying this issue, we can conclude that the number can influence the fate and life of a person in such a way, and also that such amazing phenomena are associated with this number.

"Nine" in numerology, is one of the most special numbers. It is so multifaceted that, looking at such a simple hook, you don’t even suspect the uniqueness of the inner content.

This number has a contradictory, exciting mind character. You can even say that it is so charismatic and impulsive that it prompts reflection and creativity. "9" makes us better, although often annoying.

Number "9" is the mouth and source of a person's life experience, brings forgiveness into his life. It pushes people to develop, this is the so-called "numerical pendal".

"9" is quite extensive and global in the manifestations of its activity, its shape indicates the girth. If the "nine" wants to push forward all of humanity, its strength will increase hundreds of times.

"Nine" is symbol constancy and cyclicality, she is endowed with the talent to correct mistakes, no matter how difficult they are, and thanks to her humanity she is able to achieve impressive results.

The number "nine" endowed with such abilities that only in a noble way help to achieve success in any business. This is the number of intuition, imagination and generosity, they say that he is patronized by divine protection.

The number "9" everywhere brings refined soulfulness and a broad outlook. The abilities of the number are manifested by the restoration of various things, and even human destinies.

In many cultures (Aztec, Buddhist, Mohist, Taoist, etc.), the number "nine" is associated with the idea of ​​heaven.
It is interesting that in ancient Greece it was precisely 9 muses: history (Clio), tragedy (Melpomene), lyric poetry (Euterpe), epic poetry (Calliope), love poetry (Erato), dance (Terpsichore), astronomy (Urania), comedy (Thalia), and hymns (Polyhymnia).

Also, it turns out there is 9 angelic ranks: Archangels, Angels, Cherubim, Dominions, Thrones, Forces, Authorities, Beginnings and Seraphim. And there are also 9 divisions of demons: Violent, Falsely Enlightened, Unjust, Liars, Perverse, Tempters, Pretenders, Mind Demons and Persecutors.

The symbol of the Holy Spirit is star with nine rays, on which the first Latin letters of the names of each of the gifts are applied.

Also an amazing fact is that cats (according to popular belief) have nine lives. Maybe that's why cats are associated with magic more often than other animals.

A unique phenomenon - the Great parade of planets, when they line up in one row nine planets solar system (this rare phenomenon occurs about once every 25 thousand years). And yet, the Ninth Wave is the largest and strongest wave, fatal for sailors.

An interesting conclusion and observation is the so-called "Curse of the ninth symphony" - this is a superstition that any of the composers, after writing the 9th symphony, dies. Even in the famous work of Dante Alighieri "The Divine Comedy" it is precisely nine circles of hell and 9 is Beatrice's number.

It turns out that among the ancient Slavs, the week did not consist of 7 days, but of nine, and there were only 9 months in the year.

Also unusual, at first glance, is that, by placing number "3" under a magnifying glass, we will see "9".

From a mathematical point of view, the "nine" is very special. Multiplied by any other number, it always adds up to "9".

For example: 9*3=27 (2+7), i.e. 2+7=9 or 9*5=45, i.e. 4+5=9

And if you add another number to "9", you get the number that was added.

For example: 9+2=11 (1+1), i.e. 1+1=2 or another example 9+8=17 (7+1), i.e. 7+1=8

Many more wonderful words can be written about the amazing abilities of the "nine", but let's complete the article with the main feature of the number "9" in everything to strive for perfection and love all the best.

People have always wanted to know about their future. To comprehend the secrets of the universe, to look into the root of the universe. In ancient times, numbers were considered mysterious symbols and caused awe. Since ancient times, the value of the number 9 in numerology was considered sacred.

What is numerology?

Numerology is an esoteric study of numbers that allows you to look into the most hidden corners of human nature. The mystery of numbers in numerology was combined into a certain system of addition to obtain a simple, single-digit number.

The summation of the numbers corresponded to the year, month and date of birth. In ancient times, the science of numbers was comprehended only by selected people who were equated with sorcerers and magicians. They learned astronomy and mathematics, studied the number system and actively used it.

History of numerology

Pythagoras, the famous scientist and philosopher of ancient Greece, combined the teachings of the Egyptian priests, Babylonian magicians and the mathematics of the Arabs into a single whole. According to the concept of Pythagoras, the soul of a person after his death is incarnated nine times into a new body. Life should be filled with meaning. Working on himself, a person eliminates the mistakes of the past, purifying his karma.

Pythagoras created an inimitable matrix - the square of Pythagoras, according to which one can draw up not only a description of a person, but also his entire life path.

In China, its own doctrine of numerology was formed and progressed. It paid more attention to human health, the harmony of numbers and organs of the body. Modern magicians and psychics have combined Chinese numerology and the Pythagorean matrix. A science was created that affects all aspects of a person's life path - health, marriage, love, career success. Knowing the meaning of the number 9 in numerology, you can find out the fate of a person. People are doing this science now.

What does the nine mean, according to the ideas of the adherents of this science? 9 is the number of fate in numerology. This is the final number in the matrix, ending the life cycle. The main credo of the nine is universal balance. Confidence that higher powers create a balance between good and evil, light and darkness. Nines are ambitious, highly intelligent people, with a phenomenal memory and a strong will.

They are independent, with their own principles and moral principles. These are creative people, lovers of art and poetry. Also, these people are passionate travelers, the fire of discoveries and pioneers burns in them. The number of fate 9 gives its owners the secret, esoteric abilities of foresight. They feel the thoughts, mental and psychological state of people at the astral level. These are insightful and observant individuals.

Positive qualities of the nine

People who know the meaning of the number 9 in numerology and have it in their core of life have benevolence. They know how to listen, treat everyone without exception with understanding, show care and compassion. These people have positive energy, cause positive emotions in society. They are drawn to them, looking for protection and understanding. These people are full of dignity, do not like restrictions and are independent. The spirit of freedom lives in them from birth.

Negative qualities of the nine

The number 9 relates to life's problems quite dramatically and sensitively. Sometimes people protected by the nine get so carried away that they turn the real situation into a theatrical performance, thereby relieving mental anguish and internal tension.

At heart, they are incorrigible romantics and lovers of retro relationships that actually puzzle a partner. By nature, introverts tend to alcoholism, drug addiction, violence. Parents need to be attentive and sensitive to nine children in order to direct them in the right direction. These qualities should not be given development and emotional recharging. The meaning of the number 9 in numerology is success in any field of activity. In finance, they have no problems, they spend easily, without thinking about the future.


It is important for parents to know the meaning of the birth number 9 in numerology. Such children are destined to be a guiding star, to help everyone who meets on the path of life. To show love, the nobility of the soul, to indicate the true meaning of life and their purpose. Only in this way will they find happiness, meaning in life.

A person whose birth number is 9 in numerology is by nature a manager and leader, no matter in what area or field of activity. Fair, but self-centered, a lover of comfort and coziness, in life he relies only on himself. But this is a very scrupulous and delicate person, has great tolerance towards people, their sins and misdeeds.

Uncompromisingness leads the nine to disappointment. Therefore, 9 closes in itself, begins introspection, which for a long time unbalances. Due to the fact that these are creative people, they are well versed in music, fine arts, they know how to play music and sing. Such people try to surround themselves with educated and intellectual friends. For nine people, love is a gift of fate. They try to please their partner in everything without receiving gratitude. The ability to do good is their essence. Fate fully rewards them for this.

Wedding and number 9

Married couples should know the meaning of the number 9 in numerology for the wedding. It has a positive effect on couples who do not have excessive demands on each other, if they do not want career growth, do not have ambitions. Partners will be happy to give themselves to the interests of the family, children and each other. After all, they don't need anything else to be happy. But if one of the spouses decides to take up career growth, then the second partner will have to submit and give himself completely to the family.

Nine and car

Any car has its own character and disposition. The number 9 in numerology (meaning for a car) also plays a role. A car can bring good luck or throw up continuous trouble. It's not bad when the number of the car and the number of the owner's fate are the same. A person buying a car should know the meaning of nine in numerology for a car. 9 is perfect for those people who are associated with social activities: medicine, advocacy, fire service.

The number 9 in numerology is associated with the warlike planet Mars. A strong-willed, militant character is inherent not only in people, but also in machines.

9 brings good luck on the road. If the nine is present in the numbers, the road will always be easy. At the same time, the car is moderately aggressive and ambitious, but at the same time reliable and obedient.


The question of how to commemorate 9 days after death and how to properly celebrate the commemoration of the deceased is important for families who have experienced a loss. There are many customs and rituals that must be observed on this day. A memorial meal, a service in a temple where memorial services are performed, church prayers, a visit to the grave - all this is an obligatory and integral part of the commemoration. In order to adequately honor the memory of your neighbor, you need to know how 9 days are celebrated from the date of death.

Commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy

Commemoration of the dead is a special custom among Orthodox Christians. In Orthodoxy, the numbers 3, 9, 40 have a sacred meaning, so these days are special for commemoration. According to church traditions, after death, you need to commemorate a person in order to help the deceased find peace with their prayers. After leaving earthly life, the soul of the deceased is in search of its path to a new life. She is looking for her new home in the other world. Remembering a person, praying for him, neighbors alleviate the fate of the departed and help the soul find peace.

Wake for 9 days after death

In Orthodoxy, Christians have a tradition of honoring the memory of the deceased for nine days from the moment of departure. There are special customs of commemoration of the deceased, which are extremely important to observe, because these are traditions established from time to time. Adhering to these traditions and rituals is important not only from the point of view of religion, but also for the peace of mind and balance of the family of the deceased.

Necessary funeral ceremonies for 9 days after death:

  • going to church;
  • service (requiem, lithium, funeral service, magpie);
  • reading a prayer (in church or at home);
  • visiting the grave
  • memorial dinner.

Why do they make a commemoration for 9 days

The commemoration of the deceased is arranged for 9 days after the death in honor of the nine angels who protect the soul of the deceased and ask the Almighty for her salvation. Following Orthodox traditions, the purpose of holding a memorial service is to help the deceased find their new home. The ninth day after the departure of a person is a very important period for relatives and friends. According to church customs, the transition of the soul of the deceased to the Kingdom of Heaven depends on them. With their prayers, relatives can help the soul of the departed find peace.

Who is invited

Traditionally, the wake of nine days is considered uninvited. It is important that people come of their own free will. Inviting or reminding about this date is not customary in Orthodox traditions. However, in the modern world, people are often invited to commemorations in order to plan and resolve organizational issues in advance. Sometimes the relatives of the deceased themselves accidentally remind about this event, thereby, without violating traditions, they warn in advance about their arrival. If a large number of people are expected, then the commemoration is arranged outside the home, for example, in a restaurant.

What is being cooked

The most common dish that is prepared for a wake for 9 days is kutya: boiled wheat seeds, to which something sweet is added, such as sugar or honey. Seeds are a symbol of life, and sugar or honey is the sweetness of life after death. Instead of kutya, you can cook another porridge, for example, rice. It is customary to put compote or jelly on the memorial table for 9 days. Sometimes at memorial meals you can see pancakes, pies, various fish dishes, meatballs, as well as borscht. According to Orthodox customs, the memorial meal should be without alcohol.

What do they do for 9 days

Commemoration for 9 days after death is the day when the deceased is remembered and only good things are remembered about him. During this period, it is not customary to arrange mourning gatherings or, conversely, to arrange a joyful feast. He should pass quietly, and the family of the deceased should behave humbly. In addition, there are a large number of different customs that must be taken into account.

Customs commemoration 9 days:

  • At home from morning to night there should be a slice of bread and dishes with water.
  • Next to the photograph of the deceased, you need to light a candle or lamp.
  • It is necessary to visit the cemetery of the deceased, but it is impossible to arrange a commemoration right in the middle of the cemetery.
  • The memorial meal should be modest, no frills.
  • Food that remains after the funeral meal should not be thrown away. The remaining products should be distributed to the poor and homeless people.
  • On this date, you need to distribute alms, give meals to the poor, help those in need.


Correctly remembering the dead on the 9th day means praying for them. Despite the pain and bitterness of loss, one must be aware that prayer will help the deceased more than tears. It is important to let go of a loved one so that in the afterlife his soul finds peace. Praying for the mercy of the Almighty to the deceased is extremely necessary, because if they pray for the deceased, then there is something good in him. Therefore, it is important to visit the temple, order a magpie about the departed. Before the memorial meal, it is imperative to read the rite of lithium about the deceased.